jakhax / go-tech-news-highlights

A golang & angular web app for showing user highlights from tech news websites - sources & their highlights, using newsapi

Home Page:https://jakhax.github.io/go-tech-news-highlights

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tech News Highlights


A web app for showing user highlights from tech news websites - sources & their highlights, using newsapi.

I did this project to understand the process of building simple web apps and rest apis with Golang.

I believe its also possible build this web app with Angular only without the rest api but my end goal was learning Go.

User Requirements

  • A user is able to click on a tech news source and view a list of articles from that source.
  • Clicking on the news article will then redirect you to the news article's web page.

Quick Start


  • Install go
  • git clone https://github.com/jakhax/go-tech-news-highlights.git
  • cd go-tech-news-highlights
  • Add your newsapi key to .env file APIKEY=YOUR_KEY, do commit this file.
  • go run main.go http_handlers.go or go build
  • for angular cd go-tech-news-highlights/front-end && npm i

Go Rest API endpoints

You can test the endpoints using a browser/curl/postman or any tool you prefer

Tech news sources


Source articles


Source top headlines


Live Demo


Deploying back-end rest api to Heroku

This assumes you have ever worked with heroku, not necessarily Go applications.

  • Create a Procfile , a text file in the root directory of your application, to explicitly declare what command should be executed to start your app.
    • web: go-tech-news-highlights
  • Install Go deps to manage Go package dependencies on Heroku, which helps build applications reproducibly by fixing their dependencies.
    • go get github.com/tools/godep
  • Run godep save ./... to generate dependencies.
  • Create Heroku app, commit all changes and deploy.
  • Add your news APIKEY to heroku via the dashboard settings area or by running heroku config:set APIKEY=YOUR_API_KEY
  • edit PRODUCTION variable to true.
  • Test your app via browser / postman / curl , see heroku logs incase of an error.

Deploying angular frontend to ghpages

  • npm i -g angular-cli-ghpages
  • ng build --prod --base-href="https://GithubUserName.github.io/GithubREPO/" to create a build folder dist, copy this folder to the root folder and run ngh --dir=dist/
  • Remember to add ghpages url to back-end ResponseWriter http header to avoid issues with cors
    • w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "https://jakhax.github.io")

Technologies Used


Bugs & Contribution

  • I dont plan on supporting this or responding to issues concerning this project, this is just an assignment, while I learn basic Golang.

License (MIT License)

This project is licensed under the MIT Open Source license, (c) Jack ogina


A golang & angular web app for showing user highlights from tech news websites - sources & their highlights, using newsapi


License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%