jack2200 / rosplan_tutorial

Material for ICAPS 2018 ROSPlan tutorial

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ICAPS-2018 Tutorial

Integrating Classical Planning and Mobile Service Robots using ROSPlan

Oscar Lima and Rodrigo Ventura (DFKI, Germany, IST, Univ. Lisbon)

oscar.lima@dfki.de, rodrigo.ventura@isr.tecnico.ulisboa.pt

Tutorial website available here, tutorial slides available over there.


Step 1: Install virtual machine downloaded from here: https://goo.gl/C35Zym (in, e.g., VirtualBox, VMWare)

Step 2: Add the following line to the ~/.bashrc:

source ~/ros_kinetic/ropslan/devel/setup.bash

Step 3: Clone the tutorial git repository containing example files from SocRob@Home team:

cd ~/ros_kinetic/ropslan/src
git clone https://github.com/oscar-lima/rosplan_tutorial.git
cd rosplan_tutorial
catkin build --this

Step 4: Fix PDDL domain:

roscd rosplan_tutorial/common/pddl
gedit domain.pddl

find and complete line:

; code find_object here !!!

Step 5: Fix PDDL problem instance:

roscd rosplan_tutorial/common/pddl
gedit problems/trivial.pddl
locate line: ; fact missing here !!!
add missing fact

Step 6: Check the PDDL domain and problem and test it:

roscd rosplan_tutorial/common/pddl
rosrun rosplan_planning_system popf domain.pddl problems/trivial.pddl

Step 7: Launch the ROSPlan system:

roslaunch rosplan_tutorial gpsr_demo.launch

Step 8: Test the problem generator:

rostopic echo /rosplan_problem_interface/problem_instance
rosservice call /rosplan_problem_interface/problem_generation_server

Step 9: Test the planner interface:

rostopic echo /rosplan_planner_interface/planner_output
rosservice call /rosplan_planner_interface/planning_server

Step 10: Test the plan parser:

rostopic echo /rosplan_parsing_interface/complete_plan
rosservice call /rosplan_parsing_interface/parse_plan

Step 11: Test the plan dispatcher:

rostopic echo /rosplan_plan_dispatcher/action_dispatch
rostopic echo /rosplan_plan_dispatcher/action_feedback
rosservice call /rosplan_plan_dispatcher/dispatch_plan


Material for ICAPS 2018 ROSPlan tutorial


Language:Python 49.7%Language:Shell 30.2%Language:CMake 20.1%