iyht / Decentralized-Funding

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Decentralized Crowdfunding Application

We proposed to develop a decentralized crowdfunding application, which can help people who have great ideas to get their funding, and people who want to contribute to a meaningful project. This DApp offers two approaches to collect funding. One is the standard way, which is donation. Another method is people pay some money to participate in a lottery, and the majority of the funding will be used to support the project. Project creators can decide which approach they want to use to collect money.


Install dependencies

yarn install && cd frontend && yarn install && cd ..

Test the frontend web application with local node

Start the local Ether network use hardhat

yarn hardhat node

Start React Application

cd frontend
yarn start

Test with the local hardhat node.

  • This is optional. You can also test on any test net.
  • When connecting to the MetaMask, make sure to use the Private Key that provide by the local node. For example the follwoing private key.
  • Import above Private Key into the MetaMask, and then select the local test net to connect.
Account #0: 0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266 (10000 ETH)
Private Key: 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80

Deploy Contract to Live Net

  • To deploy a live testnet, we first need to access the testnet node. AlchemyWeb3 is a company provides the ethereum node service.
  • Create a .env file that contains the API to the ethereum node, and the testnet account's private key. Make sure the account have some ether to deploy the contract.
  • To get the API, go to https://www.alchemyapi.io, sign up, create a new App in its dashboard.
  • Replace this private key with your Ropsten account private key. To export your private key from Metamask, open Metamask and go to Account Details > Export Private Key. Be aware of NEVER putting real Ether into testing accounts
  • ./scripts/deploy.js is the script the deploy the Manager. Run following command to invoke the script and deploy the contract to the testnet.
yarn hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network ropsten
  • You will then get the following output if everything goes well
Manager deployed to: 0x...
✨  Done in 29.24s.

Main Features

  • Transparent standard crowdfunding for project owners and investors
  • Contributor-first project listing
  • Lottery-based crowdfunding to attract more funders and raise more funds

Incentive Designs

To encourage potential investors/funders to contribute to the crowdfunding projects in our DApp, we design the following incentives:

  • Project Listing Priority: Contributors will have a higher priority in project listing than non-contributors when creating crowdfunding projects. The more they contribute, the more exposure their crowdfunding projects will gain.
  • Lottery: Project owners can opt for a lottery project where a portion of the funds are set aside as the prize pool for the lottery to attract more funders and funds. All funders will have a chance to win the prize and the more they contribute, the more chance they will get.

Basic Functionalities

Project Owners

  • Choose from standard crowdfunding project or lottery-based crowdfunding project
  • Create a crowdfunding project with details: beneficiary, project title, description and image, funding goal, project duration
  • Browse own projects
  • Extend the duration of the crowdfunding project if funds raised to date are lower than expected
  • Cancel the crowdfunding project if funds are no longer needed
  • Complete the crowdfunding project and have the beneficiary receives raised funds


  • Browse details of all active projects and past projects
  • Invest in standard crowdfunding projects with all funds going to the projects
  • Invest in lottery-based crowdfunding projects with a chance to win back a larger prize

APIs for Front End

Create a project

  • function createProject(address receiver, string calldata title, string calldata desc, string calldata imgUrl, uint256 goalAmount, uint256 duration) external;
  • event NewProject(address indexed owner, address indexed receiver, string title, string description, string img_url, uint goalAmount, uint duration);

View projects

  • function getAllProjects () external view returns (Project[] memory);

View project details

  • function getCurrentState() public;
  • event stateInfo(address indexed, address indexed, string, string, string, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint, uint, address[]);


  • function contribute() public payable returns(bool);
  • event fundingRecevied(address indexed, uint256, uint256);

Cancel project

  • function cancelProject() public returns(bool);
  • event projectCanceled(address indexed, address indexed, uint256);

Advanced Functionalities (if time permits)

  • Project creation fees - a small fee to prevent abuse and can also be used to compensate transaction fees for early investors
  • Reward-based crowdfunding projects - a way for project owners to say thank you to their funders
  • More types of lottery games for lottery-based crowdfunding projects - more ways to play!



Language:JavaScript 80.8%Language:Solidity 16.0%Language:HTML 2.1%Language:CSS 1.2%