ipab-rad / youbot_picknplace

Object sensing and manipulation for youbot platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Object sensing and manipulation for youbot platform


  • Clone this project
git clone https://github.com/ipab-rad/youbot_picknplace.git
  • YouBot and MoveIt related configuration files (except youbot_driver)
git clone https://github.com/ipab-rad/rad_youbot_stack.git
  • ROS deps
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-cmake-modules
  • MoveIt and youBot arm kinematics plugin
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-moveit-full ros-hydro-moveit-simple-controller-manager
git clone https://github.com/svenschneider/youbot-manipulation.git

(and moveit_fake_controller_manager if needed)

  • ASUS Xtion and (ORK) object detection deps
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-openni2-launch ros-hydro-openni2-camera
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-object-recognition-core ros-hydro-object-recognition-msgs ros-hydro-object-recognition-ros ros-hydro-object-recognition-ros-visualization
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-object-recognition-tabletop
  • If needed, install any of the ORK deps
sudo apt-get install libopenni-dev ros-hydro-catkin ros-hydro-ecto* ros-hydro-opencv-candidate ros-hydro-moveit-msgs
  • For simulations in Gazebo
git clone https://github.com/mas-group/youbot_simulation.git


  • ORK Tabletop

    • Add new object to DB to be detected:
     rosrun object_recognition_core object_add.py -n cube -d "A simple cube" --commit
    • Add object mesh from file. Using ID returned in previous command. other mesh files can be supplied by changing the path for the object file:
    rosrun object_recognition_core mesh_add.py d399103d741b4138f935e68ba6000829 `rospack find youbot_picknplace`/data/cube.stl --commit
    • Delete object using ID:
    rosrun object_recognition_core object_delete.py d399103d741b4138f935e68ba6000829 --commit
    • Plane detection with Rviz visualization:
    roslaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch
    rosrun rviz rviz
    rosrun object_recognition_core detection -c `rospack find youbot_picknplace`/conf/detection.table.ros.ork
    • Object detection with Rviz visualization:
    roslaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch
    rosrun rviz rviz
    rosrun object_recognition_core detection -c  `rospack find youbot_picknplace`/conf/detection.object.ros.ork

    NOTE: more information on the usage and FAQS of the Tabletop pipeline can be found in http://wg-perception.github.io/ork_tutorials/tutorial02/tutorial.html

  • Gazebo Simulation

    roslaunch youbot_gazebo_robot youbot.launch
  • Motion

    • MoveIt! motion execution python script
     roslaunch youbot_moveit_config move_group.launch
     rosrun moveit_commander moveit_commander_cmdline.py

    - Joint commander without MoveIt
rosrun youbot_driver_ros_interface youbot_keyboard_arm_teleop.py

- Manipulating Agent

    on youBot (in different terminals):
    roslaunch youbot_picknplace prepare.launch
    roslaunch youbot_picknplace detection.launch

    on external computer (in different terminals):
    roslaunch youbot_picknplace start.launch

    system is ready now,

    to run manipulating agent (it will wait for interest area to be published):
    rosrun agent agent 1

- Exploring Agent

    - on youBot:
    roslaunch youbot_navigation_common prepare_youbot.launch

    - on external computer (in different terminals):
    roslaunch youbot_navigation_common bringup_move_base.launch

    - system is ready now

    - to run exploring agent:
    rosrun agent agent_nav 1


Object sensing and manipulation for youbot platform

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 85.6%Language:CMake 14.0%Language:Shell 0.4%