ihmcrobotics / euclid

Vector math, geometry, reference frame, and shapes 2D & 3D

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How to get the pose-transform between poses

beetleskin opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'm looking into euclid and like it - it seems there are not that many robotics-centric spatial-math libs out there for java!

For my use-case, I often have to transform a point from one frame/pose to another frame/pose. For this, I'm used to functions like
poseA.between(poseB) giving me the transform between two poses and pose.inverse() giving me the inverse of the pose's transform - where pose would be in 2D or 3D. How would I do that in euclid?

For some context, I'm coming from the GTSAM way of pose calculus: https://github.com/devbharat/gtsam/blob/master/gtsam/geometry/Pose3.h


Hi @beetleskin, thanks for the nice comment.
So we typically use the ReferenceFrame framework to help managing the calculation and maintenance of the transforms between frames. I invite you to take a look at the Frame-objects that facilitate the transformation of geometries from one frame to another such as FramePoint3D. Here's a simple example:

package example;

import us.ihmc.euclid.referenceFrame.FramePoint3D;
import us.ihmc.euclid.referenceFrame.ReferenceFrame;
import us.ihmc.euclid.transform.RigidBodyTransform;

public class ReferenceFrameExample
   public static void main(String[] args)
      ReferenceFrame worldFrame = ReferenceFrame.getWorldFrame();

      ReferenceFrame frameA = new ReferenceFrame("frameA", worldFrame)
         protected void updateTransformToParent(RigidBodyTransform transformToParent)
            transformToParent.getTranslation().set(0.0, 0.1, 0.2);

      ReferenceFrame frameB = new ReferenceFrame("frameB", frameA)
         protected void updateTransformToParent(RigidBodyTransform transformToParent)
            transformToParent.getTranslation().set(0.5, 0.6, 0.7);

      ReferenceFrame frameC = new ReferenceFrame("frameC", frameA)
         protected void updateTransformToParent(RigidBodyTransform transformToParent)
            transformToParent.getTranslation().set(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);

      frameA.update(); // Invokes the overridden method updateTransformToParent to process any potential changes.
      frameB.update(); // Invokes the overridden method updateTransformToParent to process any potential changes.
      frameC.update(); // Invokes the overridden method updateTransformToParent to process any potential changes.

      System.out.println("Transform from frameC to frameB");

      FramePoint3D point = new FramePoint3D(frameC, 0.1, 0.7, 0.2); // a 3D point expressed in frameC
      point.changeFrame(frameB); // the same point but now expressed in frameB

I hope that's helpful!

It is! But I got a list of thousand poses that define some frames. I don't want to define a full transform-chain via parent-child relations and the ReferenceFrame. I rather have Poses that define some transforms that I want to apply to points (or lines). It seems there is no interface to do that directly (Pose3D::(inverse)transformPoint(somePoint3D)) - I have to convert a Pose3D to a RigidTransform first? Or did I miss a shortcut?

In detail: I got a list of points in global frame, each is rigidly attached to a pose-frame (to a trajectory-point). Now I update the trajectory, and need to update those points as well, so I'd like to do:

  • resolve global point in local trajectory pose/frame
  • resolve local point in global again via updated trajectory pose/frame

Yeah indeed, the Pose3D as it is currently implemented is more about considering it as a geometry object and not as a transform. I can't be used at the moment to transform other geometries.
RigidBodyTransform will be a necessary intermediate :/ can you use the RigidBodyTransform directly?

That would also work I guess. I just found it nicer to describe Poses as .. Poses in the first place. Any thoughts about a zero-copy interface between the two?

I'll close, no issue here and questions answered. Thanks! :) And again thanks for closing a huge gap in Java. And maybe, sorry for advertising again, get some inspiration from the GTSAM spatial APIs, its really great for robotics applications of any kind.

So could actually just instantiate a RigidBodyTransformBasics directly linking to the rotation and position of the pose. That would essentially be a way to do a zero-copy interface

I had heard of GTSAM in the past, I'll take a look at it. Thanks for the link