Part of the [PocketData][]
project. A DataSource is a "Producer" (of data)
for the system. It can be a simple counter, or a complex "collector", reading
sensors from embedded systems or collecting data from foreign (web-)services.
The package is available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding data_source
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:data_source, "~> 0.1"}
The best way to figure out how you can use this library is by having a look at this Test suite.
# Remember consumed events in state
defmodule ConsumerSpy do
use GenStage
def start_link(), do: GenStage.start_link(ConsumerSpy, [])
def init(state), do: {:consumer, state}
def handle_events(events, _from, state) do
# Simulate load
{:noreply, [], [events | state]}
def handle_call(:get, _from, state) do
{:reply, Enum.flat_map(state, & &1), [], state}
{:ok, datasource} = Datasource.start_link(0, fn state -> {state, state + 1} end)
{:ok, producer} = Datasource.DataStage.start_link(datasource)
{:ok, consumer} = ConsumerSpy.start_link()
GenStage.sync_subscribe(consumer, to: producer, max_demand: 1)
Process.sleep(100), :get)
# => [0,1,2,3,...10]
Because the consumer delays for 10ms and we have 1 consumer only, in 100ms we can expect about 10 events. To process more than 10 events you can increase the number of consumers.
Some Datasources are defined in lib/data_source
. Such as
, Datasource.File
, and more.