hzeller / yosys-systemverilog

SystemVerilog support for Yosys

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SystemVerilog support for Yosys

This repository puts together all the moving parts needed to get SystemVerilog support enabled in Yosys.


Before installing the plugin, check that yosys is installed and correctly configured:

yosys -version
yosys-config --help

The required yosys version is 0.10 or later. If you don't have yosys, skip to the next section Installation from source to build yosys from the source or if you are working on Debian-based Linux distributions:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) or higher:
apt install -y wget
wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yosys/0.18-1/+build/24132080/+files/yosys-dev_0.18-1_amd64.deb
wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yosys/0.18-1/+build/24132080/+files/yosys_0.18-1_amd64.deb
apt install -y ./yosys_0.18-1_amd64.deb ./yosys-dev_0.18-1_amd64.deb
  • Debian Sid or higher:
apt install -y yosys yosys-dev

If you are sure yosys is installed and configured, you should download and unpack the latest version of the plugin:

apt install -y curl jq tar wget
curl https://api.github.com/repos/antmicro/yosys-systemverilog/releases/latest | jq .assets[1] | grep "browser_download_url" | grep -Eo 'https://[^\"]*' | xargs wget -O - | tar -xz

After downloading the plugin, the next step is to install plugin with superuser privileges:


The plugin is now ready for use and you can go to the Usage section of this documentation for information on how to load the plugin into yosys.

Installation from source

Install dependencies

apt install -y gcc-9 g++-9 build-essential cmake tclsh ant default-jre swig google-perftools libgoogle-perftools-dev python3 python3-dev python3-pip uuid uuid-dev tcl-dev flex libfl-dev git pkg-config libreadline-dev bison libffi-dev wget
pip3 install orderedmultidict

Build required binaries

You can build all required binaries using provided build_binaries.sh script. This script will build Surelog, Yosys and the systemverilog-plugin and place them into image folder. You need to add this folder into your PATH variable to make sure you are using correct versions of the binaries.

#Make sure submodules are inited and updated to the latest version
git submodule update --init --recursive

To use yosys built from a submodule, make sure to either use absolute paths, or update the PATH variable before use.

export PATH=`pwd`/image/bin:$PATH


Loading systemverilog-plugin into Yosys

Yosys can now be started by executing the yosys command. In order to use the systemverilog plugin in Yosys, you need to first load it inside Yosys. This can be done in Yosys prompt by executing the following commands:

plugin -i systemverilog
help read_systemverilog
help read_uhdm

After it's loaded, Yosys is extended with 2 additional commands:

  • read_systemverilog [options] [filenames] - reads SystemVerilog files directly in Yosys. It executes Surelog with provided filenames and converts them (in memory) into UHDM file. This UHDM file is converted into Yosys AST. Note: arguments to this command should be exactly the same as for Surelog binary.
  • read_uhdm [options] [filename] - reads UHDM file generated using Surelog and converts it into Yosys AST (more information about conversion can be found: here).

Generating UHDM file

UHDM file can be generated directly using Surelog or SystemVerilog files can be converted to UHDM using Yosys read_systemverilog command. The read_systemverilog command acts as a wrapper around Surelog binary. It accepts the same arguments as Surelog and executes Surelog beneath it. More information about Surelog usage can be found in its own README file.

Quick start examples

As a simple example, we run Verilog code synthesis using the plugin.

yosys -p "plugin -i systemverilog" -p "read_systemverilog yosys-symbiflow-plugins/systemverilog-plugin/tests/counter/counter.v"

In the second example, we need to first convert SystemVerilog file into UHDM using Surelog and then read it into Yosys.

surelog -parse UHDM-integration-tests/tests/onenet/top.sv
yosys -p "plugin -i systemverilog" -p "read_uhdm slpp_all/surelog.uhdm"

This is equivalent to:

yosys -p "plugin -i systemverilog" -p "read_systemverilog UHDM-integration-tests/tests/onenet/top.sv"

After loading it into Yosys, you can process it further using regular Yosys commands.

Example for parsing multiple files

To parse a multi-file with the read_systemverilog command, all files have to be listed at once. This can be troublesome for larger designs. To mitigate this issue, the plugin supports a flow that allows users to pass files and link them separately. Files can be loaded one by one using -defer flag. When all files have been uploaded, you should call read_systemverilog -link to elaborate them. The described flow would looks like below:

 plugin -i systemverilog
 # Read each file separately
 read_systemverilog -defer yosys-symbiflow-plugins/systemverilog-plugin/tests/separate-compilation/separate-compilation.v
 read_systemverilog -defer yosys-symbiflow-plugins/systemverilog-plugin/tests/separate-compilation/separate-compilation-buf.sv
 read_systemverilog -defer yosys-symbiflow-plugins/systemverilog-plugin/tests/separate-compilation/separate-compilation-pkg.sv
 # Finish reading files, elaborate the design
 read_systemverilog -link
 # Continue Yosys flow...

Testing in CI/Github Actions

Using dedicated branch

Create a new branch and point submodules to revisions with your changes. Then pick one of the following methods.

Create a Pull Request

Just that. Create a (WIP) Pull Request using your new branch.

Start a workflow manually (using Github Web UI)

In Github Web UI, on the repository page:

  • Open the "Actions" tab.
  • Select "main" on the Actions list on the left.
  • At the top of the workflows list click the "Run workflow" button.
  • Select your branch in the "Use workflow from" dropdown.
  • Click the "Run workflow" button.

Start a workflow manually (using Github CLI)

gh workflow run main --ref $YOUR_BRANCH_NAME

Using plugins submodule override

This method can be used to test changes limited to yosys-symbiflow-plugins submodule.

  • Push your changes in yosys-symbiflow-plugins into a branch in https://github.com/antmicro/yosys-f4pga-plugins/

  • Perform steps from "Start a workflow manually (using Github Web UI)" above, but:

    • Select "master" (or any other branch with submodule revisions you would like to use in the CI) in the "Use workflow from" dropdown.
    • In the same pop-up, under "yosys-symbiflow-plugins branch", type the name of the branch from https://github.com/antmicro/yosys-f4pga-plugins/. This branch will be checked out in yosys-symbiflow-plugins submodule.
  • Alternatively, use Github CLI:

    gh workflow run main --ref master -f plugins_branch=$PLUGINS_BRANCH_NAME

General & debugging tips

  1. systemverilog-plugin needs to be compiled with the same version of the Surelog, that was used to generate UHDM file. When you are updating Surelog version, you also need to recompile yosys-f4pga-plugins.
  2. You can print the UHDM tree by adding -debug flag to read_uhdm or read_systemverilog. This flag also prints the converted Yosys AST.
  3. Order of the files matters. Surelog requires that all definitions need to be already defined when file is parsed (if file B is defining type used in file A, file B needs to be parsed before file A).


SystemVerilog support for Yosys

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Verilog 94.5%Language:Python 2.9%Language:Makefile 1.4%Language:Shell 1.2%Language:Tcl 0.1%