hzeller / surelog-uhdm-ibex-guide

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Prepare env

mkdir install
# Yosys and Surelog will be installed in the $PREFIX location
export PREFIX=$(pwd)/install
# This variable is required in Yosys build system to link against Surelog and UHDM
export UHDM_INSTALL_DIR=$(pwd)/install

export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH

The steps below are optional - they install and enable Python virtualenv

pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

Clone, build and install Surelog


The steps below were tested with Surelog commit ca5cbc993d82e7ba1de1ea47f04684d1ef5b58d3

git clone https://github.com/alainmarcel/Surelog --recurse-submodules
cd Surelog && make release install
cd -

Clone, build and install Yosys


The steps below were tested with Yosys commit 6ffa45e45c45f5fbc945463c8900bba0adbd04e0

git clone https://github.com/antmicro/yosys -b uhdm-yosys
cd yosys && make -j$(nproc) install
cd -

Get LowRisc toolchain

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lowRISC/opentitan/master/util/get-toolchain.py
python3 get-toolchain.py -i lowrisc-toolchain
export PATH=$(realpath lowrisc-toolchain/bin):$PATH

Clone ibex


The flow was tested with Ibex commit 0199bbae665b9b142144e6688279e2ecef7d83a0

git clone https://github.com/lowrisc/ibex

Build Ibex Firmware

cd ibex/examples/sw/led/
cd -

Install Ibex deps

pip3 install -r ibex/python-requirements.txt
pip3 install git+https://github.com/antmicro/edalize@surelog

Add Surelog/UHDM target to the core file

cd ibex && git am /path/to/0001-add-synth-surelog-target.patch
cd -

Build bitstream

The command below will sythesize the design using Yosys/Surelog-UHDM flow, and place and route it with Vivado


The flow was tested with Vivado 2020.1 (adjust the bellow path if using different version)

source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/settings64.sh

fusesoc --cores-root=$(realpath ibex) run --build --tool vivado \
--target=synth_surelog lowrisc:ibex:top_artya7 \
--library_files="${PREFIX}/share/yosys/xilinx/cells_xtra_surelog.v" \
--SRAMInitFile="$(realpath ibex/examples/sw/led/led.vmem)" --part xc7a35ticsg324-1L

The resulting bitstream will be located in the build/lowrisc_ibex_top_artya7_0.1/synth_surelog-vivado/lowrisc_ibex_top_artya7_0.1.bit file
