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ICRA2020 paperlist by paopaorobot

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Welcome to ICRA 2020, the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.

ICRA is the largest robotics meeting in the world and is the flagship conference of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society. It is thus our honor and pleasure to welcome you to this edition, although the current exceptional circumstances did not allow us to organize it with the glimpse and splendor that our wonderful robotics community deserves.

ICRA 2020 received 3,512 submissions, a new record, from 64 countries and 14,665 authors. Overall, 3,446 papers were reviewed. The 10 most popular keywords, in descending order, were: Deep Learning in Robotics and Automation, Motion and Path Planning, Localization, Learning and Adaptive Systems, Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Multi-Robot Systems, SLAM, Object Detection, Segmentation and Categorization, and Visual-Based Navigation.

This list is edited by PaopaoRobot, 泡泡机器人 , the Chinese academic nonprofit organization. Welcome to follow our github and our WeChat Public Platform Account ( paopaorobot_slam ). Of course, you could contact with Yvon Shong.


  • Awards I: Service Robots; Medical Robotics
  • Awards II: Robot Mechanisms and Design; Automation
  • Awards III: Human-Robot Interaction (HRI); Multi-Robot Systems
  • Awards IV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; Robot Vision
  • Awards V: Robot Manipulation; Cognitive Robotics
  • Awards VI: Best Student Paper Award; Best Conference Paper Award
  • SLAM
  • Deep Learning in Robotics and Automation
  • Motion and Path Planning
  • Aerial Systems: Mechanics and Control
  • Autonomous Driving
  • Localization
  • Learning from Demonstration- Medical Robots and Systems
  • Legged Robots- Multi-Robot Systems
  • Modeling, Control, and Learning for Soft Robots
  • Manipulation
  • Sensor Fusion
  • Compliance and Impedance Control
  • Visual Learning
  • Soft Sensors and Actuators
  • Wearable Robots
  • Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction
  • Robotics in Agriculture and Forestry
  • Calibration and Identification
  • Industrial Robots
  • Biomimetics
  • Robust/Adaptive Control of Robotic Systems
  • Space Robotics and Automation
  • Perception for Grasping and Manipulation
  • Humanoid Robots
  • Force Control
  • Semantic Scene Understanding
  • Social Human-Robot Interaction
  • Biologically-Inspired Robots- Robotics in Agriculture, Construction and Mining
  • Kinematics
  • Robot Safety
  • Swarms
  • Simulation and Animation
  • Reinforcement Learning for Robotics
  • Manipulation Planning
  • Contact Modeling
  • Robotics in Hazardous Fields
  • Dynamics
  • Product Design, Development and Prototyping
  • Cellular and Modular Robots
  • Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
  • Aerial Systems: Applications
  • Learning and Adaptive Systems
  • Surgical Robotics: Laparascopy I
  • Surgical Robotics: Laparoscopy II
  • Surgical Robotics: Steerable Catheters/Needles
  • Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots or Agents
  • Optimization and Optimal Control
  • Grasping
  • Omnidirectional Vision
  • Force and Tactile Sensing- Visual-Based Navigation
  • Soft Robot Applications
  • Prosthetics and Exoskeletons
  • Human-Centered Robotics
  • Mechanism Design
  • Marine Robotics
  • Compliant Joint/Mechanism
  • Search and Rescue Robots
  • Human Detection and Tracking
  • Omnidirectional Vision and Audition
  • Hydraulic/Pneumatic Actuators
  • Service Robots
  • Robot Perception
  • Distributed Robot Systems
  • Range Sensing
  • Transfer Learning
  • Flexible Robots
  • Field and Space Robots
  • Recognition
  • Aerial Systems: Multi-Robots
  • Biological Cell Manipulation
  • Cooperating Robots
  • RGB-D Perception
  • Task Planning
  • Brain-Machine Interfaces
  • Tendon/Wire Mechanism
  • Agricultural Automation
  • Underactuated Robots
  • Applications- Robust and Sensor-Based Control
  • Object Detection, Segmentation and Categorization- Aerial Systems: Perception and Autonomy
  • Autonomous Vehicle Navigation
  • Mapping- Computer Vision for Other Robotic Applications
  • Humanoid and Bipedal Locomotion
  • Motion Control
  • Dexterous Manipulation
  • Computer Vision for Automation and Manufacturing
  • Visual Servoing
  • Soft Robot Materials and Design- Rehabilitation Robotics
  • Physical Human-Robot Interaction- Telerobotics and Teleoperation
  • Collision Avoidance
  • Micro/Nano Robots
  • AI-Based Methods
  • Climbing Robots
  • Failure Detection and Recovery
  • Learning to Predict
  • Learning for Motion Planning- Motion Control of Manipulators- Computer Vision for Medical Robots
  • Grippers and Other End-Effectors
  • Formal Methods in Robotics and Automation
  • Parallel Robots
  • Mechanism and Verification
  • Model Learning for Control
  • Mobile Manipulation
  • Computer Vision for Transportation
  • Haptics and Haptic Interfaces
  • Visual Tracking
  • Planning, Scheduling and Coordination
  • Reactive and Sensor-Based Planning

Awards I: Service Robots; Medical Robotics

  • Online Trajectory Planning through Combined Trajectory Optimization and Function Approximation: Application to the Exoskeleton Atalante
  • Active Reward Learning for Co-Robotic Vision Based Exploration in Bandwidth Limited Environments
  • A Multilayer-Multimodal Fusion Architecture for Pattern Recognition of Natural Manipulations in Percutaneous Coronary Interventions

Awards II: Robot Mechanisms and Design; Automation

  • Form2Fit: Learning Shape Priors for Generalizable Assembly from Disassembly
  • Deep Visual Heuristics: Learning Feasibility of Mixed-Integer Programs for Manipulation Planning
  • Securing Industrial Operators with Collaborative Robots: Simulation and Experimental Validation for a Carpentry Task

Awards III: Human-Robot Interaction (HRI); Multi-Robot Systems

  • Efficient Multi-Agent Trajectory Planning with Feasibility Guarantee Using Relative Bernstein Polynomial
  • Scalable Target-Tracking for Autonomous Vehicle Fleets

Awards IV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; Robot Vision

  • OmniSLAM: Omnidirectional Localization and Dense Mapping for Wide-Baseline Multi-Camera Systems
  • Metrically-Scaled Monocular SLAM Using Learned Scale Factors

Awards V: Robot Manipulation; Cognitive Robotics

  • 6-DOF Grasping for Target-Driven Object Manipulation in Clutter
  • Tactile Dexterity: Manipulation Primitives with Tactile Feedback
  • Semantic Linking Maps for Active Visual Object Search
  • Adversarial Skill Networks: Unsupervised Robot Skill Learning from Video
  • Transient Behavior and Predictability in Manipulating Complex Objects

Awards VI: Best Student Paper Award; Best Conference Paper Award

  • Design of a Roller-Based Dexterous Hand for Object Grasping and Within-Hand Manipulation
  • An ERT-Based Robotic Skin with Sparsely Distributed Electrodes: Structure, Fabrication, and DNN-Based Signal Processing
  • 6-DOF Grasping for Target-Driven Object Manipulation in Clutter
  • Preference-Based Learning for Exoskeleton Gait Optimization
  • Design of a Roller-Based Dexterous Hand for Object Grasping and Within-Hand Manipulation
  • Prediction of Human Full-Body Movements with Motion Optimization and Recurrent Neural Networks


  • Real-Time Graph-Based SLAM with Occupancy Normal Distributions Transforms

  • Spatio-Temporal Non-Rigid Registration of 3D Point Clouds of Plants

  • Uncertainty-Based Adaptive Sensor Fusion for Visual-Inertial Odometry under Various Motion Characteristics

  • Loam_livox: A Fast, Robust, High-Precision LiDAR Odometry and Mapping Package for LiDARs of Small FoV

  • Active SLAM Using 3D Submap Saliency for Underwater Volumetric Exploration

  • Are We Ready for Service Robots? the OpenLORIS-Scene Datasets for Lifelong SLAM

  • Intensity Scan Context: Coding Intensity and Geometry Relations for Loop Closure Detection

  • FlowNorm: A Learning-Based Method for Increasing Convergence Range of Direct Alignment

  • Redesigning SLAM for Arbitrary Multi-Camera Systems

  • Dynamic SLAM: The Need for Speed

  • GradSLAM: Dense SLAM Meets Automatic Differentiation

  • Long-Term Place Recognition through Worst-Case Graph Matching to Integrate Landmark Appearances and Spatial Relationships

  • Linear RGB-D SLAM for Atlanta World

  • Stereo Visual Inertial Odometry with Online Baseline Calibration

  • Lidar-Monocular Visual Odometry Using Point and Line Features

  • Probabilistic Data Association Via Mixture Models for Robust Semantic SLAM

  • Closed-Loop Benchmarking of Stereo Visual-Inertial SLAM Systems: Understanding the Impact of Drift and Latency on Tracking Accuracy

  • Metrically-Scaled Monocular SLAM Using Learned Scale Factors

  • Inertial-Only Optimization for Visual-Inertial Initialization

  • Hierarchical Quadtree Feature Optical Flow Tracking Based Sparse Pose-Graph Visual-Inertial SLAM

  • Keypoint Description by Descriptor Fusion Using Autoencoders

  • Towards Noise Resilient SLAM

  • LAMP: Large-Scale Autonomous Mapping and Positioning for Exploration of Perceptually-Degraded Subterranean Environments

  • Modeling Semi-Static Scenes with Persistence Filtering in Visual SLAM

  • Broadcast Your Weaknesses: Cooperative Active Pose-Graph SLAM for Multiple Robots

  • FlowFusion: Dynamic Dense RGB-D SLAM Based on Optical Flow

  • Efficient Algorithms for Maximum Consensus Robust Fitting (I)

  • MulRan: Multimodal Range Dataset for Urban Place Recognition

  • GPO: Global Plane Optimization for Fast and Accurate Monocular SLAM Initialization

  • Large-Scale Volumetric Scene Reconstruction Using LiDAR

  • Topological Mapping for Manhattan-Like Repetitive Environments

  • Structure-Aware COP-SLAM

  • Robust RGB-D Camera Tracking Using Optimal Key-Frame Selection

  • Voxgraph: Globally Consistent, Volumetric Mapping Using Signed Distance Function Submaps

  • DeepFactors: Real-Time Probabilistic Dense Monocular SLAM

  • DOOR-SLAM: Distributed, Online, and Outlier Resilient SLAM for Robotic Teams

  • Windowed Bundle Adjustment Framework for Unsupervised Learning of Monocular Depth Estimation with U-Net Extension and Clip Loss

  • StructVIO : Visual-Inertial Odometry with Structural Regularity of Man-Made Environments (I)

  • Flow-Motion and Depth Network for Monocular Stereo and Beyond

  • Online LiDAR-SLAM for Legged Robots with Robust Registration and Deep-Learned Loop Closure

  • Hybrid Camera Pose Estimation with Online Partitioning for SLAM

  • Analysis of Minima for Geodesic and Chordal Cost for a Minimal 2D Pose-Graph SLAM Problem

  • Voxel Map for Visual SLAM

Deep Learning in Robotics and Automation

  • Learning 3D-Aware Egocentric Spatial-Temporal Interaction Via Graph Convolutional Networks

  • C-3PO: Cyclic-Three-Phase Optimization for Human-Robot Motion Retargeting Based on Reinforcement Learning

  • RoNIN: Robust Neural Inertial Navigation in the Wild: Benchmark, Evaluations, & New Methods

  • Segmenting 2K-Videos at 36.5 FPS with 24.3 GFLOPs: Accurate and Lightweight Realtime Semantic Segmentation Network

  • A General Framework for Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Learning

  • SA-Net: Robust State-Action Recognition for Learning from Observations

  • A Generative Approach for Socially Compliant Navigation

  • Scalable Multi-Task Imitation Learning with Autonomous Improvement

  • Adversarial Feature Training for Generalizable Robotic Visuomotor Control

  • Efficient Bimanual Manipulation Using Learned Task Schemas

  • Learning Object Placements for Relational Instructions by Hallucinating Scene Representations

  • Training Adversarial Agents to Exploit Weaknesses in Deep Control Policies

  • Federated Imitation Learning: A Novel Framework for Cloud Robotic Systems with Heterogeneous Sensor Data

  • Uncertainty Quantification with Statistical Guarantees in End-To-End Autonomous Driving Control

  • Autonomously Navigating a Surgical Tool Inside the Eye by Learning from Demonstration

  • Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Physical Systems without Velocity and Acceleration Measurements

  • Learning Natural Locomotion Behaviors for Humanoid Robots Using Human Bias

  • Visual Object Search by Learning Spatial Context

  • Learning Fast Adaptation with Meta Strategy Optimization

  • OriNet: Robust 3-D Orientation Estimation with a Single Particular IMU

  • Learning Densities in Feature Space for Reliable Segmentation of Indoor Scenes

  • Learning One-Shot Imitation from Humans without Humans

  • Adversarial Skill Networks: Unsupervised Robot Skill Learning from Video

  • Visual Odometry Revisited: What Should Be Learnt?

  • ACDER: Augmented Curiosity-Driven Experience Replay

  • TrueRMA: Learning Fast and Smooth Robot Trajectories with Recursive Midpoint Adaptations in Cartesian Space

Motion and Path Planning

  • Hyperproperties for Robotics: Planning Via HyperLTL

  • Abstractions for Computing All Robotic Sensors That Suffice to Solve a Planning Problem

  • T : A Heuristic Search Based Path Planning Algorithm for Temporal Logic Specifications*

  • Deep Imitative Reinforcement Learning for Temporal Logic Robot Motion Planning with Noisy Semantic Observations

  • Adaptively Informed Trees (AIT*): Fast Asymptotically Optimal Path Planning through Adaptive Heuristics

  • Hierarchical Coverage Path Planning in Complex 3D Environments

  • Generating Visibility-Aware Trajectories for Cooperative and Proactive Motion Planning

  • An Obstacle-Interaction Planning Method for Navigation of Actuated Vine Robots

  • A New Path Planning Architecture to Consider Motion Uncertainty in Natural Environment

  • Revisiting the Asymptotic Optimality of RRT*

  • Sample Complexity of Probabilistic Roadmaps Via Epsilon Nets

  • Reinforcement Learning Based Manipulation Skill Transferring for Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery

  • Safe Mission Planning under Dynamical Uncertainties

  • An Iterative Quadratic Method for General-Sum Differential Games with Feedback Linearizable Dynamics

  • Improved C-Space Exploration and Path Planning for Robotic Manipulators Using Distance Information

  • Tuning-Free Contact-Implicit Trajectory Optimization

  • PPCPP: A Predator�Prey-Based Approach to Adaptive Coverage Path Planning (I)

  • Advanced BIT (ABIT): Sampling-Based Planning with Advanced Graph-Search Techniques**

  • Dynamic Movement Primitives for Moving Goals with Temporal Scaling Adaptation

  • Dispertio: Optimal Sampling for Safe Deterministic Sampling-Based Motion Planning

  • Interpretable Run-Time Monitoring and Replanning for Safe Autonomous Systems Operations

  • An Efficient Sampling-Based Method for Online Informative Path Planning in Unknown Environments

  • Koopman Operator Method for Chance-Constrained Motion Primitive Planning

  • A Real-Time Approach for Chance-Constrained Motion Planning with Dynamic Obstacles

  • Learning When to Trust a Dynamics Model for Planning in Reduced State Spaces

  • MIST: A Single-Query Path Planning Approach Using Memory and Information-Sharing Trees

  • Refined Analysis of Asymptotically-Optimal Kinodynamic Planning in the State-Cost Space

  • An Iterative Dynamic Programming Approach to the Multipoint Markov-Dubins Problem

  • Active 3D Modeling Via Online Multi-View Stereo

  • Reoriented Short-Cuts (RSC): An Adjustment Method for Locally Optimal Path Short-Cutting in High DoF Configuration Spaces

  • Learning Resilient Behaviors for Navigation under Uncertainty Environments

  • Motion Planning Explorer: Visualizing Local Minima Using a Local-Minima Tree

  • R3T: Rapidly-Exploring Random Reachable Set Tree for Optimal Kinodynamic Planning of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems

  • DeepSemanticHPPC: Hypothesis-Based Planning Over Uncertain Semantic Point Clouds

  • Balancing Actuation and Computing Energy in Motion Planning

Autonomous Driving

  • Intent-Aware Pedestrian Prediction for Adaptive Crowd Navigation

  • Brno Urban Dataset - the New Data for Self-Driving Agents and Mapping Tasks

  • Efficient Uncertainty-Aware Decision-Making for Automated Driving Using Guided Branching

  • Imitative Reinforcement Learning Fusing Vision and Pure Pursuit for Self-Driving

  • Adversarial Appearance Learning in Augmented Cityscapes for Pedestrian Recognition in Autonomous Driving

  • A*3D Dataset: Towards Autonomous Driving in Challenging Environments

  • SegVoxelNet: Exploring Semantic Context and Depth-Aware Features for 3D Vehicle Detection from Point Cloud

  • Fine-Grained Driving Behavior Prediction Via Context-Aware Multi-Task Inverse Reinforcement Learning

  • Binary DAD-Net: Binarized Driveable Area Detection Network for Autonomous Driving

  • Learning Robust Control Policies for End-To-End Autonomous Driving from Data-Driven Simulation

  • Learning to Drive Off Road on Smooth Terrain in Unstructured Environments Using an On-Board Camera and Sparse Aerial Images

  • RoadTrack: Realtime Tracking of Road Agents in Dense and Heterogeneous Environments

  • Semantic Segmentation with Unsupervised Domain Adaptation under Varying Weather Conditions for Autonomous Vehicles

  • Deep Merging: Vehicle Merging Controller Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning with Embedding Network

  • Urban Driving with Conditional Imitation Learning

  • Simulation-Based Reinforcement Learning for Real-World Autonomous Driving

  • Driving Style Encoder: Situational Reward Adaptation for General-Purpose Planning in Automated Driving

  • Analysis and Prediction of Pedestrian Crosswalk Behavior During Automated Vehicle Interactions

  • Spatiotemporal Relationship Reasoning for Pedestrian Intent Prediction

  • Game Theoretic Decision Making Based on Real Sensor Data for Autonomous Vehicles' Maneuvers in High Traffic

  • Driving in Dense Traffic with Model-Free Reinforcement Learning

  • CMTS: An Conditional Multiple Trajectory Synthesizer for Generating Safety-Critical Driving Scenarios

  • LiDAR Inertial Odometry Aided Robust LiDAR Localization System in Changing City Scenes

  • Dynamic Interaction-Aware Scene Understanding for Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Driving

  • Interacting Vehicle Trajectory Prediction with Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks

  • Navigation Command Matching for Vision-Based Autonomous Driving

  • GraphRQI: Classifying Driver Behaviors Using Graph Spectrums


  • ROI-Cloud: A Key Region Extraction Method for LiDAR Odometry and Localization

  • To Learn or Not to Learn: Visual Localization from Essential Matrices

  • Hierarchical Multi-Process Fusion for Visual Place Recognition

  • Camera Tracking in Lighting Adaptable Maps of Indoor Environments

  • Fast, Compact and Highly Scalable Visual Place Recognition through Sequence-Based Matching of Overloaded Representations

  • Vision-Based Multi-MAV Localization with Anonymous Relative Measurements Using Coupled Probabilistic Data Association Filter

  • UrbanLoco: A Full Sensor Suite Dataset for Mapping and Localization in Urban Scenes

  • Map As the Hidden Sensor: Fast Odometry-Based Global Localization

  • Joint Human Pose Estimation and Stereo 3D Localization

  • Self-Supervised Deep Pose Corrections for Robust Visual Odometry

  • Ultra-High-Accuracy Visual Marker for Indoor Precise Positioning

  • Accurate Position Tracking with a Single UWB Anchor

  • Association-Free Multilateration Based on Times of Arrival

  • Adversarial Feature Disentanglement for Place Recognition across Changing Appearance

  • A Fast and Accurate Solution for Pose Estimation from 3D Correspondences

  • Ground Texture Based Localization Using Compact Binary Descriptors

  • Reliable Data Association for Feature-Based Vehicle Localization Using Geometric Hashing Methods

  • Vehicle Localization Based on Visual Lane Marking and Topological Map Matching

  • RISE: A Novel Indoor Visual Place Recogniser

  • Beyond Photometric Consistency: Gradient-Based Dissimilarity for Improving Visual Odometry and Stereo Matching

  • ICS: Incremental Constrained Smoothing for State Estimation

  • Drone-Aided Localization in LoRa IoT Networks

  • A Fast and Practical Method of Indoor Localization for Resource-Constrained Devices with Limited Sensing

  • GN-Net: The Gauss-Newton Loss for Multi-Weather Relocalization

  • A Data-Driven Motion Prior for Continuous-Time Trajectory Estimation on SE(3)

  • Estimation with Fast Feature Selection in Robot Visual Navigation

  • A Tightly Coupled VLC-Inertial Localization System by EKF

  • Localization of Inspection Device Along Belt Conveyors with Multiple Branches Using Deep Neural Networks

  • Localising PMDs through CNN Based Perception of Urban Streets

  • The Complex-Step Derivative Approximation on Matrix Lie Groups

  • Hybrid Localization Using Model and Learning-Based Methods: Fusion of Monte Carlo and E2E Localizations Via Importance Sampling

  • Measurement Scheduling for Cooperative Localization in Resource-Constrained Conditions

  • Quantifying Robot Localization Safety: A New Integrity Monitoring Method for Fixed-Lag Smoothing

  • Visual Localization with Google Earth Images for Robust Global Pose Estimation of UAVs

  • Relax and Recover: Guaranteed Range-Only Continuous Localization

  • SPRINT: Subgraph Place Recognition for Intelligent Transportation

  • OneShot Global Localization: Instant LiDAR-Visual Pose Estimation

  • Relocalization on Submaps: Multi-Session Mapping for Planetary Rovers Equipped with Stereo Cameras

  • DeepTIO: A Deep Thermal-Inertial Odometry with Visual Hallucination

  • RSL-Net: Localising in Satellite Images from a Radar on the Ground

  • Kidnapped Radar: Topological Radar Localisation Using Rotationally-Invariant Metric Learning

  • Global Visual Localization in LiDAR-Maps through Shared 2D-3D Embedding Space

  • Unsupervised Learning Methods for Visual Place Recognition in Discretely and Continuously Changing Environments

  • LOL: Lidar-Only Odometry and Localization in 3D Point Cloud Maps

  • Localising Faster: Efficient and Precise Lidar-Based Robot Localisation in Large-Scale Environments

  • Set-Membership State Estimation by Solving Data Association

Learning from Demonstration

  • Benchmark for Skill Learning from Demonstration: Impact of User Experience, Task Complexity, and Start Configuration on Performance

  • MPC-Net: A First Principles Guided Policy Search

  • Robot Programming without Coding

  • Learning Robust Task Priorities and Gains for Control of Redundant Robots

  • Planning with Uncertain Specifications (PUnS)

  • Predictive Modeling of Periodic Behavior for Human-Robot Symbiotic Walking

  • Adaptive Curriculum Generation from Demonstrations for Sim-To-Real Visuomotor Control

  • Accept Synthetic Objects As Real: End-To-End Training of Attentive Deep Visuomotor Policies for Manipulation in Clutter

  • A Probabilistic Framework for Imitating Human Race Driver Behavior

  • Learning of Exception Strategies in Assembly Tasks

  • A Framework for Learning from Demonstration with Minimal Human Effort

  • Learning Constraints from Locally-Optimal Demonstrations under Cost Function Uncertainty

  • Gershgorin Loss Stabilizes the Recurrent Neural Network Compartment of an End-To-End Robot Learning Scheme

  • Mini-Batched Online Incremental Learning through Supervisory Teleoperation with Kinesthetic Coupling

  • Recurrent Neural Network Control of a Hybrid Dynamical Transfemoral Prosthesis with EdgeDRNN Accelerator

  • Cross-Context Visual Imitation Learning from Demonstrations

  • Improving Generalisation in Learning Assistance by Demonstration for Smart Wheelchairs

  • Analyzing the Suitability of Cost Functions for Explaining and Imitating Human Driving Behavior Based on Inverse Reinforcement Learning

  • A Linearly Constrained Nonparametric Framework for Imitation Learning

  • An Energy-Based Approach to Ensure the Stability of Learned Dynamical Systems

  • IRIS: Implicit Reinforcement without Interaction at Scale for Learning Control from Offline Robot Manipulation Data

  • Geometry-Aware Dynamic Movement Primitives

  • Learning a Pile Loading Controller from Demonstrations

  • Learning Navigation Costs from Demonstration in Partially Observable Environments

Legged Robots

  • An Open Torque-Controlled Modular Robot Architecture for Legged Locomotion Research

  • Passive Quadrupedal Gait Synchronization for Extra Robotic Legs Using a Dynamically Coupled Double Rimless Wheel Model

  • Optimal Fast Entrainment Waveform for Indirectly Controlled Limit Cycle Walker against External Disturbances

  • GaitMesh: Controller-Aware Navigation Meshes for Long-Range Legged Locomotion Planning in Multi-Layered Environments

  • Mechanical Shock Propagation Reduction in Robot Legs

  • Guided Constrained Policy Optimization for Dynamic Quadrupedal Robot Locomotion

  • MPC-Based Controller with Terrain Insight for Dynamic Legged Locomotion

  • An Adaptive Supervisory Control Approach to Dynamic Locomotion under Parametric Uncertainty

  • Joint Space Position/Torque Hybrid Control of the Quadruped Robot for Locomotion and Push Reaction

  • Improved Performance on Moving-Mass Hopping Robots with Parallel Elasticity

  • Vision Aided Dynamic Exploration of Unstructured Terrain with a Small-Scale Quadruped Robot

  • Reactive Support Polygon Adaptation for the Hybrid Legged-Wheeled CENTAURO Robot

  • Reliable Trajectories for Dynamic Quadrupeds Using Analytical Costs and Learned Initializations

  • On the Hardware Feasibility of Nonlinear Trajectory Optimization for Legged Locomotion Based on a Simplified Dynamics

  • Agile Legged-Wheeled Reconfigurable Navigation Planner Applied on the CENTAURO Robot

  • Bounded Haptic Teleoperation of a Quadruped Robot's Foot Posture for Sensing and Manipulation

  • Pinbot: A Walking Robot with Locking Pin Arrays for Passive Adaptability to Rough Terrains

  • Planning for the Unexpected: Explicitly Optimizing Motions for Ground Uncertainty in Running

  • On the Efficient Control of Series-Parallel Compliant Articulated Robots

  • Preintegrated Velocity Bias Estimation to Overcome Contact Nonlinearities in Legged Robot Odometry

  • Optimized Foothold Planning and Posture Searching for Energy-Efficient Quadruped Locomotion Over Challenging Terrains

  • Extracting Legged Locomotion Heuristics with Regularized Predictive Control

  • Learning Generalizable Locomotion Skills with Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

  • SoRX: A Soft Pneumatic Hexapedal Robot to Traverse Rough, Steep, and Unstable Terrain

  • Probe-Before-Step Walking Strategy for Multi-Legged Robots on Terrain with Risk of Collapse

  • An Augmented Kinematic Model for the Cartesian Control of the Hybrid Wheeled-Legged Quadrupedal Robot CENTAURO

  • Precision Robotic Leaping and Landing Using Stance-Phase Balance

  • STANCE: Locomotion Adaptation Over Soft Terrain (I)

  • Rolling in the Deep - Hybrid Locomotion for Wheeled-Legged Robots Using Online Trajectory Optimization

  • Optimal Landing Strategy for Two-Mass Hopping Leg with Natural Dynamics

  • From Bipedal Walking to Quadrupedal Locomotion: Full-Body Dynamics Decomposition for Rapid Gait Generation

  • Posture Control for a Low-Cost Commercially-Available Hexapod Robot

  • DeepGait: Planning and Control of Quadrupedal Gaits Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • The Soft-Landing Problem: Minimizing Energy Loss by a Legged Robot Impacting Yielding Terrain

  • A Computational Framework for Designing Skilled Legged-Wheeled Robots


  • Grasping Unknown Objects by Coupling Deep Reinforcement Learning, Generative Adversarial Networks, and Visual Servoing
  • Incorporating Motion Planning Feasibility Considerations During Task-Agent Assignment to Perform Complex Tasks Using Mobile-Manipulators
  • Learning to Scaffold the Development of Robotic Manipulation Skills
  • Online Replanning in Belief Space for Partially Observable Task and Motion Problems
  • An Automated Dynamic-Balancing-Inspection Scheme for Wheel Machining
  • Faster Confined Space Manufacturing Teleoperation through Dynamic Autonomy with Task Dynamics Imitation Learning
  • Learning Precise 3D Manipulation from Multiple Uncalibrated Cameras
  • Surfing on an Uncertain Edge: Precision Cutting of Soft Tissue Using Torque-Based Medium Classification
  • Dynamic Cloth Manipulation with Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Learning to Combine Primitive Skills: A Step towards Versatile Robotic Manipulation
  • Learning to Assemble: Estimating 6D Poses for Robotic Object-Object Manipulation
  • Learning Affordance Space in Physical World for Vision-Based Robotic Object Manipulation

Sensor Fusion

  • LiStereo: Generate Dense Depth Maps from LIDAR and Stereo Imagery

  • Monocular Visual-Inertial Odometry in Low-Textured Environments with Smooth Gradients: A Fully Dense Direct Filtering Approach

  • Gated Recurrent Fusion to Learn Driving Behaviour from Temporal Multimodal Data

  • Cooperative Visual-Inertial Odometry: Analysis of Singularities, Degeneracies and Minimal Cases

  • A Lightweight and Accurate Localization Algorithm Using Multiple Inertial Measurement Units

  • Accelerating the Estimation of Metabolic Cost Using Signal Derivatives: Implications for Optimization and Evaluation of Wearable Robots (I)

  • Deep Depth Fusion for Black, Transparent, Reflective and Texture-Less Objects

  • LiDAR-Enhanced Structure-From-Motion

  • Low Latency and Low-Level Sensor Fusion for Automotive Use-Cases

  • Spatiotemporal Camera-LiDAR Calibration: A Targetless and Structureless Approach

  • Robot-Assisted and Wearable Sensor-Mediated Autonomous Gait Analysis

  • Gaussian Process Preintegration for Inertial-Aided State Estimation

  • A Code for Unscented Kalman Filtering on Manifolds (UKF-M)

  • Efficient and Precise Sensor Fusion for Non-Linear Systems with Out-Of-Sequence Measurements by Example of Mobile Robotics

  • UNO: Uncertainty-Aware Noisy-Or Multimodal Fusion for Unanticipated Input Degradation

  • Intermittent GPS-Aided VIO: Online Initialization and Calibration

  • A Mathematical Framework for IMU Error Propagation with Applications to Preintegration

  • Radar-Inertial Ego-Velocity Estimation for Visually DegradedEnvironments

  • Observability Analysis of Flight State Estimation for UAVs and Experimental Validation

  • OpenVINS: A Research Platform for Visual-Inertial Estimation

  • Decentralized Collaborative State Estimation for Aided Inertial Navigation

  • Analytic Combined IMU Integration (ACI^2) for Visual Inertial Navigation

  • Second-Order Kinematics for Floating-Base Robots Using the Redundant Acceleration Feedback of an Artificial Sensory Skin

  • Clock-Based Time Synchronization for an Event-Based Camera Dataset Acquisition Platform

Compliance and Impedance Control

  • Hierarchical Impedance-Based Tracking Control of Kinematically Redundant Robots (I)

  • Position-Based Impedance Control of a 2-DOF Compliant Manipulator for a Facade Cleaning Operation

  • Robust, Locally Guided Peg-In-Hole with Impedance-Controlled Robots

  • Model-Free Friction Observers for Flexible Joint Robots with Torque Measurements (I)

  • Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Passivity of Impedance Rendering with Velocity-Sourced Series Elastic Actuation (I)

  • Design of Spatial Admittance for Force-Guided Assembly of Polyhedral Parts in Single Point Frictional Contact

  • Model Predictive Impedance Control

  • Kinematic Modeling and Compliance Modulation of Redundant Manipulators under Bracing Constraints

  • Successive Stiffness Increment and Time Domain Passivity Approach for Stable High Bandwidth Control of Series Elastic Actuator

  • Arm-Hand Motion-Force Coordination for Physical Interactions with Non-Flat Surfaces Using Dynamical Systems: Toward Compliant Robotic Massage

  • A Control Scheme with a Novel DMP-Robot Coupling Achieving Compliance and Tracking Accuracy under Unknown Task Dynamics and Model Uncertainties

  • A Bio-Signal Enhanced Adaptive Impedance Controller for Lower Limb Exoskeleton

Visual Learning

  • Vid2Param: Modelling of Dynamics Parameters from Video
  • Safe Robot Navigation Via Multi-Modal Anomaly Detection
  • MAVRIC: Morphology-Agnostic Visual Robotic Control
  • MFuseNet: Robust Depth Estimation with Learned Multiscopic Fusion
  • Deceiving Image-To-Image Translation Networks for Autonomous Driving with Adversarial Perturbations
  • Self-Supervised Learning of State Estimation for Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects
  • Self-Supervised Correspondence in Visuomotor Policy Learning
  • Differentiable Mapping Networks: Learning Structured Map Representations for Sparse Visual Localization
  • Attentive Task-Net: Self Supervised Task-Attention Network for Imitation Learning Using Video Demonstration
  • OpenLORIS-Object: A Robotic Vision Dataset and Benchmark for Lifelong Deep Learning
  • Unsupervised Depth Completion from Visual Inertial Odometry
  • Geometric Pretraining for Monocular Depth Estimation

Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction

  • Scaled Autonomy: Enabling Human Operators to Control Robot Fleets
  • An Actor-Critic Approach for Legible Robot Motion Planner
  • May I Draw Your Attention? Initial Lessons from the Large-Scale Generative Mark Maker
  • Intuitive 3D Control of a Quadrotor in User Proximity with Pointing Gestures
  • Joint Inference of States, Robot Knowledge, and Human (False-)Beliefs
  • Visual-Audio Cognitive Architecture for Autonomous Learning of Face Localisation by a Humanoid Robot
  • Motion Reasoning for Goal-Based Imitation Learning
  • Flexible Online Adaptation of Learning Strategy Using EEG-Based Reinforcement Signals in Real-World Robotic Applications
  • Object-Oriented Semantic Graph Based Natural Question Generation
  • Towards Safe Human-Robot Collaboration Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Deep Compositional Robotic Planners That Follow Natural Language Commands
  • Learning User Preferences from Corrections on State Lattices

Robotics in Agriculture and Forestry

  • Plucking Motions for Tea Harvesting Robots Using Probabilistic Movement Primitives
  • Push and Drag: An Active Obstacle Separation Method for Fruit Harvesting Robots

Calibration and Identification

  • Unified Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera and LiDAR Calibration under Uncertainties

  • AC/DCC : Accurate Calibration of Dynamic Camera Clusters for Visual SLAM

  • Analytic Plane Covariances Construction for Precise Planarity-Based Extrinsic Calibration of Camera and LiDAR

  • A Stable Adaptive Observer for Hard-Iron and Soft-Iron Bias Calibration and Compensation for Two-Axis Magnetometers: Theory and Experimental Evaluation

  • Extrinsic Calibration of an Eye-In-Hand 2D LiDAR Sensor in Unstructured Environments Using ICP

  • Geometric Robot Dynamic Identification: A Convex Programming Approach (I)

  • A Novel Calibration Method between a Camera and a 3D LiDAR with Infrared Images

  • Online Camera-LiDAR Calibration with Sensor Semantic Information

  • Precise 3D Calibration of Wafer Handling Robot by Visual Detection and Tracking of Elliptic-Shape Wafers

  • Globally Optimal Relative Pose Estimation for Camera on a Selfie Stick

  • Online Calibration of Exterior Orientations of a Vehicle-Mounted Surround-View Camera System

  • Learning Camera Miscalibration Detection

Industrial Robots

  • Towards Efficient Human Robot Collaboration with Robust Plan Recognition and Trajectory Prediction
  • External Force Estimation for Industrial Robots with Flexible Joints
  • Robotic General Parts Feeder: Bin-Picking, Regrasping, and Kitting
  • Planning, Learning and Reasoning Framework for Robot Truck Unloading
  • Assembly of Randomly Placed Parts Realized by Using Only One Robot Arm with a General Parallel-Jaw Gripper

Robust/Adaptive Control of Robotic Systems

  • Local Policy Optimization for Trajectory-Centric Reinforcement Learning
  • Automatic Snake Gait Generation Using Model Predictive Control

Perception for Grasping and Manipulation

  • Transferable Task Execution from Pixels through Deep Planning Domain Learning
  • Online Learning of Object Representations by Appearance Space Feature Alignment
  • MT-DSSD: Deconvolutional Single Shot Detector Using Multi Task Learning for Object Detection, Segmentation, and Grasping Detection
  • Using Synthetic Data and Deep Networks to Recognize Primitive Shapes for Object Grasping
  • Real-Time, Highly Accurate Robotic Grasp Detection Using Fully Convolutional Neural Network with Rotation Ensemble Module
  • Camera-To-Robot Pose Estimation from a Single Image
  • Object Finding in Cluttered Scenes Using Interactive Perception
  • RLBench: The Robot Learning Benchmark & Learning Environment
  • Learning Task-Oriented Grasping from Human Activity Datasets
  • Learning to See before Learning to Act: Visual Pre-Training for Manipulation
  • Learning Continuous 3D Reconstructions for Geometrically Aware Grasping
  • A Single Multi-Task Deep Neural Network with Post-Processing for Object Detection with Reasoning and Robotic Grasp Detection
  • Robust, Occlusion-Aware Pose Estimation for Objects Grasped by Adaptive Hands
  • Robust 6D Object Pose Estimation by Learning RGB-D Features
  • Split Deep Q-Learning for Robust Object Singulation
  • 6-DOF Grasping for Target-Driven Object Manipulation in Clutter
  • Single Shot 6D Object Pose Estimation

Semantic Scene Understanding

  • Boosting Real-Time Driving Scene Parsing with Shared Semantics
  • CNN-Based Lidar Point Cloud De-Noising in Adverse Weather
  • 3DCFS: Fast and Robust Joint 3D Semantic-Instance Segmentation Via Coupled Feature Selection

Social Human-Robot Interaction

  • Demonstration of Hospital Receptionist Robot with Extended Hybrid Code Network

  • Group Split and Merge Prediction with 3D Convolutional Networks

  • TH�R: Human-Robot Navigation Data Collection and Accurate Motion Trajectories Dataset

  • Towards Proactive Navigation: A Pedestrian-Vehicle Cooperation Based Behavioral Model

  • Robot Plan Model Generation and Execution with Natural Language Interface

  • Mapless Navigation among Dynamics with Social-Safety-Awareness: A Reinforcement Learning Approach from 2D Laser Scans

Robotics in Agriculture, Construction and Mining

  • Real-Time Stereo Visual Servoing for Rose Pruning with Robotic Arm


  • Interval Search Genetic Algorithm Based on Trajectory to Solve Inverse Kinematics of Redundant Manipulators and Its Application
  • Analytical Expressions of Serial Manipulator Jacobians and Their High-Order Derivatives Based on Lie Theory
  • Inverse Kinematics for Serial Kinematic Chains Via Sum of Squares Optimization

Robot Safety

  • Securing Industrial Operators with Collaborative Robots: Simulation and Experimental Validation for a Carpentry Task
  • Learning Shape-Based Representation for Visual Localization in Extremely Changing Conditions
  • A Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability-Based Framework for Predicting and Analyzing Human Motion for Safe Planning
  • Robust Model Predictive Shielding for Safe Reinforcement Learning with Stochastic Dynamics

Simulation and Animation

  • Automatic Tool for Gazebo World Construction: From a Grayscale Image to a 3D Solid Model
  • A ROS Gazebo Plugin to Simulate ARVA Sensors
  • Is That a Chair? Imagining Affordances Using Simulations of an Articulated Human Body
  • Toward Sim-To-Real Directional Semantic Grasping
  • Learning to Collaborate from Simulation for Robot-Assisted Dressing
  • Realtime Simulation of Thin-Shell Deformable Materials Using CNN-Based Mesh Embedding

Reinforcement Learning for Robotics

  • Dynamic Actor-Advisor Programming for Scalable Safe Reinforcement Learning

  • Discrete Deep Reinforcement Learning for Mapless Navigation

  • Robust Model-Free Reinforcement Learning with Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization

  • Barrier-Certified Adaptive Reinforcement Learning with Applications to Brushbot Navigation (I)

  • On Simple Reactive Neural Networks for Behaviour-Based Reinforcement Learning

  • Predicting Optimal Value Functions by Interpolating Reward Functions in Scalarized Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning

  • Interactive Reinforcement Learning with Inaccurate Feedback

  • Guided Uncertainty-Aware Policy Optimization: Combining Model-Free and Model-Based Strategies for Sample-Efficient Learning

Learning and Adaptive Systems

  • MANGA: Method Agnostic Neural-Policy Generalization and Adaptation
  • Fast Adaptation of Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Navigation Skills to Human Preference
  • Model-Based Generalization under Parameter Uncertainty Using Path Integral Control
  • Memory of Motion for Warm-Starting Trajectory Optimization
  • Safety Augmented Value Estimation from Demonstrations (SAVED): Safe Deep Model-Based RL for Sparse Cost Robotic Tasks
  • Variational Inference with Mixture Model Approximation for Applications in Robotics
  • Preference-Based Learning for Exoskeleton Gait Optimization
  • Adaptive Neural Trajectory Tracking Control for Flexible-Joint Robots with Online Learning
  • BiCF: Learning Bidirectional Incongruity-Aware Correlation Filter for Efficient UAV Object Tracking
  • Adaptive Unknown Object Rearrangement Using Low-Cost Tabletop Robot
  • Unsupervised Learning and Exploration of Reachable Outcome Space
  • Context-Aware Cost Shaping to Reduce the Impact of Model Error in Safe, Receding Horizon Control
  • Context-Aware Task Execution Using Apprenticeship Learning
  • Hierarchical Interest-Driven Associative Goal Babbling for Efficient Bootstrapping of Sensorimotor Skills
  • Robot-Supervised Learning for Object Segmentation
  • Gradient and Log-Based Active Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Crop and Weed for Agricultural Robots
  • Learning How to Walk: Warm-Starting Optimal Control Solver with Memory of Motion
  • Feedback Linearization for Unknown Systems Via Reinforcement Learning
  • Long-Term Robot Navigation in Indoor Environments Estimating Patterns in Traversability Changes
  • Sample-And-Computation-Efficient Probabilistic Model Predictive Control with Random Features
  • Sample-Efficient Robot Motion Learning Using Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models
  • Iterative Learning Based Feedforward Control for Transition of a Biplane-Quadrotor Tailsitter UAS
  • Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Illumination with X-Rays
  • Efficient Updates for Data Association with Mixtures of Gaussian Processes

Omnidirectional Vision

  • OmniSLAM: Omnidirectional Localization and Dense Mapping for Wide-Baseline Multi-Camera Systems
  • FisheyeDistanceNet: Self-Supervised Scale-Aware Distance Estimation Using Monocular Fisheye Camera for Autonomous Driving

Visual-Based Navigation

  • Exploring Performance Bounds of Visual Place Recognition Using Extended Precision
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning for Instruction Following Visual Navigation in 3D Maze-Like Environments
  • Aggressive Perception-Aware Navigation Using Deep Optical Flow Dynamics and PixelMPC
  • Visual-Inertial Mapping with Non-Linear Factor Recovery
  • Interactive Gibson Benchmark: A Benchmark for Interactive Navigation in Cluttered Environments
  • Highly Robust Visual Place Recognition through Spatial Matching of CNN Features
  • Robust and Efficient Estimation of Absolute Camera Pose for Monocular Visual Odometry
  • Robust Vision-Based Obstacle Avoidance for Micro Aerial Vehicles in Dynamic Environments
  • Proximity Estimation Using Vision Features Computed on Sensor
  • Efficient Globally-Optimal Correspondence-Less Visual Odometry for Planar Ground Vehicles
  • EgoTEB: Egocentric, Perception Space Navigation Using Timed-Elastic-Bands
  • Graduated Non-Convexity for Robust Spatial Perception: From Non-Minimal Solvers to Global Outlier Rejection
  • Reliable Frame-To-Frame Motion Estimation for Vehicle-Mounted Surround-View Camera Systems
  • Enabling Topological Planning with Monocular Vision
  • DeepMEL: Compiling Visual Multi-Experience Localization into a Deep Neural Network
  • SnapNav: Learning Mapless Visual Navigationwith Sparse Directional Guidance and Visual Reference
  • Kimera: An Open-Source Library for Real-Time Metric-Semantic Localization and Mapping
  • CityLearn: Diverse Real-World Environments for Sample-Efficient Navigation Policy Learning
  • Constrained Filtering-Based Fusion of Images, Events, and Inertial Measurements for Pose Estimation
  • Schmidt-EKF-Based Visual-Inertial Moving Object Tracking
  • Learning View and Target Invariant Visual Servoing for Navigation
  • Tightly-Coupled Single-Anchor Ultra-Wideband-Aided Monocular Visual Odometry System
  • Scaling Local Control to Large-Scale Topological Navigation
  • Zero-Shot Imitation Learning from Demonstrations for Legged Robot Visual Navigation

Human-Centered Robotics

  • Human-Centric Active Perception for Autonomous Observation

  • Prediction of Human Full-Body Movements with Motion Optimization and Recurrent Neural Networks

  • Predicting and Optimizing Ergonomics in Physical Human-Robot Cooperation Tasks

  • Active Reward Learning for Co-Robotic Vision Based Exploration in Bandwidth Limited Environments

  • Characterizing User Responses to Failures in Aerial Autonomous Systems

  • VariPath: A Database for Modelling the Variance of Human Pathways in Manual and HRC Processes with Heavy-Duty Robots

  • Congestion-Aware Evacuation Routing Using Augmented Reality Devices

  • Human-Robot Interaction for Robotic Manipulator Programming in Mixed Reality

  • Heart Rate Sensing with a Robot Mounted mmWave Radar

  • VibeRo: Vibrotactile Stiffness Perception Interface for Virtual Reality

  • Detachable Body: The Impact of Binocular Disparity and Vibrotactile Feedback in Co-Presence Tasks

  • Prediction of Gait Cycle Percentage Using Instrumented Shoes with Artificial Neural Networks

  • Perception-Action Coupling in Usage of Telepresence Cameras

  • A Technical Framework for Human-Like Motion Generation with Autonomous Anthropomorphic Redundant Manipulators

  • Real-Time Adaptive Assembly Scheduling in Human-Multi-Robot Collaboration According to Human Capability

  • Microscope-Guided Autonomous Clear Corneal Incision

  • A Haptic Interface for the Teleoperation of Extensible Continuum Manipulators

  • From Crowd Simulation to Robot Navigation in Crowds

  • Are We There Yet? Comparing Remote Learning Technologies in the University Classroom

  • Bilateral Haptic Collaboration for Human-Robot Cooperative Tasks

  • A Surgeon-Robot Shared Control for Ergonomic Pedicle Screw Fixation

  • Improving Robotic Cooking Using Batch Bayesian Optimization

  • Adaptive Motion Planning for a Collaborative Robot Based on Prediction Uncertainty to Enhance Human Safety and Work Efficiency (I)

Mechanism Design

  • Exploiting Singular Configurations for Controllable, Low-Power, Friction Enhancement on Unmanned Ground Vehicles
  • Flow Compensation for Hydraulic Direct-Drive System with a Single-Rod Cylinder Applied to Biped Humanoid Robot
  • A Compact and Low-Cost Robotic Manipulator Driven by Supercoiled Polymer Actuators
  • A Continuum Manipulator with Closed-Form Inverse Kinematics and Independently Tunable Stiffness
  • Shape-Morphing Wheel Mechanism for Step Climbing in High Speed Locomotion
  • Using Manipulation to Enable Adaptive Ground Mobility

Human Detection and Tracking

  • Natural Scene Facial Expression Recognitionwith Dimension Reduction Network

  • Hand Pose Estimation for Hand-Object Interaction Cases Using Augmented Autoencoder

  • Accurate Detection and 3D Localization of Humans Using a Novel YOLO-Based RGB-D Fusion Approach and Synthetic Training Data

  • Pedestrian Planar LiDAR Pose (PPLP) Network for Oriented Pedestrian Detection Based on Planar LiDAR and Monocular Images

  • Wide-Range Load Sensor Using Vacuum Sealed Quartz Crystal Resonator for Simultaneous Biosignals Measurement on Bed

  • Joint Pedestrian Detection and Risk-Level Prediction with Motion-Representation-By-Detection

Omnidirectional Vision and Audition

  • Robust Sound Source Localization Considering Similarity of Back-Propagation Signals
  • BatVision: Learning to See 3D Spatial Layout with Two Ears
  • Self-Supervised Learning for Alignment of Objects and Sound
  • Variational Fisheye Stereo
  • The OmniScape Dataset
  • Corners for Layout: End-To-End Layout Recovery from 360 Images

Service Robots

  • DirtNet: Visual Dirt Detection for Autonomous Cleaning Robots

Robot Perception

  • Augmented LiDAR Simulator for Autonomous Driving

Transfer Learning

  • Self-Supervised Sim-To-Real Adaptation for Visual Robotic Manipulation
  • Meta Reinforcement Learning for Sim-To-Real Domain Adaptation
  • DeepRacer: Autonomous Racing Platform for Experimentation with Sim2Real Reinforcement Learning

RGB-D Perception

  • ClearGrasp: 3D Shape Estimation of Transparent Objects for Manipulation
  • 6D Object Pose Regression Via Supervised Learning on Point Clouds
  • YCB-M: A Multi-Camera RGB-D Dataset for Object Recognition and 6DoF Pose Estimation
  • Self-Supervised 6D Object Pose Estimation for Robot Manipulation

Agricultural Automation

  • An Intelligent Spraying System with Deep Learning-Based Semantic Segmentation of Fruit Trees in Orchards
  • An Efficient Planning and Control Framework for Pruning Fruit Trees
  • Context Dependant Iterative Parameter Optimisation for Robust Robot Navigation
  • Combining Domain Adaptation and Spatial Consistency for Unseen Fruits Counting: A Quasi-Unsupervised Approach
  • A Navigation Architecture for Ackermann Vehicles in Precision Farming
  • MinneApple: A Benchmark Dataset for Apple Detection and Segmentation

Underactuated Robots

  • Extending Riemmanian Motion Policies to a Class of Underactuated Wheeled-Inverted-Pendulum Robots
  • Singularity-Free Inverse Dynamics for Underactuated Systems with a Rotating Mass


  • Towards Practical Multi-Object Manipulation Using Relational Reinforcement Learning

Object Detection, Segmentation and Categorization

  • Stillleben: Realistic Scene Synthesis for Deep Learning in Robotics
  • From Planes to Corners: Multi-Purpose Primitive Detection in Unorganized 3D Point Clouds
  • Addressing the Sim2Real Gap in Robotic 3D Object Classification
  • A Generative Approach towards Improved Robotic Detection of Marine Litter
  • Learning to Optimally Segment Point Clouds
  • CNN Based Road User Detection Using the 3D Radar Cube
  • PST900: RGB-Thermal Calibration, Dataset and Segmentation Network
  • Instance Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds
  • Generation of Object Candidates through Simply Looking Around
  • Dilated Point Convolutions: On the Receptive Field Size of Point Convolutions on 3D Point Clouds
  • A Water-Obstacle Separation and Refinement Network for Unmanned Surface Vehicles
  • Dynamic Anchor Selection for Improving Object Localization
  • 3D Object Detection and Tracking Based on Streaming Data
  • Object-Centric Stereo Matching for 3D Object Detection
  • The Relative Confusion Matrix, a Tool to Assess Classifiablility in Large Scale Picking Applications
  • Pose-Guided Auto-Encoder and Feature-Based Refinement for 6-DoF Object Pose Regression
  • PrimiTect: Fast Continuous Hough Voting for Primitive Detection
  • FarSee-Net: Real-Time Semantic Segmentation by Efficient Multi-Scale Context Aggregation and Feature Space Super-Resolution

Autonomous Vehicle Navigation

  • Autonomous Navigation in Inclement Weather Based on a Localizing Ground Penetrating Radar
  • Robot Navigation in Crowds by Graph Convolutional Networks with Attention Learned from Human Gaze
  • Wall Deadlock Evasion Control Based on Rotation Radius Adjustment
  • Socially-Aware Reactive Obstacle Avoidance Strategy Based on Limit Cycle
  • Multi-Head Attention for Multi-Modal Joint Vehicle Motion Forecasting
  • Temporal Information Integration for Video Semantic Segmentation
  • Map-Predictive Motion Planning in Unknown Environments
  • Using Multiple Short Hops for Multicopter Navigation with Only Inertial Sensors
  • An Efficient and Continuous Approach to Information-Theoretic Exploration
  • A Feature-Based Underwater Path Planning Approach Using Multiple Perspective Prior Maps
  • Automatic LiDAR-Camera Calibration of Extrinsic Parameters Using a Spherical Target


  • A Unified Framework for Piecewise Semantic Reconstruction in Dynamic Scenes Via Exploiting Superpixel Relations

  • Keyframe-Based Dense Mapping with the Graph of View-Dependent Local Maps

  • Informative Path Planning for Active Mapping under Localization Uncertainty

  • Ensemble of Sparse Gaussian Process Experts for Implicit Surface Mapping with Streaming Data

  • Robust Method for Removing Dynamic Objects from Point Clouds

  • Skeleton-Based Conditionally Independent Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces for Fusion in Sparse to Dense 3D Reconstruction

  • Motion Estimation in Occupancy Grid Maps in Stationary Settings Using Recurrent Neural Networks

  • A Divide and Conquer Method for 3D Registration of Inhomogeneous, Partially Overlapping Scans with Fourier Mellin SOFT (FMS)

  • Estimating Motion Uncertainty with Bayesian ICP

  • Actively Mapping Industrial Structures with Information Gain-Based Planning on a Quadruped Robot

  • Efficient Covisibility-Based Image Matching for Large-Scale SfM

  • Probabilistic TSDF Fusion Using Bayesian Deep Learning for Dense 3D Reconstruction with a Single RGB Camera

  • A Volumetric Albedo Framework for 3D Imaging Sonar Reconstruction

  • Map Management Approach for SLAM in Large-Scale Indoor and Outdoor Areas

  • A Hierarchical Framework for Collaborative Probabilistic Semantic Mapping

  • Autonomous Navigation in Unknown Environments Using Sparse Kernel-Based Occupancy Mapping

  • Hybrid Topological and 3D Dense Mapping through Autonomous Exploration for Large Indoor Environments

  • Resolving Marker Pose Ambiguity by Robust Rotation Averaging with Clique Constraints

Computer Vision for Other Robotic Applications

  • Real-Time Semantic Stereo Matching
  • Multi-Task Learning for Single Image Depth Estimation and Segmentation Based on Unsupervised Network
  • Learning Transformable and Plannable Se(3) Features for Scene Imitation of a Mobile Service Robot
  • Multimodal Multispectral Imaging System for Small UAVs
  • Unseen Salient Object Discovery for Monocular Robot Vision
  • CorsNet: 3D Point Cloud Registration by Deep Neural Network
  • Anticipating the Start of User Interaction for Service Robot in the Wild
  • Spin Detection in Robotic Table Tennis
  • Look, Listen, and Act: Towards Audio-Visual Embodied Navigation
  • Autonomous Tool Construction with Gated Graph Neural Network
  • Training-Set Distillation for Real-Time UAV Object Tracking
  • CNN-Based Simultaneous Dehazing and Depth Estimation
  • IF-Net: An Illumination-Invariant Feature Network
  • Deep-Learning Assisted High-Resolution Binocular Stereo Depth Reconstruction
  • Least-Squares Optimal Relative Planar Motion for Vehicle-Mounted Cameras
  • Relative Planar Motion for Vehicle-Mounted Cameras from a Single Affine Correspondence
  • Moving Object Detection for Visual Odometry in a Dynamic Environment Based on Occlusion Accumulation
  • A Low-Rank Matrix Approximation Approach to Multiway Matching with Applications in Multi-Sensory Data Association

Dexterous Manipulation

  • MagicHand: Context-Aware Dexterous Grasping Using an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand
  • Strategy for Roller Chain Assembly with Parallel Jaw Gripper
  • Distal Hyperextension Is Handy: High Range of Motion in Cluttered Environments
  • Learning Pre-Grasp Manipulation for Objects in Un-Graspable Poses
  • Object-Level Impedance Control for Dexterous In-Hand Manipulation
  • Picking Thin Objects by Tilt-And-Pivot Manipulation and Its Application to Bin Picking
  • In-Hand Manipulation of Objects with Unknown Shapes
  • Learning Hierarchical Control for Robust In-Hand Manipulation
  • Tactile Dexterity: Manipulation Primitives with Tactile Feedback
  • Design of a Roller-Based Dexterous Hand for Object Grasping and Within-Hand Manipulation
  • High-Resolution Optical Fiber Shape Sensing of Continuum Robots: A Comparative Study
  • Local Trajectory Stabilization for Dexterous Manipulation Via Piecewise Affine Approximations

Computer Vision for Automation and Manufacturing

  • Monocular Direct Sparse Localization in a Prior 3D Surfel Map
  • LINS: A Lidar-Inertial State Estimator for Robust and Efficient Navigation
  • Automated Eye-In-Hand Robot-3D Scanner Calibration for Low Stitching Errors
  • Monocular Visual Odometry Using Learned Repeatability and Description
  • Interaction Graphs for Object Importance Estimation in On-Road Driving Videos
  • A Robotics Inspection System for Detecting Defects on Semi-Specular Painted Automotive Surfaces

Visual Servoing

  • Active Deformation through Visual Servoing of Soft Objects
  • Visual Geometric Skill Inference by Watching Human Demonstration
  • Direct Visual Servoing in the Frequency Domain
  • DFVS: Deep Flow Guided Scene Agnostic Image Based Visual Servoing
  • Photometric Path Planning for Vision-Based Navigation
  • A Memory of Motion for Visual Predictive Control Tasks

Soft Robot Materials and Design

  • Designing Ferromagnetic Soft Robots (FerroSoRo) with Level-Set-Based Multiphysics Topology Optimization
  • Exoskeleton-Covered Soft Finger with Vision-Based Proprioception and Tactile Sensing
  • Tuning the Energy Landscape of Soft Robots for Fast and Strong Motion
  • REBOund: Untethered Origami Jumping Robot with Controllable Jump Height
  • Concentric Precurved Bellows: New Bending Actuators for Soft Robots
  • Design of Deployable Soft Robots through Plastic Deformation of Kirigami Structures
  • Self-Excited Vibration Valve That Induces Traveling Waves in Pneumatic Soft Mobile Robots
  • A 1mm-Thick Miniatured Mobile Soft Robot with Mechanosensation and Multimodal Locomotion
  • Anisotropic Soft Robots Based on 3D Printed Meso-Structured Materials: Design, Modeling by Homogenization and Simulation
  • 3D-Printed Electroactive Hydraulic Valves for Use in Soft Robotic Applications
  • Design and Workspace Characterisation of Malleable Robots
  • A Tri-Stable Soft Robotic Finger Capable of Pinch and Wrap Grasps
  • A Dexterous Tip-Extending Robot with Variable-Length Shape-Locking
  • Compliant Electromagnetic Actuator Architecture for Soft Robotics
  • Dynamically Reconfigurable Discrete Distributed Stiffness for Inflated Beam Robots
  • Retraction of Soft Growing Robots without Buckling

AI-Based Methods

  • Towards Adaptive Benthic Habitat Mapping
  • Multispectral Domain Invariant Image for Retrieval-Based Place Recognition
  • Probabilistic Effect Prediction through Semantic Augmentation and Physical Simulation
  • Anytime Integrated Task and Motion Policies for Stochastic Environments
  • Context-Aware Human Activity Recognition
  • Interactive Natural Language-Based Person Search

Learning to Predict

  • Spatiotemporal Representation Learning with GAN Trained LSTM-LSTM Networks
  • Belief Regulated Dual Propagation Nets for Learning Action Effects on Groups of Articulated Objects
  • Deep Kinematic Models for Kinematically Feasible Vehicle Trajectory Predictions
  • Human Driver Behavior Prediction Based on UrbanFlow
  • Environment Prediction from Sparse Samples for Robotic Information Gathering
  • Predicting Pushing Action Effects on Spatial Object Relations by Learning Internal Prediction Models
  • Under the Radar: Learning to Predict Robust Keypoints for Odometry Estimation and Metric Localisation in Radar
  • SpAGNN: Spatially-Aware Graph Neural Networks for Relational Behavior Forecasting from Sensor Data
  • Any Motion Detector: Learning Class-Agnostic Scene Dynamics from a Sequence of LiDAR Point Clouds
  • Real Time Trajectory Prediction Using Deep Conditional Generative Models
  • Ambiguity in Sequential Data: Predicting Uncertain Futures with Recurrent Models
  • Where and When: Event-Based Spatiotemporal Trajectory Prediction from the iCub's Point-Of-View

Learning for Motion Planning

  • Learning of Key Pose Evaluation for Efficient Multi-Contact Motion Planner
  • Differentiable Gaussian Process Motion Planning
  • Learn and Link: Learning Critical Regions for Efficient Planning
  • What the Constant Velocity Model Can Teach Us about Pedestrian Motion Prediction
  • Path Planning with Local Motion Estimations
  • Scene Compliant Trajectory Forecast with Agent-Centric Spatio-Temporal Grids
  • A Data-Driven Planning Framework for Robotic Texture Painting on 3D Surfaces
  • Learned Critical Probabilistic Roadmaps for Robotic Motion Planning
  • Learning Heuristic A*: Efficient Graph Search Using Neural Network
  • 3D-CNN Based Heuristic Guided Task-Space Planner for Faster Motion Planning
  • Learned Sampling Distributions for Efficient Planning in Hybrid Geometric and Object-Level Representations
  • Deep Visual Heuristics: Learning Feasibility of Mixed-Integer Programs for Manipulation Planning

Motion Control of Manipulators

  • Segmentation and Averaging of sEMG Muscle Activations Prior to Synergy Extraction
  • Energy-Optimal Cooperative Manipulation Via Provable Internal-Force Regulation
  • Robot Telekinesis: Application of a Unimanual and Bimanual Object Manipulation Technique to Robot Control
  • A Set-Theoretic Approach to Multi-Task Execution and Prioritization
  • Task Space Control of Articulated Robot Near Kinematic Singularity: Forward Dynamics Approach
  • Variable Impedance Control in Cartesian Latent Space While Avoiding Obstacles in Null Space

Model Learning for Control

  • Sparse, Online, Locally Adaptive Regression Using Gaussian Processes for Bayesian Robot Model Learning and Control
  • DISCO: Double Likelihood-Free Inference Stochastic Control
  • Discovering Interpretable Dynamics by Sparsity Promotion on Energy and the Lagrangian
  • Online Simultaneous Semi-Parametric Dynamics Model Learning
  • Sufficiently Accurate Model Learning
  • Active Learning of Dynamics for Data-Driven Control Using Koopman Operators (I)

Mobile Manipulation

  • Towards Plan Transformations for Real-World Mobile Fetch and Place
  • Planning an Efficient and Robust Base Sequence for a Mobile Manipulator Performing Multiple Pick-And-Place Tasks
  • Towards Mobile Multi-Task Manipulation in a Confined and Integrated Environment with Irregular Objects
  • Linear Time-Varying MPC for Nonprehensile Object Manipulation with a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot
  • A Mobile Manipulation System for One-Shot Teaching of Complex Tasks in Homes

Visual Tracking

  • Multi-Person Pose Tracking Using Sequential Monte Carlo with Probabilistic Neural Pose Predictor
  • 4D Generic Video Object Proposals
  • Simultaneous Tracking and Elasticity Parameter Estimation of Deformable Objects
  • AVOT: Audio-Visual Object Tracking of Multiple Objects for Robotics
  • Efficient Pig Counting in Crowds with Keypoints Tracking and Spatial-Aware Temporal Response Filtering
  • 6-PACK: Category-Level 6D Pose Tracker with Anchor-Based Keypoints
  • Multimodal Tracking Framework for Visual Odometry in Challenging Illumination Conditions
  • Real-Time Multi-Diver Tracking and Re-Identification for Underwater Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Autonomous Tissue Scanning under Free-Form Motion for Intraoperative Tissue Characterisation
  • High Speed Three Dimensional Tracking of Swimming Cell by Synchronous Modulation between TeCE Camera and TAG Lens
  • Track to Reconstruct and Reconstruct to Track
  • PointTrackNet: An End-To-End Network for 3-D Object Detection and Tracking from Point Clouds

Planning, Scheduling and Coordination

  • An Online Scheduling Algorithm for Human-Robot Collaborative Kitting
  • A Model-Free Approach to Meta-Level Control of Anytime Algorithms
  • Simultaneous Task Allocation and Motion Scheduling for Complex Tasks Executed by Multiple Robots
  • Efficient Planning for High-Speed MAV Flight in Unknown Environments Using Online Sparse Topological Graphs
  • Evaluating Adaptation Performance of Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • An Approximation Algorithm for a Task Allocation, Sequencing and Scheduling Problem Involving a Human-Robot Team

Reactive and Sensor-Based Planning

  • Iterator-Based Temporal Logic Task Planning
  • Reactive Temporal Logic Planning for Multiple Robots in Unknown Environments
  • Higher Order Function Networks for View Planning and Multi-View Reconstruction
  • Residual Reactive Navigation: Combining Classical and Learned Navigation Strategies for Deployment in Unknown Environments
  • Online Grasp Plan Refinement for Reducing Defects During Robotic Layup of Composite Prepreg Sheets
  • Object-Centric Task and Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments


ICRA2020 paperlist by paopaorobot