homopolymer / gfakluge

A C++ library and utilities for manipulating the Graphical Fragment Assembly format.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


What is it?

GFAKluge is a C++ parser/writer for GFA files. It parses GFA to a set of data structures that represent the encoded graph. You can use these components and their fields/members to build up your own graph representation.

Why gfaKluge?

Currently, most GFA parsers go directly from file to proprietary internal graph representations. This library instead parses to standard C++ containers. This means it is not beholden to any internal representation while still providing easy I/O of GFA. Since it only relies on the STL, it's easy to build and requires only what's included in the repo.

How do I build it?

You can build libgfakluge by simply typing make. To use GFAKluge in your program, you'll need to add a few lines to your code. First, add the necessary include line to your C++ code:
#include "gfa_kluge.hpp"

Next, make sure that the library is on the proper system paths and compile line:

            g++ -o my_exe my_exe.cpp -L/path/to/gfakluge/ -lgfakluge

You should then be able to parse and manipulate gfa from your program:

                gg = GFAKluge();

                cout << gg << endl;

Internal Structures

Internally, lines of GFA are represented as structs with member variables that correspond to their defined fields. Here's the definition for a sequence line, for example:

            struct sequence_elem{
                std::string seq;
                std::string name;
                map<string, string> opt_fields;
                long id;

The structs for contained elements, link elements, and alignment elements are very similar. These individual structs are then wrapped in a set of standard containers for easy access:

            map<std::string, std::string> header;
            map<string, sequence_elem> name_to_seq;
            map<std::string, vector<contained_elem> > seq_to_contained;
            map<std::string, vector<link_elem> > seq_to_link;
            map<string, vector<alignment_elem> > seq_to_alignment;

All of these structures can be accessed using the get_<Thing> method, where <Thing> is the name of the map you would like to retrieve.

Reading GFA

            GFAKluge gg;

You can then iterate over the aforementioned maps/structs and build out your own graph representation.

Writing GFA

            GFAKluge og;

            sequence_elem s;
            s.sequence = "GATTACA";
            s.name = "seq1";

            sequence_elem t;
            t.sequence = "AATTGN";
            t.name = "seq2";

            link_elem l;
            l.source = s.name;
            l.sink = s.name;
            l.source_orientation_forward = true;
            l.sink_orientation_forward = true;
            l.pos = 0;
            l.cigar = "";

            og.add_link(l.source, l);

            cout << og << endl;
            ofstream f = ofstream("my_file.gfa);
            f << og;


  • Parsing from fstream is still not implemented.
  • Now totally supports parsing to/from an istream.
  • GFAKluge is essentially a set of dumb containers - it does no error checking of your structure to detect if it is valid GFA. This may change as the GFA spec becomes more formal.
  • Now parses JSON structs in optional fields of sequence lines (just as strings though).

Getting Help

Eric T Dawson
github: edawson
Please post an issue for help.


A C++ library and utilities for manipulating the Graphical Fragment Assembly format.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 96.4%Language:Makefile 3.6%