hgupta01 / Weather_Intensity_Recognition

TSM video recognition for weather intensity recognition using videl clips.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

VARG: An Intensity-labelled Video Weather Recognition Dataset


We provide the implementation used for the evaluation of VARG dataset. We used the TSM implementation and modified it to work with our custom dataset.



The code is built with following libraries:

For video data pre-processing, you may need ffmpeg.

Data Preparation

Please follow the following steps for dataset preparation

  • Download the VARG dataset using OSF link in git folder.
    • select 'dataset' folder and click on 'Download as zip'.
  • Open terminal and run following commands to uncompress the dataset.
    find . -iname '*.zip' -exec sh -c 'unzip -o -d "${0%.*}" "$0"' '{}' ';'
    cd dataset/
    find . -iname '*.zip' -exec sh -c 'unzip -o -d "${0%.*}" "$0"' '{}' ';'
    cd ..
  • Extract videos into frames for fast reading using following script. This step will take around half an hour
    python varg_video2frames.py
  • Convert the labels in required format
    python varg_labels2TSMformat.py

Note that the naive implementation involves large data copying and increases memory consumption during training. It is suggested to use the in-place version of TSM to improve speed (see ops/temporal_shift.py Line 12 for the details.)

Pretrained Weather Classification Models

Download trained ResNet18 model for image weather classifications from drive link in 'base_trained_model' folder.


Run follwing commands to train weather intensity classification using ResNet18 with TSM module:

  • To train using ImageNet pretrained models, you can run:

    # You should get TSM_custom_RGB_resnet18_shift8_blockres_avg_segment8_e50_snow_imagenet_frames8_imgsz224.pth
    python main.py custom RGB \
         --arch resnet18 --num_segments 8 \
         --pretrain imagenet --batch-size 32 --epochs 50 --workers 16\
         --shift --shift_div=8 --shift_place=blockres \
         --imgsz 224 --default_transform --eval-freq=1 \
         --weather snow --suffix snow_imagenet_frames8_imgsz224
  • To train using pretrained weights from image weather classification, you can run ::

    # You should get TSM_custom_RGB_Custom-resnet18_shift8_blockres_avg_segment8_e50_snow_weathernet_frames8_imgsz224.pth
    python main.py custom RGB \
         --arch Custom-resnet18 --num_segments 8 \
         --pretrain base_trained_model/snow_resnet18_224 --batch-size 32 --epochs 50 --workers 16\
         --shift --shift_div=8 --shift_place=blockres \
         --imgsz 224 --default_transform --eval-freq=1 \
         --weather snow --suffix snow_weathernet_frames8_imgsz224

You can change the weather type (snow, fog or rain), image size (224 or 352), and pretrained weights (imagenet or weathernet) . The suffix is used to maintain the specific name of the experiments.


For example, to test the downloaded pretrained models on test dataset run the following commands. It will show the plot of confusion matrix

# using Imagenet based trained model
python test.py --num_segments 8 --imgsz 224 --weights imagenet --weather snow --arch resnet18

# using WeatherNet based trained model
python test.py --num_segments 8 --imgsz 224 --weights weathernet --weather snow --arch Custom-resnet18


We used the TSM code to evaluate VARG dataset

  title={TSM: Temporal Shift Module for Efficient Video Understanding},
  author={Lin, Ji and Gan, Chuang and Han, Song},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},


TSM video recognition for weather intensity recognition using videl clips.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%