harikris001 / Super-Mario-Reinforcement_Learning

Reinforcement Learning in Super Mario using Pytorch and PPO

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[PYTORCH] Reinforcement Learning-Super Mario Bros Using CNNPolicy

Packages Used:

  • gym-super-mario-Bros == 7.3.2
  • gym == 0.21.0
  • ipykernal
  • Stable-Baselines3
  • Pytorch 1.13

Setting Up Pytorch

I would recoomend you to check official Pytorch website to install it
The Pytorch need the exact version of Cuda and CUDnn to work normally
Pytorch website: pytorch

Creating Virtual Environment:

setting up a virtual environment will really help in Creating a seperatiion wwithin your workspace and PC
Run following to create a virtual environment

  • launch cmd
  • move to your desired directory
  • Run the following: python -m venv mario activate your virtual env using following:
    to deactivte just type deactivate in cmd

Creating a New kernel in Jupyter Notebook

After installing Ipykernal run the following:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=mario

note: the name of kernel should be same as venv name

Training the Agent

Either clone my repo or download the zip or copy paste the code and run them
Github clone Link: https://github.com/harikris001/Super-Mario-Reinforcement_Learning.git
Run the cells and wait for it to complete.

After Training:

Sl.NO 1 2 3
Total Steps .5M 1M 1.5M
Completed Level False False False
----------------- ------ ------ ------
Sl.NO 4 5 6
Total Steps 2M 2.5M 3M
Completed Level False False False
----------------- ------ ------ ------
Sl.NO 7 8 9
Total Steps 3.5M 4M 4.5M
Completed Level False False False
----------------- ------ ------
Sl.NO 10 11
Total Steps 5M 5.5M
Completed Level False False

I have attached the Pre trained models u can resume training using these model and save the result
The best model during my training was 4M model so i have attached that


Reinforcement Learning in Super Mario using Pytorch and PPO


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%