hany606 / robot-learning

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Robot Learning Framework for Research

RL algorithms

  • PPO
  • DDPG
  • TD3
  • SAC

IL algorithms

  • BC
  • GAIL
  • DAC


  • run.py: simply launches main.py
  • main.py: sets up experiment and runs training using trainer.py
  • trainer.py: contains training and evaluation code
  • algorithms/: implementation of all RL and IL algorithms
  • config/: hyper-parameters in config/__init__.py
  • environments/: registers environments (OpenAI Gym and Deepmind Control Suite)
  • networks/: implementation of networks, such as policy and value function
  • utils/: contains helper functions


  • Ubuntu 18.04 or above
  • Python 3.6
  • Mujoco 2.0


  1. Install mujoco 2.0 and add the following environment variables into ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
# download mujoco 2.0
$ wget https://www.roboti.us/download/mujoco200_linux.zip -O mujoco.zip
$ unzip mujoco.zip -d ~/.mujoco
$ cp -r ~/.mujoco/mujoco200_linux ~/.mujoco/mujoco200

# copy mujoco license key `mjkey.txt` to `~/.mujoco`

# add mujoco to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin

# for GPU rendering (replace 418 with your nvidia driver version or you can make a dummy directory /usr/lib/nvidia-000)
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/nvidia-418

# only for a headless server
$ export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGLEW.so:/usr/lib/nvidia-418/libGL.so
  1. Install python dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install cmake libopenmpi-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libosmesa6-dev patchelf libglew-dev

# software rendering
$ sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libosmesa6 patchelf

# window rendering
$ sudo apt-get install libglfw3 libglew2.0

$ pip install -r requirements.txt



$ python -m run --run_prefix test --algo ppo --env "Hopper-v2"


$ python -m run --run_prefix test --algo ddpg --env "Hopper-v2"


$ python -m run --run_prefix test --algo td3 --env "Hopper-v2"


$ python -m run --run_prefix test --algo sac --env "Hopper-v2"


  1. Generate demo using PPO
# train ppo expert agent
$ python -m run --run_prefix test --algo ppo --env "Hopper-v2"
# collect expert trajectories using ppo expert policy
$ python -m run --run_prefix test --algo ppo --env "Hopper-v2" --is_train False --record_video False --record_demo True --num_eval 100
# 100 trajectories are stored in log/Hopper-v2.ppo.test.123/demo/Hopper-v2.ppo.test.123_step_00001000000_100.pkl
  1. Run BC
$ python -m run --run_prefix test --algo bc --env "Hopper-v2" --demo_path log/Hopper-v2.ppo.test.123/demo/Hopper-v2.ppo.test.123_step_00001000000_100.pkl


$ python -m run --run_prefix test --algo gail --env "Hopper-v2" --demo_path log/Hopper-v2.ppo.test.123/demo/Hopper-v2.ppo.test.123_step_00001000000_100.pkl

# initialize with BC policy
$ python -m run --run_prefix test --algo gail --env "Hopper-v2" --demo_path log/Hopper-v2.ppo.test.123/demo/Hopper-v2.ppo.test.123_step_00001000000_100.pkl --init_ckpt_path log/Hopper-v2.bc.test.123/ckpt_00000020.pt

To dos

  • BC intialization for all algorithms
  • Ray
  • HER
  • Skill coordination


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%