This repo has the code of the Tensotflow implementation of the AlexNet CNN (Tensorflow > 1.2) and scripts to extract the features from C1, C5 and FC2 layers. The code is ready-to-go, including the trained weights of AlexNet and some images to test.
- The AlexNet weights were downloaded from:
- The TensorFlow implementation of Alexnet was firstly developed by:
- Install pip dependences:
$ pip install tf tqdm
- Install opencv2. Follow tutorial from
- Download the Alexnet weights and locate them on the root of this project. Weights can be downloaded from
$ cd cnn_feature_extractor_rpv_2017/ && wget
- Put the images on a folder, every class separated by folder name: 000, 001, 002, 003, etc.
- Create a new config file in JSON format (examples in config/ folder).
- Run by executing
python -c config/*a_config_file.json*
python -c config/alexnet_iris.json
All the results and plots are defined on the config file, but generally they are located in the plots/ and results/ folders.
- plots: are PDF generated files with a normalized confusion matrix using a heatmap color map.
- results: are JSON files generated with all the relevant information about the experiment: confusion matrix, overall precision, average precision, etc.
- Héctor Azpúrua
- Patricia Almeida
- Willian Hofner