gianni0907 / crowd_navigation_tiago

Repository containing a Python implementation of a sensor-based scheme for safe TIAGo navigation in a crowd

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Safe robot navigation in a crowd: Application to the TIAGo mobile manipulator

The project addresses the problem of safe mobile robot navigation in a crowded environment. The adopted sensor-based scheme consists of two main modules:

  • Crowd prediction module: acquires information via an on-board laser rangefinder and produces predictions of the surrounding agents' motion.
  • Motion generation module: given a desired target position and the crowd motion prediction, runs a Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) algorithm to generate a collision-free robot motion. Collision avoidance constraints are formulated via discrete-time Control Barrier Functions (CBFs).

For further details, the interested reader is referred to the thesis and/or the slides in the media folder, where also videos of some simulations and experiments are reported.


The project is realized using Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic (incompatibilities may arise considering different versions).

  • Create a catkin workspace and clone this repository in the src folder:
mkdir -p <ws_name>/src
cd <ws_name>/src
git clone
  • In the <ws_name> directory, set the Release mode and build by running:
catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
catkin build


To run the Gazebo simulation (make sure simulation=True in crowd_navigation_core/src/crowd_navigation_core/

roslaunch labrob_tiago_gazebo tiago_gazebo.launch public_sim:=true end_effector:=pal-gripper world:=WORLD

where WORLD is one of the worlds in the labrob_gazebo_worlds/worlds directory. Depending on the chosen WORLD, modify accordingly the n_actors variable specified in crowd_navigation_core/src/crowd_navigation_core/

If the real robot is considered, thus simulation=False, make sure it is inside the admissible region defined by vertexes in crowd_navigation_core/src/crowd_navigation_core/

To run the crowd prediction module:

roslaunch crowd_navigation_core crowd_prediction.launch

To run the motion generation module:

roslaunch crowd_navigation_core motion_generation.launch

It is also possible to run the two modules simultaneously:

roslaunch crowd_navigation_core crowd_navigation.launch

To set a desired TIAGo target position:

roslaunch crowd_navigation_core send_desired_target_position.launch x_des:=X y_des:=Y

where X and Y are the coordinates of the desired goal position.

Note: the desired target position can be set multiple times, running the corresponding launch file with different coordinates.

When the nodes are shutdown, relevant data are logged in .json files saved in the folder /tmp/crowd_navigation_tiago/data, with names specified by the variable filename in crowd_navigation_core/src/crowd_navigation_core/ To plot results run:

roslaunch crowd_navigation_core plotter.launch filename:=FILENAME

where FILENAME is the name of the saved .json file (WITHOUT extension). Plots and animations shown are also saved in /tmp/crowd_navigation_tiago/plots and /tmp/crowd_navigation_tiago/simulations folders, respectively.


Repository containing a Python implementation of a sensor-based scheme for safe TIAGo navigation in a crowd


Language:Python 98.4%Language:CMake 1.6%