gcsolaroli / _password-generator

Simple project to start practicing with Purescript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Password generator

Initial setup e first build

Compiling the purescript code, supposing nvm is already installed, is as simple as typing:

> nvm install --lts (12.14.1)
> npm install -g purescript@0.13.6
> npm install -g spago@0.13.1
> npm install -g parcel-bundler@1.12.4
> npm install -g sass@1.25.0
> npm install -g yarn@1.21.1
> yarn clean; yarn build
> yarn docs; open generated-docs/html/index.html
> yarn develop-app

VSCode integration

To support editing Purescript files, there are two useful VSCode plugins:

In order to have errors highlighted directly into VSCode, you need to set one option into the "PureScript IDE" module:

  • "purescript.editorMode": true (Editor Mode: Whether to set the editor-mode flag on the IDE server)

To run the application, just type the following two commands in two different terminal windows:

  • yarn develop-purs
  • yarn develop-app

The first command will invoke spago to continuosly compile the PureScript files, while the second will start a web server to serve the application on a local port, reported by ParcelJS logs:

>> starting...
Server running at http://localhost:1234 
✨  Built in 2.36s.


Simple project to start practicing with Purescript


Language:PureScript 91.0%Language:Dhall 5.5%Language:HTML 2.2%Language:CSS 1.0%Language:JavaScript 0.4%