gbif / dwc-api

Darwin Core term enumeration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Darwin Core API

The DwC-API library provides:

  • Enumerations representing Darwin Core terms
  • Enumerations representing terms or a subset of terms from other standards (e.g. Dublin Core, Audubon Core)
  • Handling of unknown terms through UnknownTerm
  • Factory for getting Term instances
  • Utilities like JSON serialization and Term comparator

To build the project

mvn clean install


//get Term by the defined enumaration
Term scientificNameFromEnum = DwcTerm.scientificName;

//get Term by the TermFactory
TermFactory factory = TermFactory.instance();
Term scientificNameFromPrefixAndSimpleName = factory.findTerm("dwc:scientificName");
Term scientificNameFromQualifiedName = factory.findTerm("");




Darwin Core term enumeration

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%