funfunchen / rareGWAMA

TESLA implementation (part of rareGWAMA)

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A rareGWAMA R package

and its Trans-ethnic TWAS application

Table of Contents


rareGWAMA is a flexible, swiss army knife software package for imputation based GWAS meta-analysis.
It is developed and maintained by Dajiang Liu's Group.

This repository is for TESLA (Trans-Ethnic transcriptome-wide association Study approach using an optimal Linear combination of Association statistics), an improved TWAS method that optimally integrates trans-ethnic GWAS data with eQTL datasets.

TESLA is implemented in the rareGWAMA package, if you want to use all the Rare-Variant Association Analysis related functions in raraGWAMA, please refer to this page.



Liu DJ*†, Peloso GM*, Zhan X*, Holmen O*, Zawistowski M, Feng S, Nikpay M, Auer PL, Goel A, Zhang H, Peters U, Farrall M, Orho-Melander M, Kooperberg C, McPherson R, Watkins H, Willer CJ, Hveem, K, Melander O, Kathiresan S, Abecasis GR†
Meta-analysis of gene-level tests of rare variant association, Nature Genetics, 46, 200–204 (2014)
doi: 10.1038/ng.2852.

Trans-ethnic Transcriptome-wide Association Study for Smoking Addiction in 1.3 Million Individuals Yields Insights into Tobacco Use Biology and Drug Repurposing (in preparation)

Installing the rareGWAMA R package

The package is hosted on github, which allows installation and update to be very easy. First, make sure you have the mvtnorm and data.table packages installed:


And also, you need the latest version of seqminer:


Then you could use:


With library(rareGWAMA), your are ready to go!

Quick tutorial

  1. The wiki has detailed tutorials on input formats, analysis and results interpretation.
  2. The methods are described in the papers (citations above)

TESLA analysis

1.The very basic test is using:

res.gene.ii <- rareGWAMA.gene(score.stat.file,
                                vcf.ref.file, refFileFormat="vcf.vbi",
                                anno=anno.ii, annoType=c('-'),
                                ref.ancestry=ref.ancestry, trans.ethnic=TRUE, study.ancestry=study.ancestry,
                                chrVcfPrefix=c("chr",""), chrSumstatPrefix="chr",
                                af.pca=as.matrix(af.pca), af.pca.eqtl=gtex.pca,
                                gc=TRUE, maf.bin=maf.bin, gc.lambda=gc.merge,

please find more details in the wiki: input formats for the arguments:

  • score.stat.file: The file paths of all the score statistic files, which is a vector object;
  • imp.qual.file: Default is NULL. The file names of imputation quality, which is a vector object;
  • vcf.ref.file: The file paths of the reference panel files, which is a list object. Each list element is a data.frame which contains all the vcf files paths for this panel;
  • refFileFormat: vcf or vcf.vbi;
  • anno: eQTL weights and annotation file, which is a data.frame object;
  • annoType: The annotation types: could be Nonsynonymous|Stop|Splice or just -;
  • rvtest: The Rare-Variant Association Testing you want to use (i.e. 'VT', 'BURDEN', 'SKAT'), usging TESLA here;
  • ref.ancestry: Individuals' ancestry information, which is a list object;
  • trans.ethnic: True for multi-ethnic analysis;
  • study.ancestry: Ancestry information for each study, which is a vector object;
  • maf.cutoff: The minor allele frequency cut off, 1 as default;
  • study.ref.panel: ref.panel used for each study, which is a vector object;
  • chrVcfPrefix: The prefix of chromosome colomn used for each ref panel, which is a vector object;
  • chrSumstatPrefix: What the prefix is, usually is chr;
  • The number of PCs are incorporated in the analysis;
  • af.pca: MDS information (or PCA) of all the studies, which is a matrix object. Please add a column of 1 to represent the intercept;
  • af.pca.eqtl: The MDS information of the eQTL data, which is a vector object. Please add 1 to represent the intercept;
  • gc: Default is FALSE;
  • maf.bin: The minor allelle frequency used, which is a matrix object;
  • gc.lambda: GC values for each study, which is a data.frame object;
  • regMat.lambda: 0 as default;

2.The out put should be as follows:

ENSG00000115364_MRPL19	2:74691309-76284257	0.53226	0.29468	0.02075	0.00972	0.466	0.587	0.885	0.921	0.768	1	5	16.5	2:74691309_A/G,2:74743266_C/T,2:74743454_G/A,2:74743589_G/T,2:75966100_C/T	367600	2:75966100_C/T	-0.00710230700790038	0.00264051650131425	NA
ENSG00000176204_LRRTM4	2:75785917-78591153	0.764	1.461	3.015	2.500	0.3820	0.2267	0.0825	0.1138	0.151	1	9	25	2:75785917_C/T,2:75811099_C/T,2:75924603_A/G,2:75929335_A/G,2:75934448_T/C,2:75947603_A/G,2:75964796_G/A,2:75968106_G/A,2:77706383_A/G	366578	2:77706383_A/G	-0.003566617901943	0.0014587152918681	NA
ENSG00000042445_RETSAT	2:85060154-85931869	5.78	3.38	3.84	3.08	0.0162	0.0662	0.0502	0.0792	0.0249	1	26	8.24	2:85060154_G/A,2:85183810_C/T,2:85186540_T/C,2:85195299_C/T,2:85195870_A/C,2:85333360_G/A,2:85338511_T/C,2:85340538_C/T,2:85345910_G/A,2:85346280_C/A,2:85346892_G/A,2:85347139_C/A,2:85441189_G/A,2:85441865_A/G,2:85649558_A/G,2:85922642_A/C,2:85925585_A/C,2:85925776_C/T,2:85926546_A/G,2:85926881_C/T,2:85927621_G/A,2:85928121_C/T,2:85929854_T/C,2:85930472_G/T,2:85930874_C/A,2:85931869_T/G	366411	2:85333360_G/A	0.00374031622935748	0.00146376973618988	NA
ENSG00000042493_CAPG	2:84485399-86235624	6.09	1.62	1.97	1.35	0.0136	0.2027	0.1605	0.2460	0.0289	1	30	4.81	2:84485399_A/G,2:84580261_T/C,2:84588891_A/G,2:84641177_A/G,2:84670377_A/G,2:84679046_A/G,2:84689275_C/T,2:84731535_G/A,2:84779586_C/T,2:84792782_G/T,2:84812439_C/T,2:84814512_A/G,2:84819794_G/T,2:84846573_G/A,2:85310189_G/A,2:85349849_G/A,2:85366983_A/G,2:85383920_T/G,2:85389635_T/C,2:85394936_T/C,2:85395194_T/C,2:85398099_T/G,2:85411200_A/G,2:85420466_C/T,2:85806164_G/A,2:86141681_G/A,2:86165645_A/G,2:86216085_C/T,2:86228369_C/T,2:86235624_G/A	366790	2:85411200_A/G	-0.00408101301034469	0.00146471774904106	NA
ENSG00000115486_GGCX	2:84890543-86411977	0.5747	0.8634	0.0126	0.0260	0.448	0.353	0.911	0.872	0.662	1	41	14.5	2:84890543_G/A,2:85041479_C/T,2:85199986_G/A,2:85210822_C/T,2:85253575_T/G,2:85254276_G/A,2:85540612_C/T,2:85578244_C/A,2:85581614_A/G,2:85581748_C/T,2:85582866_C/T,2:85584106_G/A,2:85587861_C/T,2:85591365_T/C,2:85725907_C/A,2:85734723_C/T,2:85858022_G/A,2:85860886_T/C,2:85861843_G/A,2:85862014_C/A,2:85865130_T/C,2:85867056_G/T,2:85868078_G/A,2:85868309_C/T,2:85869687_C/A,2:85873484_G/A,2:85873888_T/C,2:85876532_C/T,2:85877606_C/T,2:85878029_T/C,2:85878375_A/G,2:85883080_A/G,2:85938320_T/C,2:86285865_G/A,2:86288998_C/T,2:86291126_A/C,2:86314543_A/C,2:86325796_G/T,2:86359649_T/C,2:86368878_A/G,2:86411977_C/T	365220	2:85725907_C/A	0.0026933772332081	0.00179705864001883	NA

3.For demo data, please see ?rareGWAMA.gene.


Questions and requests can be sent to Github issue page (link) or Dajiang Liu ( and Fang Chen(

  • Note: As of October, 2022, TESLA is maitained by Liu Lab with Dajiang Liu and Xingyan Wang (


1: Xiaowei Zhan, Youna Hu, Bingshan Li, Goncalo R. Abecasis, and Dajiang J. Liu
RVTESTS: An Efficient and Comprehensive Tool for Rare Variant Association Analysis Using Sequence Data
Bioinformatics 2016 32: 1423-1426. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btw079 (PDF)

2: Yang L, Jiang S, Jiang B, Liu DJ, Zhan X
Seqminer2: an efficient tool to query and retrieve genotypes for statistical genetics analyses from biobank scale sequence dataset Bioinformatics. 2020 Oct 1;36(19):4951-4. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa628


TESLA implementation (part of rareGWAMA)


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