frangaren / opengl-fractal

A implementation of Mandelbrot's and Julia's set in GLSL over C + OpenGL.

Repository from Github https://github.comfrangaren/opengl-fractalRepository from Github https://github.comfrangaren/opengl-fractal

OpenGL Fractal


A implementation of Mandelbrot's and Julia's set in GLSL over C + OpenGL.

How to build


  1. Install GLFW3 and GLEW:

Arch Linux

If you are using x11:

sudo pacman -Syu glfw-x11 glew

If you are using Wayland:

sudo pacman -Syu glfw-wayland glew
  1. Open a terminal and go to the directory where this readme is in.
  2. Run make on the terminal.
  3. The program is now compiled in the bin directory with all the shader files (*.glsl) needed to run the program.

Command options

  • --fp64 and -64: use double precision arithmetic if possible.
  • --fullscreen and -f: run on fullscreen.
  • --width and -w: set width.
  • --height and -h: set height.
  • --julia and -j: show Julias's instead of Mandelbrot's one.
  • --help and -h: print help message.


  • w and up arrow: move fractal up.
  • s and down arrow: move fractal down.
  • a and left arrow: move fractal left.
  • d and right arrow: move fractal right.
  • r and left shift: zoom out.
  • f and left control: zoom in.
  • i, j, k and l: modify Julia's fractal constant (only in Julia's fractal).
  • q and escape: quit.


A implementation of Mandelbrot's and Julia's set in GLSL over C + OpenGL.

License:MIT License


Language:C 72.5%Language:GLSL 20.2%Language:Makefile 4.6%Language:C++ 2.7%