fortalbrz / gardenino

Arduino and Home Assistant Garden Robot

Repository from Github https://github.comfortalbrz/gardeninoRepository from Github https://github.comfortalbrz/gardenino


🏡 Garden Wifi with Home Assistant and NodeMCU

Optimized for NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)


I made this project to make use of an old 8 channels relay module with a low cost NodeMCU module... 😃 The goal is to control the garden watering, some decorative led lights, a couple of light flood, etc using Home Assistant with MQTT protocol (e.g., mosquitto broker).






  • works with Home Assistant to control garden watering and more 7 smart switches (MQTT), lights, etc
  • soil moisture sensor (avoids watering when the soil is wet - optional, use config flags)
  • watering watchdog (prevents watering for long time... 🚰 - optional, see config flags)

MQTT broker

This project should communicate with a MQTT broker (e.g., mosquitto broker), ideally using home assistant

mqtt diagram

Source code:


  • 1 x NodeMCU (ESP 8266-12e) - [25 BRL]
  • 1 x relay module 5v 8-ch (optional: less that 8 channels can be used) - [35 BRL]
  • 1 x solenoid valve 3/4" 110 v (normally closed) - [25 BRL]
  • 1 x soil moisture sensor (optional: avoids watering when the soil is wet) - [9 BRL]
  • 1 x power supply 5vdc (1A) - [14 BRL]
  • 1 x led and resistor 10k ohms (optional, indicates "power on")
  • 1 x electrolytic capacitor 100 uF (optional)
  • flexible cab (22 agw)


  • 4 LED garden spike light (7w) - [69 BRL]
  • led flood light 50w - [19 BRL]

Circuit Wiring Instruction (step by step):

project resources

[wiring diagram]:

  • NodeMCU (GND) -> power supply 5vdc (negative/Gnd)
  • NodeMCU (Vin) -> power supply 5vdc (positive/Vcc)
  • Relay 8 ch (VCC) -> power supply 5vdc (negative/Gnd)
  • Relay 8 ch (GND) -> power supply 5vdc (positive/Vcc)
  • Relay 8 ch (In 1) -> Arduino Nano (D1)
  • Relay 8 ch (In 2) -> Arduino Nano (D2)
  • Relay 8 ch (In 3) -> Arduino Nano (D5)
  • Relay 8 ch (In 4) -> Arduino Nano (D6)
  • Relay 8 ch (In 5) -> Arduino Nano (D7)
  • Relay 8 ch (In 6) -> Arduino Nano (D3)
  • Relay 8 ch (In 7) -> Arduino Nano (D0)
  • Relay 8 ch (In 8) -> Arduino Nano (D4)
  • Soil moisture sensor VIN (right) -> NodeMCU (3.3v)
  • Soil moisture sensor GND (center) -> power supply 5vdc (negative/Gnd)
  • Soil moisture sensor SIG/A0 (left) -> NodeMCU (A0)
  • Led terminal 1 (positive) -> +5 V power source (VCC) (optional, "power on led")
  • Led terminal 2 (negative/bevel) -> resistor 10k olhms "D" terminal 1 (optional, "power on led")
  • resistor 10k olhms "D" terminal 2 -> -5 V power source (GND) (optional, "power on led")
  • capacitor 100uF (positive) -> +5 V power source (VCC) (optional)
  • capacitor 100uF (negative/"minus sign") -> resistor 10k olhms "D" terminal 2 (optional)

Flashing the code

Drivers (CH340g) for NodeMCU:

The ESP-01 module should be programed with the sketch with the Arduino IDE:

  • go to File > Preferences
  • on "Additional boards manager", set the value ""
  • go to Tools > Board > Board Manager
  • search for "ESP8266"
  • install the ESP8266 Community package ("esp8266" by ESP8266 Community)//
  • select board "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)" and connected COM port (checks at Windows "device manager")
  • select Sketch > Upload

Home Assistant Configuration

Adds the line on configuration.yaml:

 mqtt: !include mqtt.yaml

And creates a file "mqtt.yaml" as follow:

- sensor:
  # Soil moisture (front garden)
  name: "Garden Soil moisture"
  unique_id: front_garden_soil_moisture
  device_class: "moisture"
  unit_of_measurement: "%"
  suggested_display_precision: 0
  state_topic: "gardenino/state"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.moisture }}"
  json_attributes_topic: "gardenino/state"
  json_attributes_template: "{{ value_json | tojson }}"
  icon: mdi:water
  availability_mode: latest
  expire_after: 0
  qos: 0
    - topic: "gardenino/available"
      payload_available: "online"
      payload_not_available: "offline"
- sensor:
  # Soil condition (front garden)
  name: "Garden Soil Condition"
  unique_id: front_garden_soil_condition
  device_class: "enum"
  state_topic: "gardenino/state"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.soil }}"
  icon: mdi:water
  availability_mode: latest
  expire_after: 0
  qos: 0
    - topic: "gardenino/available"
      payload_available: "online"
      payload_not_available: "offline"
- switch:
  # Front garden watering: on/off
  name: "Garden Watering"
  unique_id: front_garden_watering
  state_topic: "gardenino/state"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.relay_1 }}"
  state_on: "on"
  state_off: "off"
  command_topic: "gardenino/cmd"
  payload_on: "relay 1 on"
  payload_off: "relay 1 off"
    - topic: "gardenino/available"
      payload_available: "online"
      payload_not_available: "offline"
  availability_mode: latest
  enabled_by_default: true
  optimistic: false
  qos: 0
  retain: true
  icon: mdi:sprinkler
  device_class: "outlet"
- switch:
  # Front garden lights: on/off
  name: "Garden Decorative Lights"
  unique_id: front_garden_small_lights
  state_topic: "gardenino/state"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.relay_2 }}"
  state_on: "on"
  state_off: "off"
  command_topic: "gardenino/cmd"
  payload_on: "relay 2 on"
  payload_off: "relay 2 off"
    - topic: "gardenino/available"
      payload_available: "online"
      payload_not_available: "offline"
  availability_mode: latest
  enabled_by_default: true
  optimistic: false
  qos: 0
  retain: true
  icon: mdi:post-lamp
  device_class: "outlet"
- switch:
  # Front garden light flood: on/off
  name: "Garden Light Flood 1"
  unique_id: front_garden_light_flood
  state_topic: "gardenino/state"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.relay_3 }}"
  state_on: "on"
  state_off: "off"
  command_topic: "gardenino/cmd"
  payload_on: "relay 3 on"
  payload_off: "relay 3 off"
    - topic: "gardenino/available"
      payload_available: "online"
      payload_not_available: "offline"
  availability_mode: latest
  enabled_by_default: true
  optimistic: false
  qos: 0
  retain: true
  icon: mdi:light-flood-down
  device_class: "outlet"
- switch:
  # Front garden light flood (neighbor): on/off
  name: "Garden Light Flood 2"
  unique_id: front_garden_light_flood_neighbor
  state_topic: "gardenino/state"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.relay_4 }}"
  state_on: "on"
  state_off: "off"
  command_topic: "gardenino/cmd"
  payload_on: "relay 4 on"
  payload_off: "relay 4 off"
    - topic: "gardenino/available"
      payload_available: "online"
      payload_not_available: "offline"
  availability_mode: latest
  enabled_by_default: true
  optimistic: false
  qos: 0
  retain: true
  icon: mdi:light-flood-down
  device_class: "outlet"
- switch:
  # Enables the moisuture sensor to lock watering on front garden (wet soil)
  name: "Enables moisture Sensor to Lock Watering"
  unique_id: front_garden_enables_moisture_sensor
  state_topic: "gardenino/state"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.sensor }}"
  state_on: "on"
  state_off: "off"
  command_topic: "gardenino/cmd"
  payload_on: "sensor on"
  payload_off: "sensor off"
    - topic: "gardenino/available"
      payload_available: "online"
      payload_not_available: "offline"
  availability_mode: latest
  enabled_by_default: true
  optimistic: false
  qos: 0
  retain: true
  icon: mdi:sprinkler
  device_class: "outlet"
- switch:
  # Enables watering watchdog on front garden (5 min)
  name: "Enables Watering Watchdog"
  unique_id: front_garden_enables_watering_watchdog
  state_topic: "gardenino/state"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.watchdog }}"
  state_on: "on"
  state_off: "off"
  command_topic: "gardenino/cmd"
  payload_on: "watchdog on"
  payload_off: "watchdog off"
    - topic: "gardenino/available"
      payload_available: "online"
      payload_not_available: "offline"
  availability_mode: latest
  enabled_by_default: true
  optimistic: false
  qos: 0
  retain: true
  icon: mdi:sprinkler
  device_class: "outlet"

MQTT topics:

  • gardenino/available: sensors availability ["online"/"offline"]

  • gardenino/cmd: pushes commands to NodeMCU [home assistant -> gardenino]:

    • "watering": watering for 5 min (turn on/off sonenoid valve, i.e. relay #1)
    • "light on/off": turns on/off the garden decorative led lights (i.e. relay #2)
    • "light flood 1 on/off": turn on/of the 1st light flood (i.e. relay #3)
    • "light flood 2 on/off": turn on/of the 2nd light flood (i.e. relay #4)
    • "relays on/off": turn on/off all relays [debug only]
    • "watchdog on/off": enables/disables the watering watchdog (5 minutes) [debug only]
    • "sensor on/off": enables/disables the soil humidity sensor to block the watering if the soil is too wet [debug only]
    • "refresh": update MQTT state [debug only]
  • gardenino/state: retrieves NodeMCU states as json [gardenino -> home assistant]

       "relay_1": "off",    // relay 1 state: [on/off]
       "relay_2": "on",     // relay 2 state: [on/off]
       "relay_3": "off",    // relay 3 state: [on/off]
       "relay_4": "off",    // relay 4 state: [on/off] 
       "relay_5": "off",    // relay 5 state: [on/off]
       "relay_6": "off",    // relay 6 state: [on/off]
       "relay_7": "off",    // relay 7 state: [on/off]
       "relay_8": "off",    // relay 8 state: [on/off]
       "sensor": "off",     // soil mosture blocks watering enabled: [on/off]
       "watchdog": "on",    // watering watchdog enabled: [on/off]
       "moisture": 91,      // soil moisture, as percentage [0-100]
       "cond": 84,          // soil conductivity [0-1024]
       "soil": "wet"}       // soil state: [dry/ok/wet]

Configuration flags

macro default description
WIFI_PASSWORD Wi-fi password
MQTT_BROKER_ADDRESS MQTT MQTT broker server ip address
MQTT_BROKER_PORT 1883 MQTT broker port
MQTT_USERNAME MQTT broker username
MQTT_PASSWORD MQTT broker password
MQTT_DEVICE_ID MQTT session identifier (changes for more then one gardeino on the same MQTT broker)
USE_WATERING_WATCHDOG true enables a watering time limit (watering watchdog), false otherwise
USE_MOISTURE_SENSOR true enables the moisture sensor, false otherwise (set false if the moisture sensor is not needed)
DEBUG_MODE false true to debug on serial monitor (debug), false otherwise
WIRING_TEST_MODE false enables/disables a wiring test routine

Jorge Albuquerque (2024)