fkie / multimaster_fkie

ROS stack with FKIE packages for multi-robot (discovering, synchronizing and management GUI)

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zsh command not found: rosrun

antoan opened this issue · comments

I've sourced ros noetic at the very top of my .zshrc config.

Double clicking on the remote host's nodes to access its screen yeilds: zsh:1: command not found: rosrun

Originally posted by @antoan in #156 (comment)

When you start a node with the NodeManager, you can see in the screen of the node_manager_daemon which command is used.
If you copy this and run it yourself in the terminal, do you also get this error message?

I realised my problem isn't related to zsh and seems to stem from the fact that the daemon is not started automatically on the remote host (whose nodes I started manually via ssh, not via the Node Manager GUI)

In the screenshot below, the log shows that the Node Manager fails to connect to the daemon:

Screenshot from 2023-03-01 14-40-46

Some context:
My setup has a single ros master, with the following hosts:

leo (master)
jdam (slave)
ronin (runs Node Manager GUI)

I start by launching the node editor with roslaunch fkie_node_manager nm.launch on ronin, after which I start master_discovery via the GUI on the host which runs the ros master - leo

Also, I am able to ssh bidirectionally between the host running Node Manager GUI, and the node to which Node Manager was trying to connect to.

Perhaps I'm missing something?

When I launch the daemon manually (ssh) on the host jdam and double click on one of its nodes via Node Manager (ronin), I copied and executed the remote command highlighted in the log below, as you suggested. This yields the following:

$ rosrun fkie_node_manager --tail_screen_log /d455/realsense2_camera
screen logfile not found for: /d455/realsense2_camera

(screen is installed on all my hosts. )

[paramiko.transport][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:13,616: Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_8.2p1)
[paramiko.transport][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:13,645: Authentication (publickey) failed.
[paramiko.transport][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:13,667: Authentication (publickey) failed.
[paramiko.transport][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:13,682: Authentication (publickey) failed.
[rosout][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:13,689: No screen for /d455/realsense2_camera on jdam found
[paramiko.transport][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:23,561: Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_8.2p1)
[paramiko.transport][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:23,588: Authentication (publickey) failed.
[paramiko.transport][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:23,605: Authentication (publickey) failed.
[paramiko.transport][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:23,623: Authentication (publickey) failed.
[paramiko.transport][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:27,803: Authentication (password) failed.
[paramiko.transport][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:40,667: Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_8.2p1)
[paramiko.transport][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:40,707: Authentication (publickey) successful!

[rosout][INFO] 2023-03-01 19:28:40,708: REMOTE execute on tony@jdam: rosrun fkie_node_manager --tail_screen_log /d455/realsense2_camera
[rosout][WARNING] 2023-03-01 19:28:41,132: Get loggers for /d455/realsense2_camera failed; cannot get service URI from http://jdam:11311/: [Errno 111] Connection refused

The multimaster is designed for use with multiple ros masters. If you set up a system with a single ros master, starting master_discovery makes no sense. Also, you can run only one node_manager_daemon per ros master. This makes it impossible to do many things with node_manager on hosts where node_manager_daemon is not running.

Now about your problem.
By double-clicking on the nodes of the remote host, node_manager tries to invoke its screen. If this fails, the LOG file of the node is opened (if exists). In your case the LOG file contains "zsh:1: command not found: rosrun". This is what you see in the node_manager.
Since you start the node realsense2_camera manually via launch file, you have to look for the problem there. Unless the launch file contains something like launch-prefix="screen -dmS _d455__realsense2_camera", node_manager will not find a screen for this node.
That's why it seems to be related to the zsh after all. If you use screen prefix in the launch file, you have to check if corresponding ROS_-Environment variables are available in the screen. Unfortunately, I haven't worked with zsh yet and can't say if there are any specifics to be aware of.

I see, thank you. I'm guessing it won't be easy to attempt to adapt the code for my single master use case, otherwise I'd be grateful for any pointers in that direction?

Thanks again, really appreciate your thorough response.