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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi there πŸ‘‹

I'm Derek, a professor at NYU teaching Machine Learning in Financial Engineering

  • My interests are in synthetic data generation, agent-based simulators, and asset management using machine learning.
  • I have worked on projects at HSBC, G-Research, Alan Turing Insitute, Oxford-MAN Institute and other large quantitative funds.


Since joining Github, I pushed 8139 commits, opened 202 issues, received 20684 stars across 68 personal projects and contributed to 33 public repositories.


Everything listed here is available under Unlicense

My research has been used by large institutional banks and quantitative hedge funds (see SSRN).

  • DeltaPy (12,409 Downloads) β€” First tabular data augmentation package in Python (market data) [code][report]
  • PandaPy (21,163 Downloads) β€” Pandas alternative that mimics β€˜Structs’ in the C Language (market data) [code][report]
  • AtsPy (53,147 Downloads) β€” First automated time series package in Python (alternative data) [code][report]
  • DataGene (4,246 Downloads) β€” First package assessing dataset similarity (market data) [code][report]
  • MLAM (35,409 Downloads) β€” First repository for machine learning in asset management (market data) [code][report]

Other packages under this license include MTSS-GAN [code][report], the first multivariate conditional time series generator, FairPut [code][report], a FAIR package using LightGBM, and PandasVault [code], an advanced Pandas repository.

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