farhadm1990 / Shotgun-metagenomics

Shotgun metagenomics analysis of gut microbiome and functional profile

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

An R workflow for wholegenome sequence (WGS) data analysis

Unlike 16S rRNA amplicons, shotgun metagenomics targets all DNA present in the sample, e.g. colon. This means your samples will contain DNA from bacteria, host, archeae, and DNA-virum. Therefore, in the first step the host DNA must be removed if it is not of your interest. After decontamination, short reads will be assembled to form Metagnomics Assembled Genomes (MAGs) or contigs. For taxonomic annotations MAGs were binned based on neucleotide identity (NI) threshold and will be blasted against the database. All these steps were done using ATLAS Snakmake workflow and the resultant was analysed as demostrated in this R markdown.

An example of outputs from this workflow is the the phylogenetic tree of species as shown bellow :)

phylogenetic tree of species


Shotgun metagenomics analysis of gut microbiome and functional profile