ethanknights / ethanknights

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Representative Research Projects with Code

Neural Evidence of Functional Compensation for Fluid Intelligence in Healthy Ageing

[2023] [Code] [Article] [Dataset]

Attention in Action - Peripheral & Bimanual Reaching Deficits in a Single Case Study of Visual Neglect & Extinction Post-Stroke

[2023] [Code] [Article] [Dataset]

The Role of the Anterior Temporal Cortex in Action

[2022] [Code] [Article] [YouTube]

The Similarity of Lifespan Functional Connectivity across Modality, Task & Time

[2022] [Code] [YouTube] [Dataset]

Does HAROLD in Motor Cortex Reflect Compensation?

[2021] [Code] [Article] [YouTube]

Reconsidering the Role of Attention in Optic Ataxia

[2021] [Code] [Article] [YouTube]

Brain Decoding during Real Actions

[2021] [Code] [Article] [YouTube] [Dataset (fMRI)] [Dataset (Behavioural)]

Effect of APOE on Cognition & Brain in the CAM-CAN cohort

[2020] [Code] [Article] [Dataset]

How the Brain Grasps Tools: fMRI & Motion-Capture Investigations

[2019] [Code] [PhD Thesis] [YouTube]

Prism Adaptation Effects on Anti-Pointing

[2015] [Code] [Article]
