enjoy-digital / thunderscope

LiteX based FPGA gateware for Thunderscope.

Repository from Github https://github.comenjoy-digital/thunderscopeRepository from Github https://github.comenjoy-digital/thunderscope

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               /_  __/ /  __ _____  ___/ /__ _______ _______  ___  ___
                / / / _ \/ // / _ \/ _  / -_) __(_-</ __/ _ \/ _ \/ -_)
               /_/ /_//_/\_,_/_//_/\_,_/\__/_/ /___/\__/\___/ .__/\__/
                         FPGA gateware for Thunderscope hardware.
                                Powered by Migen & LiteX


LiteX based FPGA gateware for Thunderscope.

This repo aims to provide a LiteX based gateware for Thunderscope hardware.

This repo is for now a WIP.

[> Prerequisites

  • Python3, Vivado WebPACK
  • Either a Vivado-compatible JTAG cable (native or XVCD), or OpenOCD.

[> Installing LiteX

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enjoy-digital/litex/master/litex_setup.py
$ chmod +x litex_setup.py
$ sudo ./litex_setup.py init install

[> Build and Load the bitstream

$ ./thunderscope --driver --build --load

[> Open LiteX server

Over JTAGBone (on local machine):

$ litex_server --jtag --jtag-config=openocd_xc7_ft232.cfg

Over PCIeBone (on local or remote machine):

$ sudo litex_server --pcie --pcie-bar=0x:00.0 (--host=192.168.1.X if on remote machine)

[> Compile/Mount LitePCIe Driver

$ cd software/kernel
$ make
$ sudo ./init.sh
$ cd ../user
$ make

[> Run test scripts

$ cd test
$ ./i2c_test --scan (--host=192.168.1.X if remotely)
$ ./test_adc.py --channels=1 --mode=ramp --afe-coupling=DC --afe-attenuation=10X --pga-preamp=10 --pga-atten=10 --pga-bw=full --pga-offset=128
$ ./test_glscopeclient.py
$ glscopeclient --debug myscope:enjoy-digital:lan:


LiteX based FPGA gateware for Thunderscope.


Language:Python 79.7%Language:C++ 20.3%