emeinhardt / gregex

A software library and command-line tool for investigating and working with linear code representations of glycans and regular-expression-like operators.

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A software library and command-line tool for investigating and working with linear code representations of glycans and regular-expression-like operators. Currently an alpha release.

Motivation / context

Glycans are a type of molecule that typically have a chain and/or tree-like structure. A number of researchers (e.g. Banin et al., 2002; Krambeck et al. 2009) have proposed compact, machine and (somewhat) human-readable notation ('linear code') for individual glycans, sets of formally similar glycans, and reactions. To represent formally similar sets of glycans, uncertainty operators (analogous to ., +, and * in regular expression tools) are employed. These operators do not currently have a mathematically precise or thorough explication, nor is there any open-source software that might fill a similar role.

This package contains functions (and a command-line interface to the main script) for clarifying and comparing the meaning of each of Krambeck et al. 2009's three uncertainty operators (_, ..., |) as documented there and in Glymmer manual.


  • The code in this repository can be imported as a package for programmatic use: import gregex.
  • The command-line interface can be accessed via the usual python -m gregex ... route. python -m gregex -h will bring up the argparse help.
    • Only a fraction of the package's functionality is currently exposed through the command-line interface.

CLI example usage

Provided the gregex module is in the current directory or on your path (via e.g. step 2 of the installation process below), some of the functionality of the gregex Python module is available via python -m gregex <ARGS>.

All CLI functionality performs some operation on a single glycan linear code expression (the first and main argument to the script). Exactly which operation is dictated by other flags and arguments.

For complete details and a description of all functionality and flags, use the command-line help flag: python -m gregex -h.

Checking syntactic well-formedness of linear code representations

python -m gregex 'Ma6(Ma4)M' returns a boolean indicating the linear code expression is well-formed or not according to the following context-free grammar:

exp ⟶ subexp non_main_branch+ stem | stem | λ
stem ⟶ SU_with_bond_info* SU_bare
non_main_branch ⟶ '(' subexp ')'
subexp ⟶ subexp non_main_branch+ substem | substem
substem ⟶ SU_with_bond_info+
SU_with_bond_info ⟶ SU_bare bond_type bond_location
bond_type ⟶ 'a' | 'b' | '?'
bond_location ⟶ '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' | '?'
SU_bare ⟶ 'A' | 'AN' | 'B' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'GN' | 'G[Q]' | 'H' | 'H[2Q, 4Q]' | 'I' | 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'NG' | 'NJ' | 'NN' | 'NN[9N]' | 'N[5Q]' | 'O' | 'P' | 'PH' | 'R' | 'S' | 'U' | 'W' | 'X'


  • , |, λ , *, and + are all reserved and/or metalinguistic symbols with their usual formal-language theoretic meaning (see any textbook or introductory material for reference).
  • all terminal symbols are quoted string literals, except for the empty string.
  • the enumeration of saccharide units is taken from a relatively arbitrary mix of what glypy supports and what glymmer supports.

Note that this is a declarative specification of what linear code expressions are that represent a single glycan or a set of glycans (via the uncertainty operators about bond type and position). See e.g. BNF for more on why specifications like this are common.

NOTE 0: This is a tentative grammar - not the only possible one, and not a complete one. As noted in the TODO, extending this grammar is a worthwhile goal.

NOTE 1: The parser does exactly what it says on the tin: it checks syntactic well-formedness. Checking or enforcing things like

  • syntactic conventions about the linear ordering of children
  • whether a linear code representation describes something physically possible (= the denonational semantics of linear code).

is somewhere between not the job of a parser and not something you really want a parser per se to do.

Some other part of gregex might support these features on top of parsing eventually, but for now they are absent. (glypy might support some aspects of the second feature.)

NOTE 2: As you may have noticed, with the exception of bond type/location uncertainty operators, linear code expressions with uncertainty operators are not part of this grammar. This is a consequence of their current ad-hoc definition in terms of string-matching. Incorporating them into the parser is possible through ad-hoc hacks and further research clarifying their meaning.

NOTE 3: For longer linear code expressions (e.g. the large glycan example elsewhere on this page), current code may need a few tens of GB and a few minutes to calculate well-formedness. While this is not a problem for servers commonly used in scientific computing, it may not be practical for use on a researcher's personal laptop. Since NLTK is largely a research and pedagogically-oriented library, a more performant parser could easily improve on this.

Converting a linear code representation of a glycan to an s-expression

While linear code is more compact than more general tree notations when chaining ('unary branching') is more typical than (multi-child) branching, the 'bushier' a glycan is and the more monosaccharides are in the glycan, the harder it will be for a human to see hierarchical structure at a glance and the more likely they are to make mistakes while reading or editing. gregex has (currently somewhat limited) support for exporting a glycan represented in linear code to a notation that makes the tree structure more apparent: 's-expressions'.

This representation of code and data native to Lisp dialects makes tree and list structure readily apparent, even for longer glycans, particularly when indented according to common conventions. S-expressions ('s-exps') also have a long history of use in natural language parsing for creating human- and machine-readable representations of syntactic trees.

python -m gregex 'NNa3(ANb4)Ab4GNb2(NNa6Ab4GNb4)Ma3(NNa3(ANb4)Ab4GNb3Ab4GNb2(NNa3(ANb4)Ab4GNb6)Ma6)Ma4GNb4(Fa6)GN' -e

(currently) yields

(GN Fa6 (GNb4 (Ma4 (Ma6 (GNb6 (Ab4 ANb4 NNa3)) (GNb2 (Ab4 (GNb3 (Ab4 ANb4 NNa3))))) (Ma3 (GNb4 (Ab4 NNa6)) (GNb2 (Ab4 ANb4 NNa3))))))

(gregex currently doesn't do pretty-printing of s-expressions, but for the time being, any widely-used text editor will support packages that automatically indent s-expressions according to common conventions. See the TODO item below for how this pretty-printed output would likely appear.)

Checking whether a string matches an uncertainty operator in some glycan

python -m gregex 'Ma6_M' -s '(Ma4)' checks whether (Ma4) can be substituted for the operator _ in Ma6_M. It can, so this returns True to stdout.

Finding all nonempty matches for your choice of uncertainty operator in some glycan

python -m gregex 'Ma6(Ma4)M' -o '_' writes a set of lines to stdout indicating all the nonempty subsequences of Ma6(Ma4)M that could be replaced with _ and yield a syntactically well-formed linear code expression.

python -m gregex 'Ma6(Ma4)M' -o '_' -c is the same, but each line now contains left_context match right_context for some match.

python -m gregex 'Ma6(Ma4)M' -o '_' -s '(Ma2)' -c is similar to the previous command, but checks for each (left context, match, right_context) triple whether (Ma2) can successfully match the location of _ in each possible left-match-right split of the original linear code expression.

Requirements / installation

All code has been developed and tested on Ubuntu 18.04.3 and MacOS 10.13.5.

The four most salient dependencies are

  • funcy, supporting functional programming.
  • nltk, for linear code expression parsing outside of glypy.
  • glypy (so far only necessary for development, not for CLI functionality or most other functions)
  • Python 2.7
    • glypy does not currently support Python 3.
      • gregex should otherwise be Python 3 compatible.
    • Note that nearly every direction for further development of this package depends on third-party packages that have at best limited support for Python 2.

To set up a new conda environment that contains this repository's dependencies,

  1. git clone this repository to a filepath of your choice.
  2. cd path_to_repo
  3. Create the conda environment automatically via the .yml file in the repository (conda env create -f gregex_env.yml, followed by conda activate gregex) or enter the commands in conda_manual_environment_creation.txt at your command prompt, one at a time.

Optional/complementary packages

csvtk lets you manipulate tab-separated output of gregex at the command line; for example:

$ python -m gregex 'Ab4GNb2(Ab4GNb4)Ma3' -o '|' -c | csvtk tab2csv -H -t | csvtk add-header -n Left,Match,Right | csvtk csv2md
Left           |Match    |Right
Ab4GNb2        |(Ab4GNb4)|Ma3
Ab4GNb2(Ab4GNb4|)        |Ma3

$ alias matches2md='csvtk tab2csv -H -t | csvtk add-header -n Left,Match,Right | csvtk csv2md'
$ python -m gregex 'Ab4GNb2(Ab4GNb4)Ma3' -o '|' -c | matches2md
Left           |Match    |Right
Ab4GNb2        |(Ab4GNb4)|Ma3
Ab4GNb2(Ab4GNb4|)        |Ma3

$ python -m gregex 'Ab4GNb2(Ab4GNb4)Ma3' -o '...' -c | csvtk tab2csv -H -t | csvtk add-header -n Left,Match,Right | csvtk csv2md
Left            |Match              |Right
                |Ab4                |GNb2(Ab4GNb4)Ma3
                |Ab4GNb2            |(Ab4GNb4)Ma3
                |Ab4GNb2(Ab4GNb4)   |Ma3
Ab4             |GNb2               |(Ab4GNb4)Ma3
Ab4             |GNb2(Ab4GNb4)      |Ma3
Ab4             |GNb2(Ab4GNb4)Ma3   |
Ab4GNb2         |(Ab4GNb4)          |Ma3
Ab4GNb2         |(Ab4GNb4)Ma3       |
Ab4GNb2(        |Ab4                |GNb4)Ma3
Ab4GNb2(        |Ab4GNb4            |)Ma3
Ab4GNb2(Ab4     |GNb4               |)Ma3
Ab4GNb2(Ab4GNb4)|Ma3                |

$ python -m gregex 'Ab4GNb2(Ab4GNb4)Ma3' -o '_' -c | csvtk tab2csv -H -t | csvtk add-header -n Left,Match,Right | csvtk csv2md
Left            |Match              |Right
                |Ab4                |GNb2(Ab4GNb4)Ma3
                |Ab4GNb2            |(Ab4GNb4)Ma3
                |Ab4GNb2(Ab4GNb4)   |Ma3
Ab4             |GNb2               |(Ab4GNb4)Ma3
Ab4             |GNb2(Ab4GNb4)      |Ma3
Ab4             |GNb2(Ab4GNb4)Ma3   |
Ab4GNb2         |(Ab4GNb4)          |Ma3
Ab4GNb2         |(Ab4GNb4)Ma3       |
Ab4GNb2(        |Ab4                |GNb4)Ma3
Ab4GNb2(        |Ab4GNb4            |)Ma3
Ab4GNb2(        |Ab4GNb4)           |Ma3
Ab4GNb2(        |Ab4GNb4)Ma3        |
Ab4GNb2(Ab4     |GNb4               |)Ma3
Ab4GNb2(Ab4     |GNb4)              |Ma3
Ab4GNb2(Ab4     |GNb4)Ma3           |
Ab4GNb2(Ab4GNb4 |)                  |Ma3
Ab4GNb2(Ab4GNb4 |)Ma3               |
Ab4GNb2(Ab4GNb4)|Ma3                |


  1. Migrate tests from the dev Jupyter notebook into pytest tests.
  2. Add additional tests for code unique to gregex.py relative to the dev notebook (e.g. make sure parser recognizes every uncertainty-operator-free linear code expression you can find).
  3. Create a clean demo notebook from the existing development notebook.
  4. Setup sphinx/readthedocs documentation.
  5. Qualify imports in gregex.py to avoid polluting user namespace when gregex is imported as a module.
  6. Extend the current default Krambeck et al. (2009) grammar for fuller coverage of the syntax defined there.
  7. Allow for distinct grammars to be loaded or swapped programmatically or specified via file (and supported through the CLI).
  8. Add feature for stricter checking/enforcement of child ordering conventions.
  9. Add support to the parser for uncertainty operators via a tool like minikanren or z3. Note that both directions will likely have limited support for Python 2.
  10. Replace the parsing backend with something more efficient. There are many options here; ideally whatever is chosen should support more expressive grammars (e.g. left-recursive rules).
  11. Add pretty-printing support to s-expression conversion and make argument labels (=bond information) more explicit. For example, NNa3(ANb4)Ab4GNb2(NNa6Ab4GNb4)Ma3(NNa3(ANb4)Ab4GNb3Ab4GNb2(NNa3(ANb4)Ab4GNb6)Ma6)Ma4GNb4(Fa6)GN, when converted to an s-expression, should become something like one of these two examples below
(GN Fa6
    (GNb4 (Ma4 (Ma6 (GNb6 (Ab4 ANb4
                    (GNb2 (Ab4 (GNb3 (Ab4 ANb4
               (Ma3 (GNb4 (Ab4 NNa6))
                    (GNb2 (Ab4 ANb4
(GN :a6 F
    :b4 (GN :a4 (M :a6 (M :b6 (GN :b4 (A :b4 AN
                                         :a3 NN))
                          :b4 (GN :b4 (A :b3 (GN :b4 (A :b4 AN
                                                        :a3 NN)))))
                   :a3 (M :b4 (GN :b4 (A :a6 NN))
                          :b2 (GN :b4 (A :b4 AN
                                         :a3 NN))))))

hy plausibly has pretty-printing facilities that support this out-of-the-box.


A software library and command-line tool for investigating and working with linear code representations of glycans and regular-expression-like operators.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 98.0%Language:Python 2.0%