edraizen / HistoneDB

Browse all histone sequences by histone varaints

Home Page:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/HistoneDB2.0

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

add user sequence comparison view, reviewer 1

molsim opened this issue · comments

When a query histone sequence is compared to the sequences stored in the database ('Analyze Your Sequence' tab) one of the results is a graphical representation of the alignment of the similar sequences found in the database. However, the query sequence is not included in this representation, which hinders the comparison.

The query sequence is the sequence aligned to the selected blast hit -- Not the canonical like it is on the other pages. I've made this clear by changing the name to QUERY.

(1) Is this sufficient?

(2) I can show the query sequence as a separate view -- a single sequence in pViz using the features from the HMM classifier only. I can also make the Quick MSA align the selected sequence to the canonical to be consistent with with other pages.

(3) I can also make the quick MSA show three sequences: the query, the canonical, and the blast hit.

Which do you think would be best?

I think what we have now is pretty sufficiency.
Great job!