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[Question] Modifying QOS in WAN communication

ruimscarvalho98 opened this issue · comments

Hello there,

I apologize if this is not the best place to make these type of questions.

I was trying to use the WAN communication example to connect to a remote server using ROS2, but some of the topics I want to publish to the server have BEST_EFFORT reliability whereas the ros2 subscribers/publishers created by the example are RELIABLE by default making them incompatible.

Is there any documentation/examples on how to assign custom QoS profiles to these nodes?

Ok, after digging a bit in the code I found out that the default qos is always assigned in the ROS2 system handle here (code pasted bellow):

rmw_qos_profile_t parse_rmw_qos_configuration(
        const YAML::Node& /*configuration*/)
    // TODO(MXG): Parse the configuration node
    // This is currently considered low-priority
    return rmw_qos_profile_default;

is there any plan in the near future to add this functionality?

Good afternoon @ruimscarvalho98,

We have in the roadmap a new feature to configure the ROS 2 QoS. We will inform you when it is ready to use.

Ok, thank you for that

Good morning @ruimscarvalho98,

The feature to modify the ROS 2 QoS is now available to use. The ROS2-SH Readme explains how to configure the YAML file to use it.

Hello @laura-eprosima thanks a lot! I'll add testing this feature to my to-do list

I am going to close this issue, please reopen it if you have any more problems and we will be happy to help.