dmyersturnbull / realized

Human-readable string serializations for many data types

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Realized is a collection of human-readable string serializations for common entities. It builds on existing standards, restricting as needed to get unambiguous representations. JSON- and NTFS filename-safe.

Done. Decisions made. This is how you represent things.

Each representation is a dataclass equipped with a normalize() method, along with some obviously named extras.

UtcInstant("2022-09-01T00:22:56-02:00").normalize()  # "2022-09-01T00:20:56Z"
UtcInstant("2022-09-01T00:22:56:02:00").compact()  # NTFS-safe; "2022-09-01T002056Z"
UtcInstant("2022-09-01T00:22:56:02:00").squish()  # "20220901T002056Z"
UtcInstant(datetime(2022, 9, 1, 0, 22, 56).astimezone())
OffsetInstant("2022-09-01T00:22:56-02:00").normalize()  # "2022-09-01T00:22:56-02:00"
ZonedInstant("2022-09-01T00:22:56-08:00 [America/Los_Angeles]").normalize()
Duration("P80S").normalize()  # "PT1M20S"
Duration("P1Y")  # error! inexact duration
Duration("P80.5S").total_seconds()  # 80.5
2 * Duration("P3S") - Duration("1S")  # Duration("P5S")
Duration("P5S") - Duration("3S")  # Duration("P2S")
Recurring("PT1H (n=2)").normalize()  # "PT1H (n=2)" (2 times total)
UtcInstant("2022-09-01T00:00:00Z") + Duration("P5S")  # hey look! math!
HmsDuration("00:20:30.100").to_duration()  # "PT20M30.1S"
UnitDuration("5 millisecond").to_duration()  # "PT0.005S"
Time("5.2 nanosecond").normalize()  # "5.2 ns"
Length("1 inch").normalize()  # "25.4 mm" thanks to pint
Estimate("3.14+/-0.1").normalize()  # "3.14±0.1"  thanks to uncertainties
Well8x12("A01")  # microwell plates
WellRange8x12("A01-A04").normalize()  # "A01,A02,A03,A04"
Json('{"b": "1", "a" "2"}').normalize()  # '{"a":"2","b":"1"}'


These represent an amount of time taken, generally computed as the difference between two times from the same monotonic clock. For example:

import time
from realized import Duration

t0 = time.monotonic()
delta = time.monotonic() - t0

duration = Duration.from_seconds(delta)
print(duration.iso8601)  # PT1S

restricted subset of ISO 8601 periods

Forbids years, months, and weeks. Always require T for time (e.g. PT1H rather than P1H).





Normalization procedure:

  1. Omit zero nodes: P1W0DT8HP1W8D
  2. Full stop, not comma: PT0,5SPT0.5S
  3. Don't go over: PT70MPT1H10M
  4. Fractional only for seconds: P0.5DPT12H






Quantity with units




^\d+(?:\.\d+)? (day|hour|minute|s|ms|µs|ns)$


  • 1.5 [hr]
  • 2 [nanosecond]

Dimensioned values

Quantity with unit (SI plus a few)



Input: Most of ISO 8601



Normalized (condensed form):


With offset



With offset and IANA timezone




^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{6}[+−]\d{2}:\d{2} \[[A-Z]+/[A-Za-z_]+\]$


Represent a start and end time. In general, end − start != duration ! NTP sync events, Daylight Saving Time start/end, or the user got on a plane.

One of the above, separated by a --. For example: 2022-02-26T22:55:46.22562−08:00--2022-02-26T22:55:46.22562−08:00

Repeating periods (experimental)

  • PT30S--PT30.2S (n=5)
  • 00:00:30--00:00:30.2 (n=5)
  • 30[s]--3.2[s] (n=5)

Microplate wells



Normalization procedure:

  • Balk if the number of digits doesn't match (e.g. H1 instead of H01)

  • 6-well: rows A to B and columns 1 to 3; e.g. B3

  • 12-well: rows A to C and columns 1 to 4; e.g. C4

  • 24-well: rows A to D and columns 1 to 6; e.g. D6

  • 48-well: rows A to F and columns 1 to 8; e.g. F8

  • 96-well: rows A to H and columns 01 to 12; e.g. H12

  • 384-well: rows A to P and columns 01 to 24; e.g. B24

  • 1536-well: rows AA to BF and columns 01 to 48; e.g. BF48

  • 3456-well: rows AA to BV and columns 01 to 72; e.g. BV72

Microplate well range

<row>   ::= [A-Z]{[A-Z]}
<col>   ::= <digit>{<digit>}
<point> ::= <row><col>
<op>    ::= '-'|'*'|'..'
<range> ::= <point> [<op> <point>]
<multi> ::= <range> {',' <range>}

Normalization procedure:

  1. Replace >2 consecutive cells with ranges: A01,A02,A03A01-A03 and A01,B02,C01A01-C01
  2. Replace adjacent ranges: A01-A10,B01-B10A01*B10 and A01-D01,A02-D02A01*D02
  3. Replace adjacent blocks: A01*C12,D01,F12A01*F12


  • Range in a single row: A02-A12
  • Range in a single column: A01-G01
  • Rectangular block: A02*G11
  • Read like a book: A01..C04
  • Pick and choose: A01,C04
  • Comma-separated ranges: A01-A12,C01-C12,G10..H12
  • All the above: A01,A04,B01*H11,A01-H01


  • file formats: use media types
  • codecs: HTML <video /> element codecs value that Chrome accepts
  • hash function names lowercase, without -: crc32, md5 sha1, sha256, sha512, sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384, sha3-512, shake128-<n>, shake256-<n>, blake2, blake2b, blake3
  • Always encode hash digests as base64
  • UTF: utf-8, utf-16, utf-32
  • Data types: ^([<>][?hHiIlLqQnNfdsp][1248]?)|utf-8|utf-16|utf-32$ per Python struct
  • Turn literally everything into base64 and stuff those bytes into JSON
  • Use CommonMark plus extensions everywhere :)

🍁 Contributing

New issues and pull requests are welcome. Please refer to the contributing guide and security policy. Generated with tyrannosaurus: tyrannosaurus new tyrannosaurus


Human-readable string serializations for many data types

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%