diningyo / dirv

This is my first trial project for designing RISC-V in Chisel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is my first trial project for designing RISC-V in Chisel.


  • support RV32I only
  • Machine mode only
  • User-Level ISA version 2.2
  • Privileged ISA version 1.10
  • NOT support interrupts.
  • 2-stage pipelines (Fetch - Decode/Execute/Memory/Write back)
  • Interface Protocol - original interface which uses ready-valid mechanism.
  • Written in Chisel which is an open-source hardware construction language developed at UC Berkeley.


On Arty 35T, dirv can access to UART device and terminal shows "Hello, World".

Arty 35TでのHello World


This dirv is passed riscv-tests.

$ sbt
sbt:dirv> testOnly DirvRV32ITester
[info] DirvRV32ITester:
[info] Dirv
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction add        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-000]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction addi       - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-001]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction and        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-002]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction andi       - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-003]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction auipc      - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-004]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction beq        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-005]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction bge        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-006]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction bgeu       - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-007]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction blt        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-008]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction bltu       - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-009]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction bne        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-010]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction fence_i    - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-011]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction jal        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-012]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction jalr       - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-013]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction lb         - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-014]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction lbu        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-015]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction lh         - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-016]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction lhu        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-017]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction lui        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-018]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction lw         - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-019]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction or         - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-020]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction ori        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-021]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction sb         - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-022]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction sh         - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-023]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction simple     - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-024]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction sll        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-025]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction slli       - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-026]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction slt        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-027]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction slti       - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-028]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction sltiu      - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-029]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction sltu       - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-030]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction sra        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-031]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction srai       - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-032]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction srl        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-033]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction srli       - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-034]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction sub        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-035]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction sw         - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-036]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction xor        - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-037]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction xori       - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-038]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction breakpoint - [riscv-tests:rv32mi-000]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction csr        - [riscv-tests:rv32mi-001]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction illegal    - [riscv-tests:rv32mi-002]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction ma_addr    - [riscv-tests:rv32mi-003]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction ma_fetch   - [riscv-tests:rv32mi-004]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction mcsr       - [riscv-tests:rv32mi-005]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction sbreak     - [riscv-tests:rv32mi-006]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction scall      - [riscv-tests:rv32mi-007]
[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction shamt      - [riscv-tests:rv32mi-008]
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 1 minute, 40 seconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 48
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 48, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 48, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 48


  • Java 8.0 (for Scala)
  • sbt
  • verilator
  • Build environment for RV32I (If you want to run riscv-test suite)
  • Vivado 2018.3(To FPGA synthesis)
  • ARTY 35T(To see demo on your FPGA)


Clone this repository or download to directory which you wanted.

$ git clone https://github.com/diningyo/dirv.git
$ cd dirv
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Generate Verilog-HDL RTL

run follow command on sbt-shell

$ sbt
sbt:dirv> runMain Elaborate

Run riscv-tests

  1. build riscv-tests
$ cd src/test/resources/
$ patch -p0 < riscv-tests.patch
$ cd riscv-tests
$ ./configure --with-xlen=32
$ make isa
$ cd ../../../
  1. run test command on sbt-shell
$ sbt
sbt:dirv> test

To dump waveform

sbt:dirv> testOnly dirv.DirvRV32ITester -- -D--generate-vcd-output=on

To run specific tests

You can run specific test follow commands.

sbt:dirv> testOnly dirv.DirvRV32ITester -- -z <test_name>
sbt:dirv> testOnly dirv.DirvRV32ITester -- -z <test_no>

The test_name and test_No correspond with a part of bellow logs.

The log is:

[info] - must execute RISC-V instruction add - [riscv-tests:rv32ui-000]

And test_name and test_no are:

  • test_name : add
  • test_no : rv32ui-000

Block Diagram

block diagram

External Bus Interface

Dirv has orignal bus interface which is similar to AMBA AXI bus protocol. Differnces of AXI are:

  • A command channel is common both of read and write. But data channel is separate.
  • NOT support burst access.
  • The command only has basic command fields describing bellow, and doesn't have extra attribute fields such as AxCache, AxProt in AXI.
    • addr
    • cmd(to select read or write)
    • size(to select byte/half word/word)
  • Write data channel is to use for receiving response.


name In/Out bit width explanation
command channel
valid O 1 valid signal for command channel
ready I 1 ready signal for command channel
cmd O 1 command(0:read/1:write)
addr O 32 address to access
size O 2 size of access(0:byte/1:half word/2:word)
write data channel - - -
w_valid O 1 valid signal for write data
w_ready I 1 valid signal for write data

|w_strb|O|1|strobe signals for write to select which byte-lanes is active| |w_data|O|32|write data| |read data channel|||| |r_valid|I|1|valid signal for write data| |r_ready|O|1|valid signal for write data| |r_resp|I|1|error response signal for read(0:OK/1:Error)| |r_data|I|32|read data|

waveform - read


waveform - write


Environment of FPGA

This repository has a sample FPGA project for Arty 35T. This sample design is just connect a dirv core to 1 memory and 1 UART by MbusIC (Mbus insterconnect). And all modules are written in Chisel. When you run this sample design on your Arty 35T device, you'll see a sentence "Hello, World!!" on your terminal which connected by UART.

  • 1 dirv
  • 1 memory
  • 1 Uart


You can run sample FPGA design following steps.

How to build sample UART program

cd src/main/resources/csrc

When you run make command, "sysuart.bin" will create at "src/main.resources/csrc/build".


After building UART program, you can run test with "sysuart.bin"

testOnly SysUartTester

How to generate RTL

Execute below command on SBT shell.

$ sbt
sbt:dirv> runMain ElaborateSysUart ./src/main/resources/csrc/build/sysuart.hex


Open below Vivado procject and press the Generate Bitstream to generate bitstream file for SysUart.

vivado fpga/arty/dirv-arty.xpr


Upload bitstream (fpga/arty/dirv-arty.runs/impl_1/dirv_fpga_top.bit) to Arty 35T device.

Next, connect to /dev/ttyUSB1 on your terminal.

Example) When you uses minicom, command is:

minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1 -b 9600

And you press the CPU reset button, the sentence "Hello, World!!" appres on your terminal.

Reset button assignment on Arty 35T


  • Implement 3-stage/5-stage pipelines.
  • Support Interrupts.
  • Support C-extension.
  • Support M-extension.
  • Evaluate riscv-compliance test suite.
  • Evaluate coremark benchmark test suite.
  • make AXI wrapper interface.


This is my first trial project for designing RISC-V in Chisel

License:MIT License


Language:Scala 87.2%Language:Tcl 3.7%Language:SystemVerilog 3.0%Language:Assembly 1.9%Language:Makefile 1.9%Language:Verilog 1.4%Language:Python 0.4%Language:C 0.4%