darlenewagner / nextflowViral

Pipelines written in Nextflow and Python to facilitate comparative genomics analysis for viruses. Requires Python 3.9.1 or above and Nextflow 21.04.3 and above.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In the nextflowViral package, the pipeline script, bowtieConsensHiCovFromPairedFastq.nf, is written in Nextflow DSL 1 and is thus out-of-date. It generates consensus genomes from paired fastq files mapped to reference at minimum 1X and 25X coverage. To run old_DSL1 files, Nextflow 21.04.3 is required. To run the new pipelines compatible with DSL 2 (under learn_DSL2), Nextflow 23.10.0 and above is required. For setup, Python 3.9.1 and above is required.

Running bowtieConsensusFromPairedFastq.nf

To run using input parameters in nextflow.config, simply type the following after installation:

nextflow run bowtieConsensHiCovFromPairedFastq.nf

To run using custom parameters for --querydir and --reference, for example, the folder, my_paired_fastq/, and the reference basename, my_reference/my_genome, type:

nextflow run bowtieConsensHiCovFromPairedFastq.nf --querydir "$PWD/my_paired_fastq/*_R{1,2}*.fastq" --reference $PWD/my_reference/my_genome

Alternatively, to avoid typing complicated filepaths at the command line, simply edit the querydir, reference, intermdir, and/or consensdir in the nextflow.config file.

Prerequisites: bowtie2.2.3.X.X, samtools/1.15.X, BEDTools/2.26.X, bcftools/1.10.X, seqtk/1.3, perl/5.16.X-MT, and nextflow/21.04.X
Required/default input folders are D70_paired_files/ and D70_reference_genome/
ref_180330_Calici36_SureSelectNoro_Capture/ contains .fasta, .sizes, and bowtie2-build .bt2 files
Expected/default output folders are bowtieConsensInterm/ and bowtieConsensOutput/

Installation and setup for bowtieConsensusFromPairedFastq.nf

To set up run environment with required input and output folders and appropriately-formatted files within input folders, enter the command:

python setupFolders.py --input newTest.tar

Here, --input newTest.tar is optional. The default input is bowtieConsensTestFiles.tar.


Pipelines written in Nextflow and Python to facilitate comparative genomics analysis for viruses. Requires Python 3.9.1 or above and Nextflow 21.04.3 and above.


Language:Nextflow 63.4%Language:Python 33.4%Language:Perl 3.2%