danielmohansahu / beginner_tutorials

Repository of ROS Tutorial Code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository is a ROS Package following the ROS Tutorials.


This package was written and tested against ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04 using a C++11 enabled compiler. It should also function properly with most modern versions of ROS1.

Please see the ROS documentation on how to install ROS Melodic.

Installation / Build Instructions

Building this package from source requires a catkin workspace. The following full installation instructions are provided for reference:

# create catkin workspace
mkdir ~/catkin_ws/src -p

# clone repository / package
pushd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/danielmohansahu/beginner_tutorials

# build

Run Instructions

To run the listener and talker there is an example launch file.

source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch beginner_tutorials conversation.launch namespace:=conversation

Output should appear showing the listener is receiving messages. If you'd like to reset the message counter, call the following service:

rosservice call /conversation/reset_count "{}"

Bag Inspection

The default launch file also launches a rosbag record -a session that records all topics. This can be disabled by passing the bag:=false to the launch. These bags will be saved to your ROS root directory (probably ~/.ros).

To test if a bag is working properly you can run it against the listener node, e.g.

# terminal 1, roscore
# terminal 2, listener
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun beginner_tutorials listener
# terminal 3, bag playback
# note that we must remap topics, since the default listener launch prepends a namespace and modifies the topic
rosbag play {PATH_TO_BAG} /conversation/chatter:=listener_topic

TF Introspection Instructions

The talker node will advertise a static TF transform on the tf_static topic. To introspect it avail yourself of tf's transform introspection tools:

# to view all currently advertised transforms
rosrun tf tf_monitor
# to output all currently advertised transforms to a PDF
rosrun tf view_frames
# to echo and inspect our specific transforms
rosrun tf tf_echo world talk

Test Instructions

To evaluate our system tests execute the following command.

catkin_make run_tests

You should see output similar to the following:



 * TESTS: 2
 * ERRORS: 0


Repository of ROS Tutorial Code

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 89.8%Language:CMake 10.2%