crypticpy / azure-openai-elastic-vector-langchain

Azure Open AI 🌊1. Vector storage and 🦙 llamaindex 🔎2. Azure Search ChatGpt demo setup 3. Microsoft ♾️Semantic-Kernel with 🌌 Cosmos DB

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This repository contains my research on open-source models similar to ChatGPT, as well as Langchain and prompt engineering libraries. It also includes related samples and research on Langchain, Vector Search (including feasibility checks on Elasticsearch, Azure Cognitive Search, Azure Cosmos DB), and more.

Section 1 : Llama-index and Vector Storage (Search)

This repository has been created for testing and feasibility checks using vector and language chains, specifically llama-index. These libraries are commonly used when implementing Prompt Engineering and consuming one's own data into LLM.

Opensearch/Elasticsearch setup

  • docker : Opensearch Docker-compose
  • docker-elasticsearch : Not working for ES v8, requiring security plug-in with mandatory
  • docker-elk : Elasticsearch Docker-compose, Optimized Docker configurations with solving security plug-in issues.
  • : Put Language analyzer into Open search
  • : Open search sample index creation
  • : Put Language analyzer into Elastic search
  • : Usage of Elastic search python client
  • files : The Sample file for consuming


  • index.json : Vector data local backup created by llama-index
  • index_vector_in_opensearch.json : Vector data stored in Open search (Source: files\all_h1.pdf)
  • llama-index ElasticsearchVectorClient (Unofficial file to manipulate vector search, Created by me, Not Fully Tested)
  • : Lang chain memory and agent usage with llama-index
  • : Vector index creation to Open search
  • : Test module to access Azure Open AI Embedding API.
  • : Vector index query with questions to Open search
  • : llama-index ElasticsearchVectorClient (Unofficial file to manipulate vector search, Created by me, Not Fully Tested)
  • env.template : The properties. Change its name to .env once your values settings is done.
OPENAI_API_KEY=<your value in azure>
OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT_NAME_A=<your value in azure>
OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT_NAME_B=<your value in azure>
OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT_NAME_C=<your value in azure>
OPENAI_DOCUMENT_MODEL_NAME=<your value in azure>
OPENAI_QUERY_MODEL_NAME=<your value in azure>


Milvus Embedded

# Step 1. Start Milvus

1. Unzip the package
Unzip the package, and you will find a milvus directory, which contains all the files required.

2. Start a MinIO service
Double-click the run_minio.bat file to start a MinIO service with default configurations. Data will be stored in the subdirectory s3data.

3. Start an etcd service
Double-click the run_etcd.bat file to start an etcd service with default configurations.

4. Start Milvus service
Double-click the run_milvus.bat file to start the Milvus service.

# Step 2. Run

After starting the Milvus service, you can test by running See Hello Milvus for more information.


  • Azure Open AI Embedding API,text-embedding-ada-002, supports 1536 dimensions. Elastic search, Lucene based engine, supports 1024 dimensions as a max. Open search can insert 16,000 dimensions as a vector storage.

  • Lang chain interface of Azure Open AI does not support ChatGPT yet. so that reason, need to use alternatives such as text-davinci-003.

from open ai documents: text-embedding-ada-002: Smaller embedding size. The new embeddings have only 1536 dimensions, one-eighth the size of davinci-001 embeddings, making the new embeddings more cost effective in working with vector databases.

from open search documents: However, one exception to this is that the maximum dimension count for the Lucene engine is 1,024, compared with 16,000 for the other engines.

from llama-index examples: However, the examples in llama-index use 1536 vector size.

Section 2 : azure-search-openai-demo setup steps

The files in this directory, extra_steps, have been created for managing extra configurations and steps for launching the demo repository.


extra_steps files

  • fix_from_origin : The modified files, setup related
  • ms_internal_az_init.ps1 : Powershell script for Azure module installation
  • ms_internal_troubleshootingt.ps1 : Set Specific Subscription Id as default

Configuration steps

  1. (optional) Check Azure module installation in Powershell by running ms_internal_az_init.ps1 script
  2. (optional) Set your Azure subscription Id to default

Start the following commands in ./azure-search-openai-demo directory

  1. (deploy azure resources) Simply Run azd up

The azd stores relevant values in the .env file which is stored at ${project_folder}\.azure\az-search-openai-tg\.env.

  1. Move to app by cd app command
  2. (sample data loading) Move to scripts then Change into Powershell by Powershell command, Run prepdocs.ps1
  • console output (excerpt)
        Uploading blob for page 20 -> role_library-20.pdf
        Uploading blob for page 21 -> role_library-21.pdf
        Uploading blob for page 22 -> role_library-22.pdf
        Uploading blob for page 23 -> role_library-23.pdf
        Uploading blob for page 24 -> role_library-24.pdf
        Uploading blob for page 25 -> role_library-25.pdf
        Uploading blob for page 26 -> role_library-26.pdf
        Uploading blob for page 27 -> role_library-27.pdf
        Uploading blob for page 28 -> role_library-28.pdf
        Uploading blob for page 29 -> role_library-29.pdf
        Uploading blob for page 30 -> role_library-30.pdf
Indexing sections from 'role_library.pdf' into search index 'gptkbindex'
Splitting './data\role_library.pdf' into sections
        Indexed 60 sections, 60 succeeded
  1. Move to app by cd .. and cd app command
  2. (locally running) Run start.cmd
  • console output (excerpt)
Building frontend

> frontend@0.0.0 build \azure-search-openai-demo\app\frontend
> tsc && vite build

vite v4.1.1 building for production...
✓ 1250 modules transformed.
../backend/static/index.html                    0.49 kB
../backend/static/assets/github-fab00c2d.svg    0.96 kB
../backend/static/assets/index-184dcdbd.css     7.33 kB │ gzip:   2.17 kB
../backend/static/assets/index-41d57639.js    625.76 kB │ gzip: 204.86 kB │ map: 5,057.29 kB

Starting backend

 * Serving Flask app 'app'
 * Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit - - [13/Apr/2023 14:25:31] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [13/Apr/2023 14:25:31] "GET /assets/index-184dcdbd.css HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [13/Apr/2023 14:25:31] "GET /assets/index-41d57639.js HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [13/Apr/2023 14:25:31] "GET /assets/github-fab00c2d.svg HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [13/Apr/2023 14:25:32] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - [13/Apr/2023 14:25:42] "POST /chat HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Running from second times

  1. Move to app by cd .. and cd app command
  2. (locally running) Run start.cmd

Section 3 : Microsoft Semantic Kernel with Azure Cosmos DB

Microsoft Langchain Library supports C# and Python and offers several features, some of which are still in development and may be unclear on how to implement. However, it is simple, stable, and faster than Python-based open-source software. The features listed on the link include: Semantic Kernel Feature Matrix


This section includes how to utilize Azure Cosmos DB for vector storage and vector search by leveraging the Semantic-Kernel.


  • appsettings.template.json : Environment value configuration file.
  • ComoseDBVectorSearch.cs : Vector Search using Azure Cosmos DB
  • CosmosDBKernelBuild.cs : Kernel Build code (test)
  • CosmosDBVectorStore.cs : Embedding Text and store it to Azure Cosmos DB
  • LoadDocumentPage.cs : PDF splitter class. Split the text to unit of section. (C# version of azure-search-openai-demo/scripts/
  • LoadDocumentPageOutput : LoadDocumentPage class generated output
  • MemoryContextAndPlanner.cs : Test code of context and planner
  • MemoryConversationHistory.cs : Test code of conversation history
  • Program.cs : Run a demo. Program Entry point
  • SemanticFunction.cs : Test code of conversation history
  • semanticKernelCosmos.csproj : C# Project file
  • Settings.cs : Environment value class
  • SkillBingSearch.cs : Bing Search Skill
  • SkillDALLEImgGen.cs : DALLE Skill (Only OpenAI, Azure Open AI not supports yet)

Environment values

  "Type": "azure",
  "Model": "<model_deployment_name>",
  "EndPoint": "https://<your-endpoint-value>",
  "AOAIApiKey": "<your-key>",
  "OAIApiKey": "",
  "OrdId": "-", //The value needs only when using Open AI.
  "BingSearchAPIKey": "<your-key>",
  "aoaiDomainName": "<your-endpoint-value>",
  "CosmosConnectionString": "<cosmos-connection-string>"

Section 4 : Langchain code from @practical-ai

Langchain Quick Start: How to Use and Useful Utilities

  • Langchain_1_(믹스의_인공지능).ipynb : Langchain Get started
  • langchain_1_(믹스의_인공지능).py : ditto
  • Langchain_2_(믹스의_인공지능).ipynb : Langchain Utilities
  • langchain_2_(믹스의_인공지능).py : ditto
from langchain.chains.summarize import load_summarize_chain
chain = load_summarize_chain(chat, chain_type="map_reduce", verbose=True)[:3])

Langchain chain_type

  • stuff: Sends everything at once in LLM. If it's too long, an error will occur.
  • map_reduce: Summarizes by dividing and then summarizing the entire summary.
  • refine: (Summary + Next document) => Summary
  • map_rerank: Ranks by score and summarizes to important points.

Section 5: References

Langchain and Prompt engineering library

Azure Open AI work with Cognitive Search act as a Long-term memory


Democratizing the magic of ChatGPT with open models



Azure Open AI 🌊1. Vector storage and 🦙 llamaindex 🔎2. Azure Search ChatGpt demo setup 3. Microsoft ♾️Semantic-Kernel with 🌌 Cosmos DB


Language:Jupyter Notebook 57.1%Language:Python 19.8%Language:TypeScript 9.0%Language:C# 6.1%Language:Bicep 2.9%Language:CSS 1.8%Language:Shell 1.7%Language:PowerShell 0.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%Language:Batchfile 0.4%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:Go 0.1%