costashatz / GeometricTools

Math Library for Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods, Geometric Representations and Collision Detection Algorithms

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Geometric Tools

Math Library for Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods, Geometric Representations and Collision Detection Algorithms


  1. C++11 compiler
    • Tested on gcc>=4.6, clang>=3.1
    • Should compile on Visual Studio 2013-2015
  2. CMake
    • Tested on CMake>=2.8
    • Should work on 2.6 too
    • Needed for Linear Algebra operations
    • In *ubuntu Linux, just install the following packages: liblapack-dev libblas-dev
  4. Google Tests (gtest) [OPTIONAL]
    • Needed to build the test codes

How to compile:

cd path/to/GeometricTools
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
  • Optional CMake options:
    1. BUILD_TEST (ON/OFF) - Determine to either build tests or not. Defaults to OFF.
    2. BUILD_EXAMPLES (ON/OFF) - Specify whether you want to build tests or not. Defaults to OFF.
    3. RUN_TEST (ON/OFF) - Specify whether you want to automatically execute all tests upon build. Defaults to OFF.

How to use:

  • You can just edit the CMakeLists.txt and include the headers to your project (after all it is just a header library).
  • Via ExternalProject to always get latest edition:
     find_package(LAPACK REQUIRED)
     set( ENV{BLA_VENDOR} "Generic" )
     find_package(BLAS REQUIRED)
         GIT_REPOSITORY ""
     # Specify include dir
     ExternalProject_Get_Property(GeometricToolsProj source_dir)
     set(GEOMETRIC_TOOLS_INCLUDE_DIRS ${source_dir}/include)
     # Specify MainTest's link libraries
     ExternalProject_Get_Property(GeometricToolsProj binary_dir)
     set(GEOMETRIC_TOOLS_LIBS_DIR ${binary_dir})
     include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${GEOMETRIC_TOOLS_INCLUDE_DIRS})
     target_link_libraries(mytarget GeometricTools ${LAPACK_LIBRARIES} ${BLAS_LIBRARIES})

So far I have implemented:

  1. Generic Templated Class for Matrices
    • Supports any dimension and many properties
  2. Generic Templated Class for Vectors
    • Supports any dimension and most of the vector properties
  3. Solve Linear Systems
    • Using Gauss Elimination - error prone
    • Using LU Decomposition
  4. Decompositions
    • LU Decomposition
    • QR Decomposition
    • SVD Decomposition - not working right now
  5. Linear Shapes
    • Classes for basic linear shapes (line, ray, segment)
  6. Polygons
    • Classes for basic 2D polygons (triangle, rectangle, polyline, general polygons)
  7. Curves
    • Specific quadratic curves (defined by xTAx+bTx+c=0)
    • Generic polynomial curves/splines (templated in size [biggest power of curve]) - 1D functions
    • Piecewise Curves
    • Hermite Cubic Curves
    • Cardinal Cubic Curves
    • Plane (2D) Curves
  8. Distances
    • Functions for computing distances between primitives (point-linear shapes, point-polyline, linear shapes-linear shapes, segment-polyline)
  9. Intersections
    • Functions for computing intersection points (2D) between primitives (linear shapes-linear shapes, linear shapes-polygon)
  10. Simple gtests (more need to be added)
  11. Simple examples (more interactive ones need to be added)

Planning to implement:

  1. More primitives (both in 2D and 3D)
    • Piecewise polynomial curves
    • Space(3D) polynomial curves
  2. More Distances, Intersections in 2D/3D
  3. Cleanify code/add comments


Math Library for Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods, Geometric Representations and Collision Detection Algorithms



Language:C++ 98.1%Language:CMake 1.9%