codingblazes / ouijabot

Omnidirectional robot developed at Multi-robot Systems Lab, Stanford University

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Omnidirectional robot developed at Multi-robot Systems Lab, Stanford University

Robot side: use package "ouijabot"

  • ssh into the robot
  • Check /etc/hosts to see if the master IP has been added
  • Edit ~/.bahsrc so that the following two lines reflect the robot's own IP as well as the master IP
export ROS_HOSTNAME=ouijabot1 # robot's own hostname/IP
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://msl-Lenovo:11311 # PC hostname/IP
  • In ouijabot/launch/ouijabot.launch, edit the number in group ns="ouijabot1" if you need to change the index of the robot
  • catkin_make the package
  • source ./catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
  • Fire roslaunch ouijabot ouijabot.launch and ready to go!
  • Important: please poweroff the Raspberry Pi (run sudo poweroff in ssh) before turning off the Ouijabot

Laptop side: use package "ouijabot_telop_cpp"

  • Check /etc/hosts and ~/.bashrc like we did for the robot
  • In ouijabot_telop_cpp/launch/telop.launch, change the index in remap from="vel_out" to="/ouijabot1/cmd_vel" if need to control different ouijabots
  • Fire roslaunch ouijabot_telop_cpp telop.launch and enjoy driving the Ouijabot!
  • Optionally, you can use roslaunch ouijabot_telop_cpp telop_mux.launch to control multiple ouijabots using one joystick! Hold button 7,8,9,10 to select ouijabot 1,2,3,4, or hold button 12 to select all the robots.

IMU Calibration

  • The IMU calibration (gyro and accelerometer) will be performed automatically upon robot bootup. The calibration will start 3 seconds after the robot is powered on, and will take a few more seconds to finish.
  • It is recommended to keep the robot level and still for at least 10 seconds after powering it on so that the calibration can be done correctly.
  • Optionally, the calibration can also be done on the ROS side (Raspberry Pi). However this code is not yet available. You are welcome to send a pull request for this.


If you use the robot, please consider citing the following article:

Zijian Wang, Guang Yang, Xuanshuo Su, and Mac Schwager, "OuijaBots: Omnidirectional Robots for Cooperative Object Transport with Rotation Control using No Communication", Proc. of the International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotics Systems (DARS), London, UK, November, 2016


Omnidirectional robot developed at Multi-robot Systems Lab, Stanford University

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 41.9%Language:CMake 36.7%Language:Python 21.4%