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Documentation structure

umarcor opened this issue · comments

During the last months, along with transitioning from SymbiFlow to F4PGA, we've been reworking the organisation of the content in the multiple documentation sites, READMEs, etc.

  • chipsalliance/f4pga is the main entrypoint for any user, developer, contributor, etc.
    • The readme contains a list of the most revelant repositories/sites in the F4PGA ecosystem(s).
    • f4pga is a Python package to gather utilities used in various repositories.
    • is the documentation containing general explanations about FPGAs, synthesis, PnR, bitstream generation, etc. The reference of the Python package is included.
  • SymbiFlow/f4pga-arch-defs is focused on developers that want to improve the support of specific devices.
    • It contains the fuzzers and scripts to extract architecture information and generate the assets required by the tools (yosys, VPR, nextpnr...).
    • Assets (arch-defs packages) are pushed to a Google Cloud bucket.
    • is the documentation explanaining how to install all the development tools, how to use/update the fuzzers, how to generate the assets and how to test them.
  • chipsalliance/f4pga-examples is focused on users that want to generate bitstreams for their boards using designs written in HDLs.
    • It contains example designs in HDLs along with makefiles/scripts to execute the F4PGA flows.
    • explains how to install the end-user tools and assets, how to have a bitstream generated and how to load it into a board.

This issue is to be used as a reference when addressing enhancements related to the documentation and the knowledge.