chenxing640 / Unity-iOS-InAppPurchase

Unity实现苹果iOS的应用内购买( Unity implements Apple's in-app purchases for iOS.)。

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

English Vision | 中文版


Unity implements Apple's in-app purchases for iOS.

License MIT 

Group (ID:614799921)


The directory structure of unity-iap is as follows:

  • Objective-C
Dir file
objc(StoreManager External) UnityIAPConnector.h/.mm
StoreManager DYFStoreManager.h/.mm
External(Optional) DYFLoadingView.h/.m DYFIndefiniteAnimatedSpinner.h/.m NSObject+DYFAdd.h/.m UIView+DYFAdd.h/.m
  • Unity
Dir file
unity UnityIAPManager.cs

Note: Unity needs to show/hide loading panel or show prompt message at the right time.

1. Add the required files for Objective-C.

You need to add the required files for Objective-C in Unity project

2. Add cs script.

You need to add the required cs script of in-app purchase for iOS in Unity project.

3、Add DYFStoreKit directory files.

Use pod 'DYFStoreKit' to add the latest version of in-app purchas library for iOS.


Clone DYFStoreKit (git clone to the local directory.

4、Adds the transaction observer and others.

Adds header file #import "DYFStoreManager.h" in

  • Comply with the agreement.
@interface UnityAppController() <DYFStoreAppStorePaymentDelegate>

  • Adds the observer, set up the delegate and data persistence.

As long as you add the following a piece of code before the method return value, the rest of the code does not change.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions 
    [self initIAPSDK];
    return YES;

- (void)initIAPSDK
    [DYFStoreManager.shared addStoreObserver];
    // Adds an observer that responds to updated transactions to the payment queue.
    // If an application quits when transactions are still being processed, those transactions are not lost. The next time the application launches, the payment queue will resume processing the transactions. Your application should always expect to be notified of completed transactions.
    // If more than one transaction observer is attached to the payment queue, no guarantees are made as to the order they will be called in. It is recommended that you use a single observer to process and finish the transaction.
    [DYFStore.defaultStore addPaymentTransactionObserver];
    // Sets the delegate processes the purchase which was initiated by user from the App Store.
    DYFStore.defaultStore.delegate = self;
  • You can process the purchase which was initiated by user from the App Store. (iOS 11.0+)
// Processes the purchase which was initiated by user from the App Store.
- (void)didReceiveAppStorePurchaseRequest:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue payment:(SKPayment *)payment forProduct:(SKProduct *)product
    if (![DYFStore canMakePayments]) {
        // Tips: Your device is not able or allowed to make payments!
    // Get account name from your own user system.
    NSString *accountName = @"Handsome Jon";
    // This algorithm is negotiated with server developer.
    NSString *userIdentifier = DYFStore_supplySHA256(accountName);
    DYFStoreLog(@"userIdentifier: %@", userIdentifier);
    [DYFStoreManager.shared addPayment:product.productIdentifier userIdentifier:userIdentifier];

5. Points for attention.

  • Initializes the unity callback game object and function.
public void initUnityMsgCallback(string gameObject, string func)
    LogManager.Log("initUnityMsgCallback=" + gameObject + "," + func);
    DYFInitUnityMsgCallback(gameObject, func);
  • The purchase of a single product.

If your app contains purchased UI interface and product display information, users only need to choose to purchase. The disadvantage is that the program has to do local price matching.

public void retrieveProduct(string productId)
    if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) {
        LogManager.Log("retrieveProduct=" + productId);
        #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS
        // Tips: show loading panel.

When the program gets a successful callback, you can parse the data and add the payment. In other cases, the program should prompt the user with a pop-up box.

case (int)CallbackType.Action_GetProductSuccessfully:
    LogManager.Log ("CallbackType.Action_GetProductSuccessfully");
    string productId = (string)json["msg_data"]["p_id"];
    // You get this from your user system when you need it.
    string userId = null;
    addPayment(productId, userId);
  • Requests multiple products and display the purchased UI interface.

You can request multiple products at a time and get the localized information of the product through the tool.

// You can either return the value or get a set of product identifiers from your server.
private JArray getJArrayOfProductIds()
    JArray a = new JArray();
    foreach (var obj in LaunchMng.IAPDict) {
    return a;

// Converts JArray to json string.
private string getJsonOfProductIds()
    JArray a = getJArrayOfProductIds();
    string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(a);    
    return json;

public void retrieveProducts()
    if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) {
        string jsonOfProductIds = getJsonOfProductIds()
        LogManager.Log("retrieveProducts=" + jsonOfProductIds);
        #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS
        // Tips: show loading panel.

When the program gets a successful callback, it can parse the data to display the UI interface of the purchase. In other cases, the program should prompt the user with a pop-up box.

case (int)CallbackType.Action_GetProductsSuccessfully:
    LogManager.Log ("CallbackType.Action_GetProductsSuccessfully");
    JArray arr = JArray.Parse(json["msg_data"].ToString());

private void parseProductList(JArray jarr)
    try {
        LogManager.Log ("parseProductList... jarr: " + jarr.ToString());
        for(int i = 0; i < jarr.Count; i++) {
            JObject jo = JObject.Parse(jarr[i].ToString());
            string productId = jo["p_id"].ToString();
            string title = jo["p_title"].ToString();
            string price = jo["p_price"].ToString();
            string localizedPrice = jo["p_localized_price"].ToString();
            string localizedDesc = jo["p_localized_desc"].ToString();

            LogManager.Log ("ProductList..." + i.ToString() + " productId: " + productId + 
                ";  title: " + title + "; price: " + price + "; localizedPrice: " + 
                localizedPrice + "; localizedDesc: " + localizedDesc);
        // Call displayStorePanel(), The parameters need to be defined by you.
        // Waiting for the user to choose to buy goods, then call addPayment(...)
    } catch (System.Exception e) {
        LogManager.Log (e.ToString (), LogType.Fatal);

private void displayStorePanel() 
    // After getting the products, then the store panel is displayed.

The user chooses to purchase product, and the user ID can be set as needed.

public void addPayment(string productId, string userId)
    if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) {
        LogManager.Log("addPayment=" + productId + "," + userId);
        #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS
        // Tips: show loading panel.
        DYFAddPayment(productId, userId);
  • Restores the completed transactions, user ID is optional.
public void restoreTransactions(string userId)
    if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) {
        LogManager.Log("DYFRestoreTransactions=", userId);
        #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS    
        // Tips: show loading panel.
        LogManager.Log("Store start restoring completed transactions...", LogType.Normal);
  • Refreshes receipt.

If the receipt is invalid or missing, refresh the App Store's receipt.

    LogManager.Log ("CallbackType.Action_RefreshReceipt");
    // Tips: The receipt needs to be refreshed.
    string desc = (string)json["msg_data"]["m_desc"];
    LogManager.Log("err_desc=", desc);
public void refreshReceipt()
    if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) {
        #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS    
        // Tips: show loading panel.
        LogManager.Log("Store start refreshing receipt...", LogType.Normal);
  • Receipt verification.
private void verifyReceipt(JObject jo)
    try {
        LogManager.Log ("verifyReceipt... jo: " + jo.ToString());
        int state = int.Parse(jo["t_state"].ToString);
        string productId = jo["p_id"].ToString();
        string userId = jo["u_id"].ToString();
        string transId = jo["t_id"].ToString();
        string transTimestamp = jo["t_ts"].ToString();
        string orgTransId = jo["orgt_id"].ToString();
        string orgTransTimestamp = jo["orgt_ts"].ToString();
        string base64EncodedReceipt = jo["t_receipt"].ToString();
        // You can also add the bundle identifier.
        requestToVerifyReceipt(productId, transId, base64EncodedReceipt, userId, transTimestamp, orgTransId, orgTransTimestamp);
    } catch (System.Exception e) {
        LogManager.Log (e.ToString (), LogType.Fatal);

private void requestToVerifyReceipt(string productId, string transId, string base64EncodedReceipt, 
    string userId, string transTimestamp, string orgTransId, string orgTransTimestamp) {

    // The URL for receipt verification.
    // Sandbox: ""
    // Production: ""

    // Finally, you call this method to complete the transaction.
    // finishTransaction(transactionId); finishTransaction(orgTransactionId); 

    // Recommended reference links:
    // Performs http request or builds tcp/udp connection.

Finally, after the receipt is verified, you need to complete the corresponding transaction.

public void finishTransaction(string transactionId, string originalTransactionId)
    if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) {
        LogManager.Log("finishTransaction", LogType.Normal);
        #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS                
        DYFFinishTransaction(transactionId, originalTransactionId);

public void finishTransaction_(string transactionId)
    if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) {
        LogManager.Log("finishTransaction", LogType.Normal);
        #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS                
  • Queries those incompleted transactions.

If there are the receipts in keychain and the receipt verification has not been completed, you need to query them out, and then report them one by one until the transaction, and then delete the corresponding record in the keychain.

public void queryIncompletedTransactions()
    if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) {
        LogManager.Log("queryIncompletedTransactions", LogType.Normal);
        #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_IOS                

Recommended Reference Links


Unity_iOS_InAppPurchase requires iOS 7.0 or above and ARC.

Feedback is welcome

If you notice any issue, got stuck to create an issue. I will be happy to help you.


Unity实现苹果iOS的应用内购买( Unity implements Apple's in-app purchases for iOS.)。



Language:Objective-C++ 54.4%Language:C# 34.0%Language:Objective-C 11.5%