chennuo0125-HIT / lidar_imu_calib

automatic calibration of 3D lidar and IMU extrinsics

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Different results for extrinsic rotation matrix

ibrahimhroob opened this issue · comments

Hi @mingjitianming @chennuo0125-HIT

I do not understand how this algorithm works, but why the extrinsic rotation matrix is not consistent? every time I run the algorithm I got different result!

please find the output below for three runs.


ibrahim@ihroob:~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch lidar_imu_calib calib_exR_lidar2imu.launch
... logging to /home/ibrahim/.ros/log/e4333678-a5dd-11eb-8a1b-000c4302407b/roslaunch-ihroob-9257.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.



  • /calib_exR_lidar2imu_node/bag_file: 2021-04-16-14-13-...
  • /calib_exR_lidar2imu_node/imu_topic: /thorvald_001/imu...
  • /calib_exR_lidar2imu_node/lidar_topic: /thorvald_001/vel...
  • /rosdistro: melodic
  • /rosversion: 1.14.10

calib_exR_lidar2imu_node (lidar_imu_calib/calib_exR_lidar2imu_node)

process[calib_exR_lidar2imu_node-1]: started with pid [9272]
/points_raw, /imu_raw
[ INFO] [1619369790.190354985, 3976.880000000]: lidar buffer size 5, imu buffer size 99
[ INFO] [1619369795.393294432, 3982.080000000]: lidar buffer size 5, imu buffer size 89
[ INFO] [1619369800.392866976, 3987.080000000]: lidar buffer size 5, imu buffer size 97
[ INFO] [1619369805.393084713, 3992.080000000]: lidar buffer size 6, imu buffer size 85
[ INFO] [1619369810.395708642, 3997.080000000]: lidar buffer size 5, imu buffer size 86
[ INFO] [1619369815.398423282, 4002.080000000]: lidar buffer size 5, imu buffer size 92
^C[calib_exR_lidar2imu_node-1] killing on exit
total lidar buffer size 324, imu buffer size 5265
constraints size 323
constraints size 323
result euler angle(RPY) : 2.02875 0.0837701 -0.631102
result extrinsic rotation matrix :
0.804547 -0.200267 -0.559104
-0.587966 -0.401234 -0.702359
-0.0836722 0.893814 -0.440562
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
ibrahim@ihroob:/catkin_ws$ ^C
/catkin_ws$ roslaunch lidar_imu_calib calib_exR_lidar2imu.launch
... logging to /home/ibrahim/.ros/log/e4333678-a5dd-11eb-8a1b-000c4302407b/roslaunch-ihroob-10630.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.



  • /calib_exR_lidar2imu_node/bag_file: 2021-04-16-14-13-...
  • /calib_exR_lidar2imu_node/imu_topic: /thorvald_001/imu...
  • /calib_exR_lidar2imu_node/lidar_topic: /thorvald_001/vel...
  • /rosdistro: melodic
  • /rosversion: 1.14.10

calib_exR_lidar2imu_node (lidar_imu_calib/calib_exR_lidar2imu_node)

process[calib_exR_lidar2imu_node-1]: started with pid [10645]
/points_raw, /imu_raw
[ INFO] [1619373238.069081582, 7423.670000000]: lidar buffer size 5, imu buffer size 94
[ INFO] [1619373243.243420420, 7428.840000000]: lidar buffer size 5, imu buffer size 93
^C[calib_exR_lidar2imu_node-1] killing on exit
total lidar buffer size 79, imu buffer size 1316
constraints size 78
constraints size 78
result euler angle(RPY) : 1.91052 -0.661753 -2.06045
result extrinsic rotation matrix :
-0.371043 -0.0215748 -0.928365
-0.696215 0.668024 0.262734
0.614501 0.743827 -0.262886
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
ibrahim@ihroob:~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch lidar_imu_calib calib_exR_lidar2imu.launch
... logging to /home/ibrahim/.ros/log/e4333678-a5dd-11eb-8a1b-000c4302407b/roslaunch-ihroob-10704.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.



  • /calib_exR_lidar2imu_node/bag_file: 2021-04-16-14-13-...
  • /calib_exR_lidar2imu_node/imu_topic: /thorvald_001/imu...
  • /calib_exR_lidar2imu_node/lidar_topic: /thorvald_001/vel...
  • /rosdistro: melodic
  • /rosversion: 1.14.10

calib_exR_lidar2imu_node (lidar_imu_calib/calib_exR_lidar2imu_node)

process[calib_exR_lidar2imu_node-1]: started with pid [10719]
/points_raw, /imu_raw
[ INFO] [1619373352.608345477, 7538.170000000]: lidar buffer size 5, imu buffer size 98
[ INFO] [1619373357.789264147, 7543.350000000]: lidar buffer size 6, imu buffer size 88
^C[calib_exR_lidar2imu_node-1] killing on exit
total lidar buffer size 66, imu buffer size 1143
constraints size 65
constraints size 65
result euler angle(RPY) : 1.80554 -0.797497 -0.0234645
result extrinsic rotation matrix :
0.698308 -0.70125 0.143579
-0.0163885 -0.216197 -0.976212
0.71561 0.679344 -0.162465
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete