carden24 / MeSS

Metagenomic Sequence Simulator

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The Metagenomic Sequence Simulator (MeSS) is a snakemake workflow used for simulating metagenomic mock communities.


install with bioconda

In order to quickly get going with MeSS I recommend using the conda package manager and specifically mamba (a fast alternative to conda):

conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba
mamba create -c bioconda -n mess mess

Quick start

To run mess, you simply have to provide a config.yml file with a list of parameters:

mess run -f config.yml -c 10

Examples of config.yml files are provided in data/hmp_templates (parameters are explained below).

Config file example

#MeSS parameters
input_table_path: input_table.tsv
community_name: metagenome-sim
#Replicates parameters
replicates: 1 
sd_read_num: 0 

#Random seeds
seed: 1 

#Sequencing run params
seq_tech: ont #[illumina, ont, pacbio]
read_status: single 
total_reads: 100000

#Illumina (art params)
illumina_sequencing_system: HSXt #HiSeqX TruSeq (read length:150bp)
illumina_read_len: 150
illumina_mean_frag_len: 200
illumina_sd_frag_len: 10

#Long reads (pbsim2 params)
chemistry: R94 
longreads_min_len: 100
longreads_max_len: 1000000
longreads_sd_len: 7000
longreads_mean_len: 9000
longreads_mean_acc: 85
difference_ratio: "23:31:46"

#Assembly download
NCBI_key: your_ncbi_key
NCBI_email: your_ncbi_email
complete_assemblies: False
reference_assemblies: False
representative_assemblies: False
exclude_from_metagenomes: True
Genbank_assemblies: True
Refseq_assemblies: True
Rank_to_filter_by: False

Required files

Input table examples

MeSS takes the same input as Assembly_finder, with an additional column for either coverage values, read percentages or relative abundances.

Read percentage

Below is an example of input table where the user can set, for each entry, read percentages of the total metagenomic reads

Taxonomy NbGenomes PercentReads
1813735 1 0.3
114185 1 0.4
ATCC_13985 3 0.3

If the percent read column is not present, MeSS will generate an even distribution within superkingdoms. In the input table shown above, if no PercentReads is present, each entry will have a read percentage of 20% (as all entries belong to the same superkingdom: bacteria)

Coverage values

The user has also the option to set coverage values instead of %reads of the total metagenomic reads for each entry.

Taxonomy NbGenomes Coverage
1813735 1 20
114185 1 30
ATCC_13985 3 20

In this case, all 3 assemblies found for ATCC_13985 will have the same coverage value of 20

Relative proportions

Alternatively, the user can specify relative proportions between assemblies. Given the total number of reads to be present in the metagenome, scripts will calculate coverage and read numbers respecting the relative proportions.

Taxonomy NbGenomes RelativeProp
1813735 1 0.3
114185 1 0.4
ATCC_13985 3 0.3

For ATCC_13985, the 3 genomes will have a RelativeProp value of 0.1.

Read counts

Finally, the user can define the raw reads to simulate per genome as shown below:

Taxonomy NbGenomes Reads
1813735 1 10000
114185 1 10000
ATCC_13985 3 30000

For ATCC_13985, 10000 reads will be simulated for each genome

Mess parameters

The path to the input table can be set by the input_table_path parameter in the config file as shown above.

MeSS offers the possibility to generate multiple mock communities using the same set of assembly files in the same directory. For this, the user has to set up one configuration file per mock community and change the community_name accordingly.

Replicates parameters

The user has the option to te create a set of replicates for one community. Each replicate read number can be drawn from a normal distribution with a standard deviation set in the sd_read_num parameter.

Random seeds

The MeSS workflow uses random seeds for read generation and read shuffling. To ensure reproducible results, one can give the seed parameter a fixed number.

Sequencing run params

MeSS offers the possibility to select art_illumina or pbsim2 to simulate illumina and long reads respecitvely. In addition, read pairing and the total amount of reads can be set using the read_status and total_reads parameters.

Illumina (art params)

MeSS uses art_illumina to generate illumina reads, and the user can change parameters like read and fragment length under the art_illumina params section as shown the yaml file above.

Long reads (pbsim2 params)

For long read simulation, pbsim2 was integrated in the pipeline. pbsim2 randomly samples reads from a reference sequence following a gamma distribution, and errors are introduced following FIC-HMM models for different chemistries.

For a PC64 PacBio simulation, the user can choose the PC64.model and a difference_ratio of 6:50:54 (substitution:insertion:deletion) as recommended by pbsim2's help message. As for a Nanopore sequencing run using a R9.4 flowcell, the user can set the values shown in the yaml file above.

For more details check pbsim2's documentation

Assembly download

MeSS uses Assembly_finder to download genomes, and requires the user to have an NCBI account. For more details on Assembly_finder parameters check its documentation.

Running MeSS

Snakemake command

Here is an example command to run MeSS on the previously described config and input table.

snakemake --snakefile path/to/MeSS/Snakefile --configfile config.yml \
--use-conda --conda-prefix path/to/conda/envs/ \
--resources ncbi_requests=3 nb_simulation=2 parallel_cat=2 --cores 10 all_sim

nb_simulation controlls the number of parallel art_illuminaor pbsim2 jobs. This parameter is important for memory usage, as art_illumina loads genomes into memory. Thus, for big genomes it is recommended to lower this parameter.

parallel_cat controlls the number of genomes to be concatenated in parallel. For big genomes and computers with low memory, lowering this parameter lowers memory usage.

MeSS outputs

Directory structure

After running MeSS for two replicates of the same metagenome with single end reads, your working directory should look like this:

├── assembly_gz
│   ├── assembly-accession-1.fna.gz
│   └── assembly-accession-2.fna.gz
├── krona
│   ├── metagenome-sim-rep1_single.html
│   └──  metagenome-sim-rep2_single.html
├── logs
│   ├── downloads
│   ├── filtered
│   ├── not-filtered  
│   ├── read_counts_table
│   ├── read_generation
│   └── shuffling
├── simreads
│   ├── metagenome-sim-rep1_single.fastq
│   ├── metagenome-sim-rep1_single.fastq
├── tables
│   ├── filtered
│   └── not-filtered  
├── config.yaml
├── input_table.tsv
├── readcounts-metagenome-sim-rep1.tsv
├── readcounts-metagenome-sim-rep2.tsv
├── metagenome-sim-assemblies-summary.tsv
├── taxonomy-metagenome-sim-rep1_single.tsv

The simulated reads fastqs are compressed and located in the simreads/ directory, and their taxonomic profile is in taxonomy-<community_name>--<read_status>.tsv.


Metagenomic Sequence Simulator

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%