caballero / latchbio-nf-ampliseq

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a port of the nf-core/ampliseq workflow for amplicon sequencing analysis workflow using DADA2 and QIIME2 to LatchBio.

The nfcore/ampliseq is a bioinformatics analysis pipeline used for amplicon sequencing, supporting denoising of any amplicon and, currently, taxonomic assignment of 16S, ITS, CO1 and 18S amplicons. Supported is paired-end Illumina or single-end Illumina, PacBio and IonTorrent data. Default is the analysis of 16S rRNA gene amplicons sequenced paired-end with Illumina.


  • Fastq reads
  • Sequence type [paired, single]
  • Sequence technology [illumina, novaseq, pacbio, iontorrent]
  • Paired ITS Illumina?
  • Sequence forward primer
  • Sequence reverse primer
  • Multiple run per sample?
  • Metadata file


  • Input - Input files
  • Preprocessing
    • FastQC - Read quality control
    • Cutadapt - Primer trimming
    • MultiQC - Aggregate report describing results
  • ASV inferrence with DADA2 - Infer Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs)
  • Optional ASV filtering - Filter ASVs to optimize downstream analysis
    • Barrnap - Predict ribosomal RNA sequences and optional filtering
    • Length filter - Optionally, ASV can be filtered by length thresholds
    • ITSx - Optionally, the ITS region can be extracted
  • Taxonomic classification with DADA2 - Taxonomic classification of (filtered) ASVs
    • assignSH - Optionally, a UNITE species hypothesis (SH) can be added to the taxonomy
  • QIIME2 - Secondary analysis
    • Taxonomic classification - Taxonomical classification of ASVs
    • Abundance tables - Exported abundance tables
    • Relative abundance tables - Exported relative abundance tables
    • Barplot - Interactive barplot
    • Alpha diversity rarefaction curves - Rarefaction curves for quality control
    • Diversity analysis - High level overview with different diversity indices
    • ANCOM - Differential abundance analysis
  • PICRUSt2 - Predict the functional potential of a bacterial community
  • Read count report - Report of read counts during various steps of the pipeline
  • Pipeline information - Report metrics generated during the workflow execution


By default, the pipeline currently performs the following:

  • Sequencing quality control (FastQC)
  • Trimming of reads (Cutadapt)
  • Infer Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) (DADA2)
  • Predict whether ASVs are ribosomal RNA sequences (Barrnap)
  • Taxonomical classification using DADA2 or QIIME2
  • Excludes unwanted taxa, produces absolute and relative feature/taxa count tables and plots, plots alpha rarefaction curves, computes alpha and beta diversity indices and plots thereof (QIIME2)
  • Calls differentially abundant taxa (ANCOM)
  • Overall pipeline run summaries (MultiQC)


License:MIT License


Language:Python 90.8%Language:Dockerfile 9.2%