byuccl / WaFoVe

Repository from Github https://github.combyuccl/WaFoVeRepository from Github https://github.combyuccl/WaFoVe

WaFoVe WaveForm Verification

Waveform Comparison Tool Installation Instructions

Use make packages and pip install while in the WaFoVe directory.

How To Run

usage: [-h] [-a] [--base BasePath] [--tech TechLib] [-f] [--newTests] [-s SEED] [--testBench TBLocation] [-t TESTS] [-v] [--vivado VIVADO] [--waveform] File1 File2

positional arguments:

  • File1 Path to file 1.
  • File2 Path to file 2.

optional arguments:

  • -h, --help show this help message and exit
  • -a, --allSignals Compares all signals rather than IOs (Typically returns false).
  • --base BasePath Base path to store files (defaults to the out folder).
  • --tech TechLib Path to tech library (defaults to cells_sim.v in templates).
  • -f, --fullScreen Specifies if graphs should be viewed in fullscreen.
  • --newTests Flag that decides whether old tests should be deleted and new tests should be run.
  • -s SEED, --seed SEED The seed random will use to generate the specific testbench. Defaults to 0.
  • --testBench TBLocation Location of the testbench template file (defaults to sample_tb.v in templates).
  • -t TESTS, --tests TESTS The number of tests to run. If not set, defaults to 100.
  • -v, --verbose Allows for printing of debugging info & tracing the tool's flow.
  • --vivado VIVADO Additional argument for waveform, specifies the Vivado Bin Path to launch Vivado.
  • --waveform Run gtkwave at the end of the verification process or on a previously ran test.

Limitations A few things need to be in place in order for it to work properly:

  • Two verilog netlists being compared must have the same IO ports.
  • The verilog files must be netlists, they cannot be a regular design.
  • A tech-library is required for IVerilog to properly implement their testbenches. (Note: A default library is pulled from Yosys during the Make process.)
  • Clocks must be named "clk" at this point. Multi-clock designs are not fully-supported without modifying source code. (See documentation/Testbench for how to accomplish this.)

Documentation Full documentation can be found in the documentation folder.



Language:Verilog 99.1%Language:Python 0.9%Language:Makefile 0.0%Language:Tcl 0.0%