buoncubi / speech_based_teleop_commander

A CAGG based qualitative spatial evaluation based on speech for generating teleoperative commands

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ROS based Speech Interface for Qualitative Teleoperation of the Miro Robot

This repository contains tree ROS packages for generate semantic spatial commands for qualitative spatial relation, given as sentences.

In particular it contains the following ROS packages:

  • speech_interaction: allows to use Google Speech API for performing Text-to-Speech and ResponsiveVoice for Speech-to-Text translations.
  • ros_cagg_teleop: allows to use the CAGG API to evaluate sentences, based on BNF grammars, and extract semantic tags for words.
  • ros_cagg_msgs: contains all the ROS messages used by ros_cagg_teleop.

For more references, please see this repository for ros_cagg_teleop and ros_cagg_msgs, as well as this repository for speech_interaction.

Packages Configuration


This repository as been tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic. It contains packages that depends on:

  • Java 1.8,
  • ROSjava bridge,
  • ROSBridge for using Java-script,
  • Chrome browser.


To install all the contents of this repository follow this instruction:

  1. install ROSjava: $ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rosjava
  2. install ROSbride: $ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rosbridge-server
  3. clone all the contents in the /src folder of your workspace.
  4. do $ catkin_make
  5. do $roscd ros_cagg_teleop/ && ./gradlew deployApp


To execute the system simply use: $ roslaunch speech_interaction speech_adapter.launch



Above is shown the UML diagram of the architecture, which is composed by nodes:

  • web_interface_visualizer is a javascript node (running under the rosbridge_web_socket) which shown an interface through which is possible to perform text-to-speech and speech-to-text translation.
  • ros_cagg_teleop is a java node which depends on the CAGG API. It performs speech analysis based on specified grammars.
  • speech_teleop_adapter is a C++ node which uses the nodes above, provides data, and logs experimental data on file.


alt text

The figure above shows the UML diagram of the architecture implemented in this repository. Developers that want to use this architecture should subscribe or publish messages only to the topics of the speech_teleop_adapter node. While users that what to use the system should interact only with the web_interface_visualizer node.

In particular, when the robot should tell something, a string should be sent to the /CAGG/adapted/text_to_specch (that will be sent through the /text_to_speech topic of the web_interface_visualizer node).

While when a user tells something through the web interface, the text translation of the user voice is send through the /CAGG/input_text topic. Then, such string evaluated in order to compute and provide the semantic of the user's words, provided through the /CAGG/semantic_tags topic, which is propagated through the /CAGG/adapted/semantic_tags topic.

Messages & Topics

Each topic of the architecture has a dedicated message format as following:

  • the /speech_to_text topic uses the speech_interaction/Speech2Text message, which contains:
    • std_msg::string language (the speaking language used for the recognition)
    • std_msg::string transcript (the text generated from the user's voice)
    • std_msg::float confidence (the recognition confidence between 0 and 1)
  • the /text_to_speech topic uses the speech_interaction/Text2Speech message, which contains:
    • std_msg::string text (the string that the robot should tell)
    • std_msg::string language (the speaking language used for voice synthesizes)
    • std_msg::float volume (the volume of the robot voice)
    • std_msg::float pitch (the pitch of the robot voice)
    • std_msg::float rate (the rate of the robot voice)
  • the /CAGG/input_text topic uses a std_msg::string message containing the user's sentence to translate.
  • the /CAGG/semantic_tags topic uses the ros_cagg_msgs/cagg_tags message, which contains:
    • Hearder (which contains a time stamp)
    • ros_cag_msgs::confidence (the confidence of the semantic recognition, between 0 and 1)
    • ros_cagg_msgs::computationTimeMs (the computation time needed to evaluate the text, i.e., spent in ros_cagg_teleop in milliseconds)
    • ros_cagg_msgs::cags_tags (which contains a list of list of std_msgs::string representing the semantics recognized for specific words)
  • the CAGG/adapted/semantic_tags is structured as /CAGG/semantic_tags, but returned by the adapter after the logging phase
  • the CAGG/adapted/text_to_speech is structured as /text_to_speech, but returned by the adapter after the logging phase


The ros_cagg_teleop requires specific value on the ROS parameter server, in particular:

  • /cagg_log_config_path: the absolute path to the Log4j configuration file,
  • /cagg_serialized_directive_grammar: the absolute path tho the serialized CAGG grammar file about directives commands,
  • /cagg_serialized_go_grammar: the absolute path tho the serialized CAGG grammar file about go commands. All those paths are pointing on the folder ros_cagg_teleop/ros_java_cagg_teleop_interface/res/.

Also, you can set other further parameters of CAGG_teleop such as:

  • /cagg_timeout_ms: the time (in milliseconds) to run the CAGG evaluation, after which the best result so far will be published in the output topic (remarkably, the evaluation start as soon as you send something on the input topic). By default set to 10000ms.
  • /cagg_stopping_check_frequency: represent the frequency of stopping condition used before time-out. Remarkably, time-out will be applied after a multiple times of the /cagg_stopping_check_frequency. By default set to 1000ms.
  • /cagg_stopping_confidence_threshold: represents the confidence threshold to stop searching for further results before time-out.
  • the confidence is computed as the ration of the word in a sentence at which CAGG attached at least a semantic tag, over the total number of words in a sentence. Therefore, if you grammar is not accurate (i.e., do not catch all the words in sentence), the confidence will be low even if a suitable recognition as been found.

Moreover, through the speech_teleop_adapter it is possible to set static values for the /text_to_speech topic (see the launch file for more information).

Also, the web_interface_visualizer has parameters to make the robot waiting for the user to finish speaking and in the opposite way round (see the html for more information).


Speech Recognition

In this repository CAGG evaluator is used for identify directives tag streamed in the output topic. In particular:

  • [GO]: is triggering by any sentences that contains the keywords: "go".
  • [STOP]: is triggering by any sentences that contains the keywords: "stop", or "finish", or "done, or "ok".
  • [RESET]: is triggering by any sentences that contains the keywords: "reset", or "forget", or "wrong", or "no"; This is defined in the grammar ros_cagg_teleop/ros_java_cagg_teleop_interface/res/directive_grammar.cagg.

Moreover, for the GO directive you can further specify sentences that follow the schema defined in the grammar ros_cagg_teleop/ros_java_cagg_teleop_interface/res/go_grammar.cagg. I.e.,: !optional( <QUANTIFIER>) <relation> <object> Where:

  • the QUANTIFIER is such to be as SLIGHTLY, or EXACTLY,
  • the OBJECT is an integer number (i.e., unique identifier) of an object (supported number between 1 and 9) Note that in this case the SUBJECT is always the robot.

For example: "Miro, go slightly on the right-hand side of box number 3." Will generate in the output topic a list of list as: {{GO,QUANTIFIER,SLIGHTLY},{GO,RELATION,right},{OBJECT,3}] On the other had, sentences as: "Miro stop!", "forget all", will return: {{STOP}}, and {{RESET}} respectively

The package is such to call CAGG for checking the given directive, if it is of the GO type, than also the go_grammar is used. Otherwise the output will be only based on the directive_grammar.

Note that the input text is split by words such as and, and also. Therefore, if you concatenate sentences through those keywords. The node will process them as two different string given in sequence.

Finally, consider that the sentence is not recognized if the node streams an empty message (i.e., {{}}) through the output topic.

Data Logging

If you do not provide a logging path to speech_teleop_adapter, the system generates a log of the dialogue. By default those are saved in speech_interaction/dialogs-log/ folder as a text file for each launch of the architecture. Such a file contains tree possible types of lines as:

  • time-stamp, "Human Voice", language, confidence, transcript
  • time-stamp, "Robot Voice", language, volume, pitch, rate, text
  • time-stamp, "CAGG Evaluation", language, computation time, confidence, {{list, of, list},{of, semantic},{tags}}


Luca Buoncompagni EMAROlab, DIBRIS department, University of Genoa, Italy.


A CAGG based qualitative spatial evaluation based on speech for generating teleoperative commands

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:HTML 34.9%Language:Java 26.0%Language:CMake 23.4%Language:C++ 13.3%Language:Shell 2.4%