A service to manage call resources, each representing a phone call between two numbers. Calls Web Service is a Java Spring-boot application, with a view layer served by Thymeleaf. The web service exposes some operations (create, read, delete) via a REST controller. Additionally, the service can be run in a docker container alongside with a MariaDB container.
Building and running unit tests:
gradlew clean build
To run the application, in the project root folder run the command below. A local mariaDB instance should be first configured.
gradlew run
Building the docker image using the Jib gradle plugin.
gradlew jibDockerBuild --image=call-center-server
Spinning up the docker containers. In the project root folder (default location of the docker-compose.yml file) run:
docker-compose up
To remove the data volume:
docker volume rm challenge-call-center_db_data
By default, the application will run on port 9000. The different operations are mapped to:
- /call-center/calls/create
- /call-center/calls/createMany
- /call-center/calls/delete/{id}
- /call-center/calls/list
- /call-center/calls/statistics
The HTML pages are mapped as below. Generate and clear are dev tools, allowing the user to easily generate and clear all data.
- /
- /createForm
- /create
- /createMany
- /delete/{id}
- /list
- /statistics
- /clear
- /generate
For the create operations, an object (or list of objects for the createMany) is expected with the following format:
"callerNumber": "+351 919293284",
"calleeNumber": "+351 919293186",
"type": "Inbound",
"startTime": 1615116875,
"endTime": 1615117554
The prices of the calls can be configured via the following properties:
The web service can be tested via any API client like Postman or Insomnia. A file 'Insomnia_Tests.json' is already provided with this project with a sample test case for each operation.
Testing data can be easily generated via a JSON generator. The example below works for https://www.json-generator.com/
callerNumber: '+351 {{phone("9192932xx")}}',
calleeNumber: '+351 {{phone("9192931xx")}}',
type: '{{random("Inbound", "Outbound")}}',
startTime: '{{Math.round(date(new Date(2020, 0, 1), new Date()).getTime()/1000)}}',
endTime(tags) {
return this.startTime + tags.integer(0,999);