berkayylmao / BerkaysAssortedMods

Adds an in-game interface to some NFS games that lets you add new things to the game (e.g., Blur powerups, free look camera) and edit existing things (e.g., control LODs, change time of day).

Repository from Github https://github.comberkayylmao/BerkaysAssortedModsRepository from Github https://github.comberkayylmao/BerkaysAssortedMods

Quick links


B.A.M. adds an in-game interface that lets you add new things to the game (e.g., Blur powerups) and edit existing things (e.g., control time of day). See 'Gallery' below for screenshots.


Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005 v1.3 (RELOADED, English):

  • Blur Powerups
  • Bouncy Things
  • Custom Car Scale
  • Custom Time of Day
  • D3D Point/Wireframe View
  • Disable Game Pause
  • LOD Control
  • Mirrored and Upside Down World
  • Various game feature togglers/cheats

Need for Speed Carbon (Collector's Edition) v1.4 (RELOADED, English):

  • Blur Powerups
  • Bouncy Things
  • Custom Car Scale
  • Custom Time of Day
  • Disable Game Pause
  • LOD Control
  • Mirrored and Upside Down World
  • Various game feature togglers/cheats

Need for Speed ProStreet v1.1 (BATTERY/ViTALiTY, English):

  • Blur Powerups
  • Bouncy Things
  • Custom Time of Day
  • Disable Game Pause
  • LOD Control
  • Various game feature togglers/cheats (including god mode)



  1. Click here.
  2. Download the "" file.
  3. Extract the zip file into the game folder.
  4. Say yes to overwrite if asked.


Simply delete BAM.asi from your scripts folder (<Game Folder>/scripts/BAM.asi).


  1. Start the game.
  2. Follow the tutorial.
  3. Enjoy!



Is the game 'appearing' to start but then suddenly crash/freeze? Try all of these first:

  1. Make sure you meet the requirements. Reboot your computer after installing all of them.

  2. Make sure you are running one of the supported games.

  3. Reset your B.A.M. settings (delete <Game Folder>/scripts/BAM/Config.json).

  4. Set game executable compatibility to Windows XP (Service Pack 3) and try again.

  1. Set game executable to run as an administrator and try again.

  1. Install a fresh copy of the game to a different folder and test it only with B.A.M.

  2. If the problem still persists, create an issue on GitHub with as much information as you can give.



See About->Legal in the mod menu for third-party licenses.


None that I know of. This is a script mod so file mods (car mods, VLT scripts, Binary modules etc.) do not affect this.


Adds an in-game interface to some NFS games that lets you add new things to the game (e.g., Blur powerups, free look camera) and edit existing things (e.g., control LODs, change time of day).

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0