battleoverflow / powder

Website built to showcase the Jinx Framework using HTML, Tailwind CSS, and Jinx (PHP)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Website built to showcase the Jinx Framework using HTML, Tailwind CSS, and Jinx (PHP).

This project will be built in unison with the Jinx Framework to showcase improvements, features, bug fixes, and more as the framework evolves.


After cloning the repository, all you have to do is install the dependencies and run a local server.

First, install the dependencies (Jinx):

composer install

Make sure you have all migrations applied and a MySQL database available (I prefer XAMPP & TablePlus for quickly configuring and editing databases):

php migrations.php

After everything is installed and configured, you can run a local server:

php -S localhost:8080

NOTE: You must be in the public/ directory for to properly serve the files.


You can also run the project by using Docker:


Now you can open a browser and check out the website using Docker:


If you're interested in configuring the SQL database to actually interact with the website, you can do so by running the script like so:


This will populate the Docker SQL database with the correct table for Powder.

I'd like to eventually rewrite this in React/TypeScript, but for now, it's in HTML to allow the most flexibility with testing framework changes.

NOTE: While Jinx does have some session/cookie functionality, it may not be the best solution available. An easy workaround is to either clear all cache for localhost:8080 for major changes (i.e DB edits, etc.) or run the website in a private browser session which will clear all cache on close.


Website built to showcase the Jinx Framework using HTML, Tailwind CSS, and Jinx (PHP)

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:PHP 93.2%Language:Shell 4.5%Language:Dockerfile 2.3%