avikde / robobee3d

Robobee research including controls, modeling, and simulation

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W2D add penalty for mech power so that opt does not increase freq

avikde opened this issue · comments

Determined that the problem here #119 (comment) is normal, and this is to be expected (discussed with Noah).

In order to not make it just prefer higher frequencies, should limit mechanical power somehow.

This is a prereq for #117

Worked out for 1-actuated-DOF


The Hvel element should do this

Such that Hvel*pt[middle i.e./dt] = act. frame vel.

First hint that it is doing something:

Ryu=0 Opt minal=1.5, τ2/1 lim=2.0 => 0, [2.921 2.046 0.67 3.927 3.981 33.814 0.074], fHz=300.0, al[mg]=116.6, u∞=42.5, J=2656.7, AR=4.0


Ryu=200 Opt minal=1.5, τ2/1 lim=2.0 => 0, [3.019 2.043 0.722 4.059 4.086 36.339 0.08], fHz=279.2, al[mg]=117.3, u∞=44.8, J=2883.3, AR=4.0


Ryu = 1e3

Opt minal=1.5, τ2/1 lim=2.0 => 0, [3.55 2.093 0.998 4.709 4.186 49.914 0.109], fHz=203.2, al[mg]=115.2, u∞=53.9, J=3580.8, AR=4.0
