aurasphere / arduino-projects

Collection of my Arduino projects.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Arduino Sketches

This repository contains my smaller Arduino Sketches. Those are:

  • serial_led: a program that turns on and off a led based on a character sent via serial port.
  • infrared_remote: a program that emulates a TV remote by sending an infrared signal according to a serial input signal. This project has a dependency on z3t0's Arduino IRremote repository.
  • serial_echo: a program that sends any string received through serial port back via the same serial port. The purpose of this program is to test Bluetooth connections.
  • humidity_reader: a program to read humidity and temperature and display it on an LCD display.
  • virtual_piano: a program to play a piano using distance between an ultrasonic sensor.
  • sonar: a program that bips faster when objects gets closer to the sensor.


Collection of my Arduino projects.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%