ashokgelal / web-frameworks

Which is the fastest web framework?

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Which is the fastest?

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This project aims to be a load benchmarking suite, no more, no less

Measuring response times (routing times) for each framework (middleware).

Results are not production-ready yet

Additional purposes :

  • Helping decide between languages, depending on use case
  • Learning languages, best practices, devops culture ...
  • Having fun ❤️


  • Crystal as built-in tools are made in this language
  • Docker as frameworks are isolated into containers
  • wrk as benchmarking tool, >= 4.1.0
  • postgresql to store data, >= 10


⚠️ On OSX you need docker-machine to use docker containerization

brew install docker-machine
docker-machine create default
eval $(docker-machine env default)



  • Install all dependencies
shards install
  • Build internal tools
shards build
  • Create and initialize the database
createdb -U postgres benchmark
psql -U postgres -d benchmark < .ci/dump.sql

Docker can be used to set up the database:

docker run -it --rm -d \
  -p 5432:5432 \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=benchmark \
  -v /tmp/pg-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
  --name pg postgres:12-alpine

Wait several seconds for the container to start, then inject the dump:

docker exec pg sh -c "echo \"$(cat .ci/dump.sql)\" | psql -U postgres -d benchmark"

After creating the database, export its URL:

export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres@localhost/benchmark"
  • Make configuration
bin/make config
  • Build containers

jobs are either languages (example : crystal) or frameworks (example :

bin/neph [job1] [job2] [job3] ...
  • Export all results readme
bin/db to_readme


ℹ️ Updated on 2020-07-21 ℹ️

Benchmarking with wrk

  • Threads : 8
  • Timeout : 8
  • Duration : 15s (seconds)

ℹ️ Sorted by max req/s on concurrency 64 ℹ️

Language Framework Speed (64) Speed (256) Speed (512)
1 php (7.4) mark (1.1) 163 951 170 506 170 629
2 nim (1.2) httpbeast (0.2) 162 239 192 708 195 038
3 go (1.14) fasthttp (1.15) 152 854 165 482 169 358
4 nim (1.2) whip (0.2) 152 670 179 457 181 285
5 go (1.14) atreugo (11.4) 150 823 163 079 166 661
6 javascript (13.14) nanoexpress-pro (2.2) 149 742 190 337 193 601
7 go (1.14) router (1.2) 148 837 160 366 162 289
8 go (1.14) fasthttprouter (0.1) 146 799 159 367 162 729
9 go (1.14) gorouter-fasthttp (4.4) 146 631 158 422 162 497
10 javascript (13.14) sifrr (0.0) 144 992 177 223 179 662
11 go (1.14) gearbox (1.0) 143 686 155 699 158 922
12 java (11) rapidoid (5.5) 142 856 170 286 171 102
13 java (11) jooby (2.8) 140 324 181 672 187 321
14 c (11) agoo-c (0.7) 137 783 154 275 178 755
15 crystal (0.35) toro (0.4) 135 922 162 685 162 666
16 crystal (0.35) (0.2) 134 946 159 983 158 930
17 kotlin (1.3) kooby (2.8) 134 333 175 691 183 367
18 php (7.4) workerman (4.0) 133 670 162 207 163 840
19 crystal (0.35) spider-gazelle (3.3) 133 257 160 022 158 198
20 java (11) light-4j (2.0) 131 519 171 769 175 925
21 nim (1.2) jester (0.4) 127 455 147 913 149 220
22 crystal (0.35) grip (0.28) 126 962 151 352 149 777
23 crystal (0.35) kemal (0.26) 126 517 149 778 148 437
24 crystal (0.35) amber (0.35) 121 529 142 544 139 065
25 rust (1.45) actix (2.0) 120 313 129 840 130 523
26 php (7.4) simps (1.0) 103 283 157 099 171 860
27 c (99) kore (3.3) 102 607 134 424 118 562
28 go (1.14) rte (0.0) 102 177 102 827 107 356
29 go (1.14) clevergo (0.3) 101 549 102 266 107 193
30 go (1.14) echo (4.1) 101 126 101 677 106 257
31 go (1.14) httprouter (1.3) 100 222 101 093 105 724
32 java (11) act (1.9) 100 035 129 506 130 626
33 go (1.14) fiber (1.12) 98 672 141 336 151 785
34 go (1.14) gin (1.6) 98 206 102 334 106 832
35 go (1.14) chi (4.1) 96 828 95 964 100 039
36 go (1.14) gorouter (4.4) 96 027 101 234 104 809
37 go (1.14) aero (1.3) 94 485 95 203 99 339
38 go (1.14) violetear (7.0) 93 503 94 883 98 672
39 go (1.14) webgo (4.1) 92 584 93 474 97 188
40 go (1.14) goroute (0.0) 90 807 90 174 94 410
41 go (1.14) kami (2.2) 90 598 96 519 99 148
42 fsharp (4.7) falco (1.2) 90 442 102 527 105 010
43 fsharp (4.7) frank (6.1) 89 896 102 842 105 718
44 go (1.14) gorilla-mux (1.7) 89 682 88 441 92 740
45 csharp (8.0) aspnetcore (3.1) 88 881 101 614 104 303
46 go (1.14) beego (1.12) 88 485 93 388 96 877
47 crystal (0.35) athena (0.9) 84 849 102 482 104 114
48 javascript (13.14) polkadot (1.0) 82 150 94 592 95 362
49 javascript (13.14) 0http (2.5) 78 534 90 534 90 156
50 go (1.14) air (0.19) 78 340 79 766 82 955
51 cpp (14/17) drogon (1.0) 77 919 84 972 86 828
52 csharp (8.0) carter (5.1) 74 981 76 670 69 095
53 elixir (1.1) cowboy_stream (2.8) 74 350 76 362 74 145
54 javascript (13.14) polka (0.5) 73 857 81 658 79 745
55 javascript (13.14) rayo (1.3) 73 002 79 766 77 932
56 javascript (13.14) restana (4.6) 72 842 84 186 83 896
57 javascript (13.14) fastify (3.1) 72 753 80 173 78 912
58 ruby (2.7) agoo (2.13) 71 932 102 728 112 830
59 go (1.14) gf (1.13) 70 825 76 669 78 588
60 java (11) javalin (3.9) 70 164 76 766 75 570
61 php (7.4) one (2.0) 69 747 89 728 96 494
62 swift (5.2) perfect (3.1) 69 744 80 438 86 628
63 scala (2.13) akkahttp (10.1) 69 156 81 328 78 361
64 php (7.4) hyperf (2.0) 67 767 87 381 94 104
65 java (11) spring-boot (2.3) 66 235 72 753 72 249
66 python (3.8) falcon (2.0) 66 203 72 471 73 726
67 javascript (13.14) muneem (2.4) 64 783 71 146 69 752
68 kotlin (1.3) ktor (1.2) 64 385 84 717 87 624
69 fsharp (4.7) saturn (0.14) 64 128 61 927 55 023
70 php (7.4) comet (0.8) 60 953 66 533 65 978
71 javascript (13.14) foxify (0.1) 60 949 66 196 63 768
72 go (1.14) mars (1.0) 57 934 59 421 62 832
73 java (11) micronaut (1.2) 55 729 64 803 64 415
74 javascript (13.14) koa (2.13) 55 635 59 969 58 397
75 haskell (8.8) scotty (0.12) 55 033 59 473 62 342
76 javascript (13.14) iotjs-express (0.0) 54 109 57 433 55 232
77 fsharp (4.7) websharper (4.6) 53 343 56 311 52 643
78 clojure (1.1) coast (1.0) 53 283 55 578 55 672
79 python (3.8) bottle (0.12) 53 117 57 813 58 356
80 java (11) spring-framework (5.2) 50 677 58 062 58 064
81 javascript (13.14) nestjs-fastify (7.3) 50 491 60 931 59 880
82 python (3.8) apidaora (0.27) 49 847 57 761 57 689
83 swift (5.2) kitura-nio (2.9) 49 236 50 448 50 069
84 javascript (13.14) feathersjs (4.5) 49 230 51 974 51 168
85 javascript (13.14) express (4.17) 48 944 51 663 50 624
86 swift (5.2) kitura (2.9) 48 931 49 958 49 650
87 rust (1.45) nickel (0.11) 48 029 46 470 47 581
88 rust (1.45) gotham (0.4) 46 799 53 426 56 802
89 elixir (1.1) cowboy (2.8) 45 931 46 023 47 020
90 python (3.8) pyramid (1.1) 45 846 49 164 49 133
91 php (7.4) siler-swoole (1.7) 45 798 67 522 73 499
92 python (3.8) asgineer (0.7) 45 101 53 185 53 039
93 javascript (13.14) moleculer (0.14) 45 043 47 921 47 088
94 python (3.8) blacksheep (0.2) 44 518 50 204 49 710
95 cpp (11) evhtp (1.2) 44 335 45 108 45 467
96 swift (5.2) vapor (4.25) 43 733 46 479 46 827
97 python (3.8) hug (2.6) 42 404 45 633 45 862
98 python (3.8) sanic (20.6) 41 928 47 079 46 607
99 scala (2.13) http4s (0.21) 41 053 47 579 46 310
100 php (7.4) imi (1.2) 40 339 45 769 47 399
101 python (3.8) starlette (0.13) 39 438 45 241 45 063
102 elixir (1.1) plug (1.10) 38 839 39 849 40 192
103 javascript (13.14) hapi (19.2) 38 060 40 654 40 762
104 javascript (13.14) nestjs-express (7.3) 37 807 39 599 39 056
105 javascript (13.14) restify (8.5) 36 576 39 181 38 857
106 csharp (8.0) simplify.web (4.1) 35 542 36 241 35 583
107 python (3.8) emmett (2.0) 35 236 38 387 38 336
108 crystal (0.35) orion (3.0) 34 603 32 710 30 654
109 elixir (1.1) phoenix (1.5) 33 239 34 323 34 450
110 scala (2.13) play (2.8) 32 516 35 951 35 885
111 clojure (1.1) luminus (1.0) 31 011 32 296 31 918
112 crystal (0.35) shivneri (0.15) 30 334 29 291 27 016
113 dart (2.8) aqueduct (3.3) 29 673 30 030 29 542
114 haskell (8.8) servant (0.17) 29 607 28 581 27 775
115 fsharp (4.7) giraffe (4.1) 29 421 28 370 27 786
116 nim (1.2) rosencrantz (0.4) 27 699 23 633 21 462
117 fsharp (4.7) suave (2.5) 27 177 28 428 30 993
118 php (7.4) swoft (2.0) 27 172 33 765 34 272
119 nim (1.2) akane (0.1) 26 517 23 224 20 982
120 python (3.8) fastapi (0.59) 26 156 28 904 28 758
121 php (7.4) yii-swoole (2.0) 25 692 31 845 31 594
122 php (7.4) sw-fw-less (preview) 25 316 31 355 31 737
123 python (3.8) responder (2.0) 25 191 27 412 27 314
124 ruby (2.7) syro (3.2) 24 276 27 822 26 888
125 rust (1.45) iron (0.6) 24 172 24 194 24 142
126 python (3.8) molten (1.0) 24 008 24 884 24 746
127 php (7.4) chubbyphp-swoole (3.1) 24 007 28 873 29 297
128 ruby (2.7) roda (3.34) 23 883 26 311 25 247
129 python (3.8) aiohttp (3.6) 23 591 25 750 25 951
130 python (3.8) clastic (19.9) 23 526 24 145 24 382
131 ruby (2.7) hanami-api (0.1) 22 884 26 591 25 888
132 javascript (13.14) turbo_polka (0.3) 22 011 21 148 20 124
133 python (3.8) masonite (2.3) 21 914 22 529 22 476
134 python (3.8) flask (1.1) 21 739 22 687 22 647
135 ruby (2.7) cuba (3.9) 21 731 23 872 23 211
136 go (1.14) macaron (1.3) 20 389 22 964 23 219
137 ruby (2.7) rack_app (7.6) 18 844 20 076 19 829
138 ruby (2.7) rack-routing (0.0) 18 752 20 327 19 783
139 ruby (2.7) camping (2.1) 17 021 17 929 17 540
140 java (11) blade (2.0) 14 772 17 087 16 894
141 go (1.14) tango (0.6) 14 048 14 595 14 659
142 php (7.4) spiral (2.5) 13 439 13 756 13 500
143 dart (2.8) start (0.4) 13 345 13 142 12 270
144 crystal (0.35) runcobo (0.2) 12 769 12 527 11 937
145 go (1.14) gramework (1.7) 12 487 12 806 12 811
146 ruby (2.7) sinatra (2.0) 12 001 12 294 12 297
147 java (11) struts2 (2.5) 11 934 12 894 12 466
148 javascript (13.14) sails (1.2) 11 708 12 314 12 100
149 python (3.8) quart (0.13) 10 846 11 394 10 708
150 ruby (2.7) grape (1.4) 10 631 10 905 10 972
151 php (7.4) sunrise-router-roadrunner (2.4) 9 852 9 611 9 461
152 php (7.4) chubbyphp-roadrunner (3.1) 9 752 10 584 10 646
153 swift (5.2) swifter (1.4) 9 619 9 807 9 762
154 python (3.8) tornado (6.0) 9 481 9 651 9 487
155 python (3.8) django (3.0) 9 244 9 294 9 207
156 pony (0.35) jennet (0.1) 8 724 16 359 15 655
157 python (3.8) cherrypy (18.6) 8 684 8 629 8 606
158 php (7.4) fastsitephp (1.3) 7 827 7 721 7 528
159 ruby (2.7) hanami (1.3) 7 151 7 293 7 246
160 ruby (2.7) flame (4.18) 7 135 7 212 7 192
161 php (7.4) ubiquity (2.3) 6 654 6 464 6 529
162 python (3.8) tonberry (0.2) 6 428 6 322 5 991
163 php (7.4) one-fpm (2.0) 5 910 5 824 5 823
164 php (7.4) phalcon (4.0) 5 637 5 582 5 594
165 php (7.4) hamlet (3.2) 5 622 5 513 5 490
166 php (7.4) siler (1.7) 5 592 5 511 5 501
167 php (7.4) bearframework (1.2) 5 086 5 030 5 072
168 php (7.4) ice (1.5) 4 867 4 835 4 870
169 php (7.4) sunrise-router (2.4) 4 828 4 792 4 829
170 php (7.4) chubbyphp (3.1) 4 472 4 455 4 488
171 php (7.4) slim (4.5) 3 806 3 811 3 891
172 php (7.4) nette (3.0) 3 576 3 617 3 644
173 php (7.4) lumen (7.2) 3 437 3 467 3 520
174 php (7.4) yii (2.0) 3 356 3 399 3 449
175 ruby (2.7) rails (6.0) 3 320 3 126 3 105
176 v (0.1) vape (0.3) 3 291 2 792 1 877
177 julia (1.5) merly (0.2) 3 229 7 696 6 069
178 php (7.4) sunrise-router-annotations (2.4) 3 048 3 091 3 147
179 php (7.4) symfony (5.1) 2 687 2 721 2 767
180 php (7.4) mezzio (3.2) 2 483 2 510 2 546
181 python (3.8) cyclone (1.3) 2 420 2 404 2 399
182 ruby (2.7) pakyow (1.0) 2 141 2 107 2 112
183 perl (5.32) dancer2 (2.0) 2 120 1 712 969
184 python (3.8) klein (20.6) 1 579 1 613 1 595
185 python (3.8) nameko (2.12) 1 524 1 495 1 467
186 php (7.4) laminas (3.1) 1 320 1 349 1 370
187 php (7.4) codeigniter4 (4.0) 1 025 1 046 1 103
188 php (7.4) laravel (7.2) 897 162 2 266
189 php (7.4) basicphp (0.9) 625 483 593
190 crystal (0.35) lucky (0.23) 331 355 343

How to contribute ?

In any way you want ...

  • Request a framework addition
  • Report a bug (on any implementation)
  • Suggest an idea
  • ...

Any kind of idea is ❤️



Which is the fastest web framework?

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 56.1%Language:Crystal 8.2%Language:Python 5.0%Language:CMake 4.1%Language:Ruby 4.0%Language:Go 2.7%Language:Dockerfile 2.4%Language:Clojure 2.2%Language:Java 1.9%Language:JavaScript 1.5%Language:Elixir 1.4%Language:F# 1.2%Language:Swift 1.0%Language:C++ 1.0%Language:C# 1.0%Language:Nim 1.0%Language:HTML 0.9%Language:C 0.7%Language:Rust 0.6%Language:Scala 0.5%Language:Objective-C 0.5%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Dart 0.3%Language:TypeScript 0.3%Language:Kotlin 0.3%Language:CSS 0.2%Language:Haskell 0.2%Language:Pony 0.2%Language:Perl 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:V 0.1%Language:Julia 0.1%Language:Lua 0.0%