artinmohajeri / Secure-Full-Blog-Website-Django

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Secure responsive full blog web application Django

This is a full web project using (HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap4, Js, python3, Django)

In this website you can (signup, signin, logout and delete your account). you can choose profilePic and bio and update it.

You can follow users, see their profile, like/dislike their blogs and ... see the pictures to see more fitures.

πŸ”ΊπŸ”ΊπŸ”Ί it also has django-defender and django-axis installed that prevents (Brute Force & login Attackes). I have used django-recaptcha aswell to prevents bots to signup


  • Although it's not a flawless project, this web application was designed to resemble real-world websites. It's a mid-level project using Django, and there's definitely room for expansion.
  • both sides (frondend & backend) is written by myself


write these commands in your terminal to run this web application πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

python -m venv .venv


pip install -r requirements.txt

python runserver

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