arindal1 / TheCodeJungle

Curated collection of resources for developers, programmers and tech enthusiasts.

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Code Jungle is a repository that brings together a diverse range of content to help you on your journey in the world of programming and computer science. From APIs, books, tutorials to free resources, Code Jungle has a lot to offer. Take a look around the jungle and see what you need.

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‣ Useful Repositories:

Repo Description
Developer Roadmap Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
Reverse Engineering A list of Reverse Engineering articles, books, and papers.
System Design Primer Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview.
Master Command Line Master the art of command-line, in one page.
TechTable by ex-googlers, for ex-googlers - a lookup table of similar tech & services.
CS Uni Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
You Dont Need A list of stuff which you don't actually need.

‣ Projects:

Repo Description
Build Your Own X Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
Awesome Projects Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics.
App Ideas A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
30 Sec Code Short code snippets for all your development needs.
Project Learning Curated list of project-based tutorials and articles.
RealWorld Demo Exemplary fullstack clone.
FrontEnd Projects Collection of Front End Web dev projects.
Bag of Projects A collection of interesting projects from Code Jungle.

‣ Study Material:

Repo Description
Coding Interview A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Tech Interview handbook Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers.
JavaScript Interview Problems List of 1000 JavaScript Interview Questions.
JavaScript Algorithms Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript
Collection of Algorithms A collection of algorithms and data structures.
The Algorithms Collection of DS and Algo for different languages.
NodeJS Best Practice The Node.js best practices list.
JavaScript Best Practice Comprehensive and exhaustive JavaScript & Node.js testing best practices.
Project Guidelines A set of best practices for JavaScript projects.
Learn HTML Learn you how to create your first web page.
WebDev for Beginner 24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer.
100 Day ML 100 Days of Machine Learning codes.
ML Study Guide Minimal Machine Learning study guide.
ML Algo Playlist with important Machine Learning algorithms.
Python Bootcamp Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy.
Work with JS A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples.
Naughty Strings The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.
JavaScript Questions A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations.
MemGPT Teaching LLMs memory management for unbounded context.
Noodle Noodle is a platform that aims to provide a single platform for students to manage everything to do with their education.
Big O Cheatsheet A cheetsheet for everything to do with the Big O.

‣ Coding Games:

Link Description
Flexbox Froggy A cute froggy game which will help you learn CSS flex-box.
Flexbox Zombies Master your CSS flex-box knowledge through this zombie shooter game.
Grid Garden Learn and master CSS Grid through this fun cute game.
CSS Dinner Brief challenges that hone in on working with ids and classes, end everything about CSS Selectors.
CSS Battle Compete with other players with your HTML and CSS skills to replicate a given target.
Codin Games Level up your coding with games, puzzles, and challenges in 25+ languages.
RoboCode Write code for AI Tanks to compete against other players, and try to win with your code.
CodeWars Learn and master you favourite languages through these code challenges, and fine-tune your skills.

‣ Free Resources:

Repo Description
Free For Dev A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev.
Design Resources for Dev Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more.
Dev Resources A collaborative list of resources for developers.
Free Dev Resources Collection of free developer resources.
UX Resources Find the perfect UI Kits, Fonts, Photos, Icons, and Illustrations for your next project from our curated list of over 100+ resources.
freeCodeCamp Bunch of resources for developers by freeCodeCamp.
Awesome Python A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
gitignore GitIgnore documentation.
Beautiful DOCs Pointers to useful, well-written, and otherwise beautiful documentation.
System Design Res These are the best resources for System Design on the Internet.
Competetive Programming Resources Collection of resources for Competetive Programming and System Design.
Awesome Design Curated design resources from all over the world.
GTP4Free The official gpt4free repository - various collection of powerful language models.
LeetCode Helper A LeetCode contest utility for the dead serious. Generate template code for local testing.
Consistency Models This repository contains the codebase for Consistency Models, implemented using PyTorch for conducting large-scale experiments on ImageNet-64, LSUN Bedroom-256, and LSUN Cat-256.
Geneerative Models Collection of Generative Models by Stability AI.
Quotable Collection of random qoutes APIs.
MD Tables A text editor independent library to enable formatting and Excel-style navigation, and spreadsheet formulas to Markdown tables.

‣ Books:

Repo Description
You Dont Know JS A book series on JavaScript.
Awesome Cheatsheet Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools.
Free Programming Books Freely available programming books.
Book of Secret Knowledge A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
CS Reference A list of refernce books for Computer Science enthusiasts.
Learn Anything List of books on different topics.
Awesome Python Books Collection of good books for Python.
MLSC Collection Books on various Programming Languages, Concepts of coding, Software development.

‣ Public APIs:

Full list of free public APIs from all over the Internet, right here.

‣ Public IP Cams:

Collection of open IP Cams from all over the world, right here.

‣ Open-Source Projects:

[Good Open-Source Projects you can contribute to.]

Repo Description
OLlama Get up and running with Llama 2 and other large language models locally. Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
FiftyOne The open-source tool for building high-quality datasets and computer vision models.
Hoodie Hoodie lets web developers build applications without worrying about a backend.
Hospital-Run HospitalRun is a beautiful, easy-to-use hospital management system built for developing world hospitals with full information system.
Exercism Exercism is a platform where experienced and aspiring programmers can quickly ramp up their fluency in the basics of a new programming language.
Atom Atom is a modern, hackable text editor built with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It ships with a menagerie of packages and themes, along with a package manager.
HomeBrew Homebrew installs open-source software and other applications on macOS. If you're a developer using a Mac, you may well have used this software.
Zulip Zulip is a powerful, open source group chat application that combines the immediacy of real-time chat with the productivity benefits of threaded conversations.
Middle-Man Middleman is a static site generator built in Ruby. The beauty of static sites is that they're blazingly fast and easy to deploy.

Interview & CP Prep!

‣ SDE Sheets:

Link Creator Description
Striver's A2Z Sheet Striver This course is made for people who want to learn DSA from A to Z for free in a well-organized and structured manner.
Striver's Top Interview Questions Striver SDE Sheet contains very handily crafted and picked top coding interview questions from different topics of Data Structures & Algorithms.
NC SDE Sheet Nishant Chahar These questions are commonly asked in product-based companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc.
Amazon Sheet Fraz These are some of the frequently asked Amazon Problems.
GFG SDE Sheet GDG Covers all the important topics from various data structures to different types of algorithms used.
Complete SDE Love Babbar Complete DS ALGO in 450 Questions for serious SDEs.
Apna College SDE Apna College Around 400 DS Algo Problems to help for big interviews.
500 DSA Vivek Shrivastav 500 Data Structructes and Algorithm questions for Interview Prep.
NeetCode 150 NeetCode NeetCode's personal website, with leetcode problems, quizes and roadmaps to crack your interviews.
Interview100 arindal1 Top Interview Questions from LeetCode.

‣ SDE Interview Tips:

Performance Tips
Placement Calender
DP Roadmap
Improve DSA Skills
Google Interview Qs
Interview Question Patterns

‣ Great YouTube Channels:

Link Description
Tech With Tim Programming, software engineering, machine learning and everything tech.
Striver / TakeUForward In depth tutorials on DSA, programming, and tips about interviews and corporate world.
Derek Banas Maths, Programming, Coding, and many more different skills.
freeCode Camp Tutorials on topics of Pyhton, Java, Machine Learning, etc.
SyntaxFM Tutorials on different tech stacks.
Code with Harry From web development, to DS Algo, a lot of tutorials on different tech stacks and skills.
Apna College Tutorials on different programming languages, development, maths, and much more.
Coding Train Tutorials on foundational, intermediate, and advanced programming skills.
Academind Mostly Web Development, covers skills like Python, GitHub, and Bootstrap.
CS Dojo Development, programming, Python and more.
Net Ninja Over 2000 free programming tutorial videos about JavaScript, Node.js, React, etc.
Traversy Media Web development and programming tutorials for all of the latest web technologies from the building blocks to frontend frameworks.
New Boston Web development YouTube channel for learning programming languages and other modern tech.
Mosh Hamedani Tutorials of not only trending web languages but also of the emerging web technologies that are quickly gaining their ground in the development world.
DevTips Popular channel with several development tutorials, DevTips gives you the latest weekly videos on various languages.
Chris Coyier All those CSS lovers who want to master the front end scripting, this channel is recommended for them as it has got tons of videos covering several CSS topics.
Joseph Smith Newest frontend technologies, such as Node, Next.js, and others. For the beginners, the channel has some basic PHP, HTML, and CSS videos.
Neil Rowe From Bootstrap to Laravel essentials, Neil Rowe’s channel is a top YouTube source to learn advanced web development tips and tricks.
Hitesh Choudhary Various programming languages, primarily of the backend.
Naveed Ziarab Detailed tutorials on major backend frameworks and languages including Laravel, CodeIgniter, Java, C#/C++, and more.
Jesse Showalter Web and digital designing with complete ease. You will find some handy UI/UX designing tutorials on the channel that helps in elevating your skillset.
Joshua Fluke Different CS resources and lessons about corporate world.
Luba Yudasina Beginner lessons on coding, navigating the tech industry.

‣ Contributions:

Feel free to contribute! This open-source and programming community thrives from contributions, add anything that might help other fellow aspiring programmers and developers. Read for more details on commits, pull requests, and issues.

This repo was made for my own convenience and to help out my friends and juniors by gathering all the useful resources I knew of, but the more people it helps, the better :) I'll try and keep expanding this repo, and keep adding more info. Happy coding 🚀

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Curated collection of resources for developers, programmers and tech enthusiasts.

License:MIT License